Part 8

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(Y/n) was with Yellow Diamond. She was helping Yellow organize something special for Blue Diamond. To find more humans. Yellow was looking at the last report of Peridot Facet-2F5L Cut 5XG. In her report, there were more humans in the earth. A Connie, Sadie, Lars, a mailman, my dad, and a Onion maybe. (Y/n) was really confused of what an Onion maybe and mailman was. The other humans might be names for them. She shared her thoughts with Yellow and all she said that maybe there could be some new species of humans. (Y/n) just went along with it. Yellow Diamond calls in an aquamarine with two topaz guards.
The three gems bow down to the diamonds in front of them. "My diamonds. I have been requested to be in your presence am I correct?"
"Yes, you are. I have summoned you to go to earth and collect six humans and bring them to the human zoo." Yellow explains.
"Of course, my diamond. I'll be sure to gather all of them and bring them to the zoo." Aquamarine bows again and leave with the topaz guards.

After a while, (Y/n) was continuing her training outside of her room. She stops for a minute and thinks back at the humans that will come to the zoo.
'Was this right? Was it right to take away the humans that live on earth?' (Y/n) was trapped in her thoughts. She still questioned herself about let Steven and Greg leave the zoo. She didn't know what to do now. She even questioned about the dream she had not too long along.

(Y/n) opens her eyes and saw that she was not on Homeworld again. She was in this weird machine that was digging in the earth's crust. Right next to her was a Peridot. As they were digging deeper in the earth she could see the Cluster. Too many gem shards were merged together. Seeing this made (Y/n) sweat in fear.
'Was this the Cluster that my mother and aunts made?! It's-it's monstrous!' (Y/n) screamed in her head.
The clusters was about to burst out, but it didn't. Instead it was trapping itself in a bubble.
(Y/n) open her eyes and she was back in her room.
'What was that all about?'
End of flashback

(Y/n) was brought at her thoughts when she heard her name being called out. She saw that White Diamond's pearl was right behind her. "(Y/n) Diamond, White Diamond has asked for you."
"O-Oh, of course. I'll come." (Y/n) puts her sword away and walks with Pearl.
(Y/n) still was scared of what aunt White did to her pearl. Sometimes she would get scared of just visiting her.

"(Y/n)! I'm so glad you came!" White cheers.
"Yeah, it's great to be here aunt White. So, is there any reason why you call for me?" (Y/n) asks.
"Yes there is. I want you to attack me." White replies.
(Y/n)'s eyes widen at this request. "Um... come again?"
"I want you to attack me. Just one try. I want to see how much you've improved in your training."
(Y/n) was scared of what might happen, but she had to listen. She takes a deep breath and pull out her sword from her gem. She gets ready and next thing she knew she jumps high and readies to strike White. White Diamond's smile became to grow bigger, She raises her hand and a white glow appears from it. The white light blasts towards (Y/n), causing her to collide to the wall. (Y/n) weakly raises up and holds her arm. She slowly removes her hand and lefts her dress sleeve. Her eyes widen more at the sight. Her upper arm was white with a huge crack over it. Tears appear on her eyes. She looks up at White and saw that her powers had not affect on her.
"Oh dear. It looks like you have to try again, my little blue." White says.
"B-But aunt got to fix this! Please!" (Y/n) cries.
White Diamond smiles at the young human-gem, "I can't little blue. This is a reminder that you must train harder. And maybe you could try to heal yourself with your powers."
(Y/n) had more tears coming out of her eyes. Tears of fear. With the strength she had left, she walks out.

(Y/n) was in her room trying to heal herself, but so far it wasn't enough. All she had left was a small patch of white with a crack over it. She couldn't do it anymore. Crying from frustration, she slowly pulls down her dress sleeve and lays down on her bed. Crying herself to sleep.

"My diamond. My diamond, please wake up." (Y/n) wakes up and saw her mother's pearl near her. She rubs her eyes to get the sleepiness out of her. "What is it pearl?"
"My diamond, your mother has requested you to join the trail of Rose Quartz."

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