Part 26

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"Done." Pearl wipes the sweat off her forehead. "It's taken us two days, but we've done it!"
"Now we just have to start it." (Y/n) grabbed the direct line to the Diamonds and placed it on the communicator supporter.
Pearl added some finishing touches and finally they found a signal. Garnet ordered everyone to hide, because the Diamonds would see them. Everyone took their hiding places and waited. The static was beginning to clear up and showed her mother and aunt's pearls.
"This is the Blue Diamond control room." Blue pearl said.
"Hi, guys!" (Y/n) waved.
"(Y/n) Diamond! It's really you!" Yellow pearl exclaimed.
"My Diamond, it's (Y/n) Diamond!" Blue pearl called out.
Within seconds Blue Diamond and Yellow Diamond appears on the screen.
"(Y/n)! My little one!" Blue cried.
"Oh thank the stars you're alright!" Yellow sighed in relief.
"I'm fine don't worry." (Y/n) said. "I have something to tell you." The Diamonds moved closer to the screen. "I think we should leave the Earth alone."
"What?" Yellow questioned.
"The Earth is amazing! I've seen life on it and how humans are. The planet is precious and everything on it. We can't destroy it!" (Y/n) explained.
"(Y/n)." Blue gasped.
"Are you mad?!" Yellow yelled.
(Y/n) flinches at her aunt out burst. She took a step back out of fear.
"That planet caused nothing, but trouble and the pain it cause to us!" Yellow justified.
"But aunt Yellow-."
"That's enough, (Y/n)!" Blue screamed at her daughter.
(Y/n) silenced herself. Her mother never yelled at her before. She wasn't so sure what to say now.
"This behavior of your's is not a proper Diamond behavior." Blue spoke.
"You're acting like those rebellious Crystal Gems. It's their fault that Pink is gone!" Yellow roared. "You're not acting like a Diamond."
(Y/n) clinches her fist, "Maybe it's because I'm not a Diamond." She raises her head, "I'm still a human!"
"We know that." Yellow said quietly.
"You truly disappointed me, (Y/n). Why did I ever find you?" Blue gasped at her own words. The harsh words at her daughter.
(Y/n) gasped at her mother's harsh tone. Her eyes were flooded with tears. The words struck to her heart like an arrow finding its target.
"If you were that ashamed of me...then you should have let me died a hundred years ago!!!" (Y/n) tears streamed down her eyes. "You should have let the illness due me in!"
"Maybe we should have!" Blue and Yellow scream, but regretted.
"I should have been gone with my parents along time ago..."
(Y/n) summoned her katana and slashed the communicator to piece. She continued to destroy the machine until their was nothing left. She wanted to let her pain out. (Y/n) fell to her knees and wails in pain and sadness. Steven rans up to her and hugs her in comfort.
"I'm sorry, (Y/n)." Steven apologized.
The others knees down and pulled each other into a conformation hug. (Y/n) feels them wrapped their arms around her. She sniveled as she tried to hush her blues away.

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