Part 25

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"Come on! Work you stupid thing!"
(Y/n) was sitting on the couch as she was trying to get the Diamond Channel on. She tried and tried to communicate with the Diamonds. She had a plan to call the Diamonds and explain to them why the Earth shouldn't be destroyed.
"(Y/n), what are you doing?"
(Y/n) was startled by the voice behind her that she nearly dropped her object. She quickly hid it behind her back.
"Me? I'm not doing anything!" (Y/n) wore a nervous smile.
"What's that you got there?" Amethyst asked.
(Y/n) knew that she couldn't keep this secret for long. So, she sighed and showed them the Diamond line. They were shocked at first, but (Y/n) soon explained her plan.
"Are you sure that will work?" Pearl questioned.
"I know it will work! They will listen to me!" (Y/n) explained.
"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's help (Y/n) fixing the Diamond communicator thingy!" Steven exclaimed.
Since Pearl is the brains of the this operation, she listened the items she needed to build something that could support the communication from Earth to Homeworld. But, since the barn's gone they had to find another place for items. Everyone thought for a moment until (Y/n) had an idea. She asked to borrow Lion for a little. Steven agreed and let's (Y/n) take Lion.
Lion teleported to the abandoned gem colony ship. (Y/n) petted Lion's mane as she entered the ship. The doors opens and she saw the Centipeetles were crawling towards her. They cooed at her as she petted them.
"It's good to see you guys too." (Y/n) smiled. "Do you guys have any working items I could use to create a communicator?"
The Centipeetles looked at each other and lead (Y/n) to the control room. (Y/n) still remembers the day Steven told her about what happened to the corrupted gems and what the Cluster is made of.

Steven and the gems were taking (Y/n) to meet the Centipeetles.
"So what are these gems like Steven?" (Y/n) asked.
" just have to see for yourself." Steven answered nervously.
She was confused why Steven was acting strangely. As the five of them entered the abandoned ship, (Y/n) could see the three Centipeetles. She looked at them curiously. Steven opened a bag of chip and fed them. He even let (Y/n) fed them too. After feeding them chips, Garnet explained how the Centipeetles became this way, because of the Diamonds.
"The Diamonds did this to them?" (Y/n) was shocked. Her mother never mentioned anything like this to her.
"Is there anything else Mother never told me about?!" (Y/n) yelled in frustration.
"Did she tell you what the Cluster is made of?" Pearl asked. (Y/n) shook her head. "Well, it's made of a lot of gem shards." Amethyst explains.
(Y/n) walked towards the Centipeetle she pets it's fur, "I'm sorry this happened to you and your friends, but I promise to help Steven and the Crystal Gems find a cure."
The Centipeetle crackled at her and nuzzled closed to her.
End of flashback.

(Y/n) was grabbing the items the Centipeetles had lead her. She thanked them and went outside. Before she left on Lion, she stopped a piece of old scrap metal on a tree.
"Maybe I could use that for the project." (Y/n) climes the tree. Right before she could reach she hear chirping. She looked and saw that the scrap metal has a next built on it and in it was three baby birds. (Y/n) looked at the baby birds with adoration. She couldn't take the scrap metal off the nest, it's part of the birds home now. She climb off the tree and walked towards Lion.
"That's Earth for you, always finding a way to use old stuff for a better purpose."
(Y/n) returned to the house and brought the items to everyone. She even told them about the birds. Pearl was about to warp there and get it, but (Y/n) was able to stop her. She explained that its part of the nest. Everyone was confused at this, but (Y/n) had an idea.
"Follow me."
(Y/n) lead them outside and began to sing to them.

Take a look around
And see the world we think we know
Then look closer
There's more to life than meets the eye
A beauty to behold
It's all much bigger than we know
It's only just beginning to unfold
So let it all unfold

(Y/n) took them to outside and found piece of Peridot's old ship they have forgotten and saw how lots of plants and animals have made it into their own home. Soon she lead them to the ocean.

Far beyond all reason in your mind
There's a world mysterious
There for you to find
All these questions
That we always have
All we are is curious
There's nothing wrong with that
So go 'round every corner
Search every part of the sky
'Cause a life that's full of wonder
Is a wonderful life

Amethyst turned herself into a boat and brought everyone into the sea. They could see whales swimming near them. At the bottom they could see the fish swimming in the coral reef and dolphins splashing and swimming with them.

Dig beneath the surface
Find the lessons there to learn
And then dig deeper
Feed your intuition
Don't leave any stone unturned
Be the seeker of the truth
Listen when you hear it calling you
You know it's calling you

Steven made a bubble for him and (Y/n) to see inside the coral. Deep inside were some old gem building now used for home of sea creatures. Covered in seaweed, coral and other sea life attached to it. The rise of to the surface and went to explore more.

Far beyond all reason in your mind
There's a world mysterious
There for you to find
All these questions that we always have
All we are is curious
There's nothing wrong with that
So go 'round every corner
Search every part of the sky
'Cause a life that's full of wonder
Is a wonderful life
Is a wonderful life
Is a wonderful life
Is a wonderful life

(Y/n) took them to forest where they were sliding on the grass with Amethyst was a fun sleigh. Everyone was laughing and having fun. She found other items of old gem technology that are now used to house plants as it grows around them. On one of the petals, it's hold chrysalis. It began to move and finally the butterfly has hatched and flies away. Leaving in it's beauty.

And the answers are far away
Look closer
Look closer
Look closer
Look closer

Everyone was back to the beach as they looked at the sunset, which concludes (Y/n) song.

"I never imaged so many life on Earth would used our old gem stuff for a better purpose." Pearl was  astonished.
"Thank you for showing us (Y/n)." Garnet patted (Y/n)'s head. (Y/n) smiled.
"With that explore, we found so much junk to make the communicator thingy." Amethyst said as she and Steven were holding some items.
"Let's start building, guys!" Steven cheered.
'I hope that Mother would listen to reason.' (Y/n) prayed.'

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