Part 11

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Steven used his bubble to protect Lars and (Y/n) from the fall. The palanquin was broken into pieces. Steven moves some rubble off him and goes to Lars and (Y/n).
"Lars, (Y/n) are you guys okay?" Steven asked.
"Ow. Thanks to your bubble I think a little of my bones are broke." Lars replies.
"Yeah me too." Steven laughed. He turns to (Y/n). "(Y/n), how about you?"
"I'm fine, thank you." (Y/n) smiles at them. Soon her smile fades quickly. "Wait! Steven! Do you realize what you've done!"
Lars and Steven flinch at (Y/n)'s outburst.
"You've just angered two of the diamonds! You guys are in so much trouble!" (Y/n) tried to explain.
She was breathing rapidly. She didn't know what to do. This is something she's never been in. She looks around and saw she's in a part of Homeworld she didn't recognized.
"Dude, those giant ladies were furious at you!" said Lars.
"They're the diamonds. They've been after my mom for 6,000 years and now they're after me." Steven explained. "Come on we got to move."
Steven turns around and saw (Y/n) looking around curiously. "(Y/n), do you know the way out of here?"
(Y/n) slowly turns towards him. " be honest with you"
"What, but this planet is your home! You have to know the way out!" Lars started to panic.
"True this is my home, but I've never been out of my room much of my life." (Y/n) explained.
"Wow, that's a sad life."
"Tell me about it."
Steven decides to take the lead. He lead them both to an unknown part of Homeworld, even though they were getting lost. Lars then started to question on what they were going to eat. Steven suggested about eating rock, but (Y/n) didn't think it would be healthy to all of them. She wished she had some fruit from her tree. Lars stomach growled when Steven thought something was coming. Steven was right, a robonoid was behind them scramming it with its light. (Y/n) was shaken with fear she hid behind Lars.
"They found us!" Steven yelled. "Run!"
"Wait! If we stand perfectly still it won't see us. I saw it in a movie once." Lars explained.
As the three stayed still, the robonoid scans them. It found Steven's gem and tries to blast them. They were able to escape. As the three tried to catch their breath Lars explained that he was tried of being scared and being a coward he is.
"Don't beat yourself up Lars that's what the killer robots are for." Steven tried to comfort him.
"Steven's right, Lars. You shouldn't think negative of yourself." (Y/n) agreed.
"Quickly! Down here!" A voice spoke from a hole. An arm was signaling them to come with them.
"Steven! What if it's a trap?" Lars questioned.
"I don't think we have a choice!" Steven pulled both Lars and (Y/n) with him in the hole and block it with a huge rock. With fear trembling through their bodies, all three of them were hugging each other for comfort. They all sighed in relief when the robonoid left.
Lars pulls away first, "Close one, huh?"
(Y/n) lets out a nervous chuckle, "I never knew robonoids could be terrifying."
Steven laughs nervous, "Yeah, but who-."
"Don't worry." The figure moves closer towards them. "You're safe now. We're not going to hurt you."
Lars stand up with open arms. "Thank you! Who ever you-ahh!" Lars didn't finished his sentence since the mysterious figure's gem glow revealing herself, well two. They were startled by Lars's screams. Steven was able to calm him down. (Y/n) stared in awe, she's never seen gems like them before.
"Thank you for saving us." Steven thank them.
The twins moves closer towards them, "How bazaar. What are they? They certainly don't look like gems we've ever seen before."
Hearing above them was the robonoids. The twin gems lead the three towards the tunnels. Lars was afraid at first, but Steven convinced him that they may be different, but trustful.
They continued to walking deeper into the tunnel. Lars jokes about the place they were lead to was his kind of place and asked if there was food there. Once they've reached outside the tunnel, they saw they were inside a forgotten kindergarten.
"Woah! What is this place?" Lars asked.
"A kindergarten. A really, really big one." Steven answered.
"I've never seen a kindergarten before. All I've done is read about them." (Y/n) told them.
As they've reached their destination, the twins whistled. "We're back! Here we are! It's okay to come out!"
A rhodonite slowly appeared from a hole in the wall, "oh thank goodness! I hope you weren't followed. You weren't right? You doubled-check?" Rhodonite gasped at the three new visitors. "You've been followed!"
(Y/n) stared in awe at the fusion before her. She's never seen a fusion between a ruby and a pearl. It was...beautiful.
Steven tried to greet her, "Uh, hi. Don't worry I'm not a threat or anything."
"It's okay Rhodonite. Relax, we've brought them here. They're with us." The twins placed their hand on Steven's shoulders.
"Can we trust them?" questioned Rhodonite.
"Sure, I think so."
Soon a padparadscha walks from behind a wall. "Everyone, a wondrous vision has appeared before for me. The twins of rutile will bring three strangers to our current place of hiding."
"We know Padparadscha your prediction already happened." Said Rhodonite.
(Y/n) giggles at them. "I like them."
"They were being chased upon the surface by one of those horrible robonoids." The rutile twins explained.
"Don't tell me you tried to fight those things." Rhodonite began to get worried.
The twins waved their hand off, "No, no of course not. These three were about about to be scanned and we pulled them under. We were just in time."
"I wonder what would have happen if I didn't hide behind Lars when they were scanning us." (Y/n) thought out loud.
Rhodonite took a closer look at (Y/n) and screamed with panic. "You've guys brought (Y/n) Diamond with you?!"
"Woah relax I'm not going to hurt you." (Y/n) tried to calm down Rhodonite.
"How do we know that?" Rhodonite was shaking more.
"Because she's with us." Steven answers for her. (Y/n) and Steven exchanged a smile.
"Oh my! One of the strangers is (Y/n) Diamond!" Padparadscha shouts.
"" Another fusion appears, a fluorite.
Lars was startled and ran behind Steven, while (Y/n) eyes widen with adoration at the giant fusion in front of her.
"They...don'" Fluorite moves closer to them.
"That's what I said. I said the same thing." The twins spoke out.
"Hi, I'm Steven and I'm a gem, well half gem and this is Lars. His all human." Steven greeted.
"I'm (Y/n) Diamond. I'm also half gem." (Y/n) waves.
"That'" said Fluorite.
"We look unusual?!" Lars shouts  from behind Steven.
"Of course you do! You can't just walk around the surface like that! You two except for her are off color just like the rest of us." Rhodonite explained.
"What do you mean, off color." asked Steven.
"You know, wrong. Not right. Flawed." answered the twins.
"I don't see anything wrong with all of you. You all seem fine to me." said (Y/n).
"(Y/n) right. There's nothing wrong with you."
"'t...needed." Fluorite began to explain why they weren't needed. "Padparadscha...can...only...predict... things...that...just...happened."
"Here comes Fluorite!" Padparadscha just provided Fluorite's point.
"And a fusion like me is unforgivable." Rhodonite hugs herself. "When my-our Morganite found out let's just say we were replaced, but my story's nothing. How many gems are you now Fluorite."
"" said Fluorite.
The Rutile twins leans towards at the three, "And there us."
"You mean you're not a fusion?" questioned Steven.
The twins looked at each other, "We're just a rutile that came out wrong. We've survived, because the other rutiles ran away when we emerged. We've survived, because they were afraid of us."
Lars then understood more, "Afraid of you? So you've been hiding for your whole lives." He stands up. "What happens when they find you?"
"We'll be..." the twins couldn't finish their sentence. "Shattered." Padparadscha finishes for them.
"No! This can't be! I wouldn't allow you guys to be shattered just for being you!" (Y/n) shouted. She quickly covers her mouth when everyone was staring at her. Her cheeks turned red in embarrassment.
Just when things couldn't get any worse, the robonoids were closing in. Everyone began to panic. Everyone began to run and try to find a place to hide. The robonoids were scanning everything. (Y/n) hide with Steven and Lars. Steven tried to comfort them by saying it's okay to be afraid. Lars and (Y/n) nods in agreement. (Y/n) quickly summons her katana. "I'm not letting any gem getting shattered on my watch."
The three could see the twins hiding in one of the holes and surrounded. They held each other's hands, fearing they'll be found. Lars throws a rock ag the robonoids. They turn around and began to scan him. He said to himself that it's okay to be afraid. After the robonoids scanned him they left him alone.
"Oh my gosh! Lars they were trying to scan your gem! They can't see you at all." Steven finally understood how they worked.
"Alright looks like the tables have turned." Lars cheered.
Padparadscha walks up to Lars with glee, "Human Lars," Lars turns his head fast at the small gem next to him. "I have been possessed with the most marvelous vision. You, human Lars are gemless and will be safe from the robonoids. Which only target gems." She's too busy talking to Lars about her vision that she didn't notice a robonoid scanning her. The robonoid was about to blast her, Lars kicks the machine and it blasted the walls boulders coming falling and them. Lars carries Padparadscha away from the falling rocks. "I think that the coolest I've ever done in my life."
Steven and (Y/n) running toward them. (Y/n) knees towards them and check to see if they're unharmed.
"It's not over yet!" Steven has his shield in front of himself.
The robonoids scan them and found the three gems on their bodies. Just when they are about to blast them, Lars grabs one of the fallen rocks and smacks two of them away, but he misses them third one. (Y/n) runs up to one of them and slashed it in half, it explodes into piece. The third one blasts at Steven, but still was able to deflect the blast with his shield and the blast destroyed the other robonoid.
"Oh the shield is reflective." Padparadscha said as Steven lifts her up.
"Padparadscha come back! Hide!" Rhodonite shouts at her. Another robonoid was about to scan her gem when Lars come to her rescue by using himself to hide her gems.
Just them the robonoid turns around Lars grabs his rock ad jumps on the robonoid. It tries to shake him off and zaps everywhere as Lars hits it in its center. To make it stop Lars plunges his rock in to the robonoid. "Eat this!"
The robonoid explodes. Lars was knocked toward the wall where Fluorite was hiding. He falls to the ground, laying unconscious.
"Lars!" Steven and (Y/n) ran towards him.
The off colors were praisingLars for his bravery at Steven and (Y/n) tried to help him. Steven places his head on Lars's chest to hear a heartbeat, but he couldn't hear nothing. He gasp at this. Tears were forming from his eyes. (Y/n) shakes her head in despair, she lost a new friend. Tears were forming in her eyes as well, the off colors were being effected by her sadness. Steven held Lars close to him. His tears hit Lars's face and soon he was glowing. His hair and body turned entirely pink. Lars was able to move again. He moves his hand to his face. As he removes his hair from his face, he had a scar on his right eye.
"Woah, What happened?" Lars groans in pain.
"Oh my, something incredible is going to happen Lars!" Padparadscha vision was already too late.

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