Part 24

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The ship was crashing towards a near by planet. Stevonnie and (Y/n) tried everything to make it stop and fly straight again. The screen popped out and Lars was on the line "That did it! Emerald is on the run!"
Lars! We're hit! Nothing's working!" Stevonnie cried in distress.
"What?! Hold on! What is your course we'll try-!" Lars was cut off. The screen turned off.
"What is wrong with you ship?!" (Y/n) yelled as she was pressing some buttons. The screen turned red and showed the damage the ship has taken. "Oh, apparently everything."
"Well, at least the display works." Just as Stevonnie said that the display shuts down.
"Way to jinx you two!" (Y/n) said sarcastically.
The ship was surrounded by fire as the were hitting the atmosphere. The speed was increasing and they were losing more control of the ship.
"I can't pull up! We're going to crash!" Stevonnie tried to pull the wheel up.
"Brace yourselves!" (Y/n) screamed.
They ship was heading to a gigantic tree. Stevonnie and (Y/n) hugged each other and screamed in fear as they were heading towards the tree. Just as the ship crashes, Stevonnie and (Y/n) were saved by the pink bubble around them. Just as the bubble popped, they saw that the ship was in pieces and on fire.
"Are you guys okay?" (Y/n) asked.
"Yeah, we're fine. How about you?" Stevonnie replied.
"I'm good. Nothing broken."
They looked around and saw they were on an unfamiliar planet. The two began to walk and try to find some help. As they were exploring, they looked up to the sky and saw a plant in piece. The soon heard a strange noise. It was the ship's radio.
Stevonnie ran up to it, "Hello! This is Star Skipper calling Sun Incinerator! It's Stevonnie and (Y/n). Steven, Connie, and (Y/n)! We're stranded! We need help!"
Stevonnie tried and tried up the radio was too broken for anyone to reach for help. It was their best chance. Stevonnie began to panic. (Y/n) tried to talk to them by saying that Lars will find them soon and he won't give up on them. Just before things got more interesting, a strange alien jumps up from some bushes and growls at them.
"What the heck is that?!" (Y/n) yelled.
"An alien!" Stevonnie gasped.
The creature screeched at them and leaps into the air as it tried to attack. Stevonnie was able to stop it by slashing it in half. Then the most bizarre thing happened, the creature grew legs and walks away, but not without growling at them first.
"Well that was intense." (Y/n) sweat dropped.
"Well glad there okay." Stevonnie said.
Then Stevonnie thought of something, "If life can thrive here, then so can we."
(Y/n) nodded in agreement, "You're right, we just have to hold out until Lars finds us."
Stevonnie used their sword and stabbed the corpse, "Until then, we survive."

So for a while the three were surviving on their own. Making shelter, finding food and water, and interacting with wild life on the strange planet. Stevonnie then started to shave. (Y/n) would find some local flowers and braid them into her hair. She made flower necklaces for Stevonnie. Something just to have fun.
"Come on we have to! We're out of energy bars!" Stevonnie whined. "But, it's too cute!"
"I can't eating anything like that either!" (Y/n) screeched. "It's just to cute!"
They were arguing about whether to eating the bird blob Alien or not. Just as they were a bigger alien appears behind them and growls at them. Stevonnie and (Y/n) ran away from it. They were able to out run the creature and hide from it in an old abandoned building. After the creature left in frustration, Stevonnie and (Y/n) looked at the building curiously.
"Have I been here before?" Stevonnie asked themselves. "No, that's ridiculously."
"This place seem familiar." (Y/n) muttered. "I think we should camp here tonight."
Stevonnie nods and begins to set up camp. Stevonnie flopped into their hammock. (Y/n) did too. They both laughed at their wildness.
"Goodnight, Stevonnie."
"Goodnight, (Y/n)."

Stevonnie and (Y/n) wake up to find themselves in Connie home. They were confused at first, until Connie mother emerged from the rug taking to someone on the phone. They way she was talking, it sounded familiar to (Y/n).
"Yes, I know there is organic life on the surface. It's an invasion." Connie's mother spoke on the phone.
"Hey, mom! What are you talking about?!" Stevonnie yelled.
"You will stick my orders and you will destroy them!" Connie's mother ordered.
"I hate it when she ignores me." Stevonnie muttered.
'The way she talks, it sounds like...someone I know.'
(Y/n) walks up to her and saw she walks more, she didn't noticed that she was growing larger.
"(Y/n)! How are you growing?!" Stevonnie yelled.
(Y/n) looked at herself and saw that not only did she grew, but her shirt was growing longer. Long as a dress. Stevonnie climbs up the couch and jumps towards (Y/n) and Connie's mother. Just as Stevonnie jumps up to Dr Maheswaran and yelled what she was doing. Dr Maheswaran opens her eyes. They were yellow with diamond pupils.
"Honey, please. Give me a moment." Dr Maheswaran took Stevonnie off of herself. Then everything turned into a throne room. Dr Maheswaran was now dressed up as Yellow Diamond. Stevonnie turned around and saw that (Y/n) grew into the size of Yellow Diamond. She had her Blue Diamond's dress with her hood on. She was standing next to Yellow.
Stevonnie looked around and squealed in excitement, "Woah! Cool!"
"Yellow! Blue!" Stevonnie called out "Hey, Yellow. Hey, Blue."
"Hello there." (Y/n) smiled fondly.
Yellow looked annoyed, "Oh you're still here."
"What are you doing?" Stevonnie asked.
"Yellow is commanding the drop ships to colonize this planet." (Y/n) explained with a smile.
"I want to command a drop ship!" Stevonnie screamed.
"Well, when you have your own colony you could command whatever you want." Yellow said.
"I want a colony!" Stevonnie whined.
Yellow just ignored her and continued her work.
"I want one now!"
Stevonnie looked at the screen curiously, "What's this?"
"She's contacting the leader of the fleet." (Y/n) said.
Stevonnie's eyes turned to diamonds, "Let me do it!" Stevonnie began to play with the screen. Yellow grabbed Stevonnie's arm roughly. "Don't touch that!"
"Yellow! Be gentle!" (Y/n) scolded.
"Why, not! You two have many worlds and I don't even have one! It's not fair! I want one!" Stevonnie stomped their feet. "I want my own army! I want my own planet! I'm just as important as you guys!"
Yellow stands from her throne, "Then why don't you act like it, Pink!" Yellow growled.
Stevonnie stomped away angrily. (Y/n) looked at Stevonnie sorrowfully. She turned her turn toward Yellow. "You shouldn't be so hard on her."
"Well, she need to learn how to act like a Diamond."
(Y/n) turned towards Stevonnie and saw her reflection. The reflection of Punk Diamond. With frustration, Pink diamond pushed the glass wall.

Stevonnie and (Y/n) wake up from fright.
"Guys did you just dreamed about-?"
"The Diamonds? Yeah." Stevonnie interrupts her. "Why know? Why here?"
The two of them walked deeper into the and saw that this building is like the moon base orbiting the Earth. This place used to be a colony. This is where all three of them Diamonds were. (Y/n) grabbed them touch screen and entered in the pattern. Just as the screen was open. It had all the files of the colony and a selfie of Yellow Diamond and her pearl. (Y/n) laughed at the picture while Stevonnie shutters in awkwardness. As they were searching, they found Lars ship. They were able to contact him and tell him their location. Just as they were in the clear the bird blob alien came back.
"Hello bird blob, our old friend." Stevonnie laughed nervously.  The creature tried to break in, but the Sun Incinerator was able to scare it away.
"Ha! Looks like we've save your butts." Lars bragged, "Now lets get you guys home through my head.
"Yeah, I think I'm ready to go home." Stevonnie sighed in relief.
Stevonnie walked towards the ship. Just as (Y/n) was about to walk with them, she stopped and saw something that caught her eyes. The Diamond Communicator. Without anyone noticing, she quickly grabbed it and hide it.  

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