Part 98

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It was night in Beach City. The Diamond Cousins were walking back to the house to see that there was a party going on inside the house. They all gasped in excitement. "All right! Now that we've saved the universe... We can finally party!" Steven cheered. His cousins cheered in excitement. They all ran towards the house. Since Starla is a bit slow, Xipilli put her on his shoulders to help her out. Once they got there, they saw from the window that their friends were inside having a blast. Steven was about to open the door, but it suddenly disappeared. (Y/n) began to bang on the wall. "Hey, what's going on!? We want to party too!" Xipilli puts Starla down as she ran towards the wall. "Please let us in" She begged.
"Steven, (Y/n), Xipilli, Starla. No one needs your help, so why are you all still here?" The cousins looked up at the statue above the house to see that it was a Cookie Cat face instead as it spoke in a deep voice. The cousins were so startled that they screamed as they fell of the house.
The cousins woke up gasping to see that they were inside the house. Xipilli looked over at his cousins. "Same dream?" He gasped as they nodded at him. "Why do we keep having these horrible dreams?" Steven asked. Even his cousins didn't have the answer to why.
"STEVEN! (Y/N)! XIPILLI! STARLA!" They heard a certain gem's voice. "Peridot?" The cousins were in joy. They went to go open the door to find Peridot with popcorn and sodas in her hands. She kicks her feet happily. "STEVEN, (Y/N), XIPILLI, STARLA!!!~ Today is the day! Did guys you tape it?" She asked happily. "Tape what? What are you talking about?" Xipilli asked with mischief. "You guys promised me!" Peridot began to look depressed. "Oh, are you talking about the reboot of the classic great northern teen drama Camp Pining Hearts that I recorded... on this tape?" Steven smirked as he pulled out the tape. Peridot gasped in excitement. "The return of Camp Pining Hearts!" Peridot and the Diamond Cousins cheered.
They all went to Steven's room and he put on the tape. "You know, I'm so glad you're here. I've been having some weird dreams lately-" Peridot covers Steven's mouth. "Shh! That's great, now press play you monster!" Starla grabs a popcorn bag and happily eats it. The Camp Pining Hearts theme song begins to play as it reveals new characters to the show. As they were watching the show... let's just say that the show isn't exactly what they were hoping for.
"wha...what...WHAT HAVE THEY DONE?!?!" Everyone screamed out of horror and shock. "What is with this Rodrigo guy!? He has no charisma!" Peridot yells. "This is not like the other Camp Pining Hearts!" Starla used her sign language to communicate as her voice came from her gem. "What exactly what were we watching!!!" (Y/n) pulled on her hair. "This is wrong! So wrong!" Xipilli growled. "And can we talk about this cinematography?" Steven was also in shock.
"GAHHHH! They've changed all the characters, and I don't care about any of them!" Peridot lifts up the tv. "How could you do this to me?! Camp Pining Hearts helped me escape when everything around me was in chaos." She began to sob. "CPH brought us together." Steven teared up. "You guys taught us CPH when we got to Earth." Xipilli frowned as Starla hugged her oldest cousin.
"And now... LOOK AT THIS NIGHTMARE!" Peridot yells when suddenly the tv changes into the cousins' dream. "Steven! (Y/n)! Xipilli! Starla! You guys didn't tell me that they cast you!" Peridot smiled. "What? No, they didn't!" (Y/n) went over to see the tv. "I-Is this... our dream from last night?" Steven asked as he took a closer look. The tv began to show everything that happened to the cousins in their dream before it turns back on into the Camp Pining Hearts show. "Whoa! Our-Our powers must be interfering with the TV signal!" Steven told. "Guys! Do you know what this means?!" Peridot asked with a huge smile. "We have to start wearing tinfoil hats?" Steven pointed at his head. "I want to wear one!" Starla raised her hand. "NO! It means that if we can put YOUR dreams on the television, we can reboot the reboot!" Peridot explains. "Wait, you we can- Peridot! You little, green genius, you!" (Y/n) hugged Peridot. "I know." Peridot smiled proudly as (Y/n) lets her go. "And, well, it might be fun to fix something that isn't the entire universe," Steven said as his cousin nodded in agreement. Peridot grabs the cousins in a huddle. "This is going to be the beginning of Peridot, Steven, (Y/n), Xipilli, and Starla productions!" The cousins cheered with her until they accidentally collapsed on her.
Later that day, Peridot and the cousin were discussing what their reboot would be like as they had everything ready on a board. "Hey, Peridot. Do you think that Jasmine should be with Khaz or Rodrigo?" (Y/n) tapped on her chin in thought. "The writers are clearly trying to railroad us into a "Jasdrigo" partnership, but- Gah! These characters have no chemistry!" Peridot exclaims. "Man, you're going hardcore on Rodrigo." Xipilli smiled as he crossed his arms. "He's SO infuriatingly passive!" Peridot yells again. "Hey! Hey! I get that his social anxiety and poutine allergy aren't really connected to the larger story, but maybe if he just had some kind of foil?" Steven tried to reason. "A foil. Interesting." Now Peridot was interested.
"We got it!" Steven and Xipilli grabbed some paper and began to draw. "Hunky lifeguard friends with nice muscles and everyone always wants to hang out with them. Despite the blessing and curse of their popularity, they still make time to help buddy Rodrigo with his confidence!" Xipilli and Steven showed Peridot and the girls their drawings of new characters named Stefan and Xander. "Bold. I like it! Good work, Stefan and Xander!" Peridot gave them a thumbs up. She turns her focus on Jasmine. "Now, I think Jasmine might be missing a foil too." She said.
(Y/n) and Starla got thinking until they got an idea. "We thought of something!" (Y/n) and Starla began to do their own drawings. "Two beautiful camp counselors who love to help everyone around them and everyone loves them. Even though their beauties can be both a blessing and curse, they still find time to have a girls' day with Jasmine." (Y/n) and Starla handed their drawings. Their names were (C/n) and Stella. Starla's characters look at least 14 while her cousins' characters look a little older. "This is perfect! Nice going, (C/n) and Stella." She winked at them.
((C/n) means characters name)
It was finally night and Peridot was getting the tv ready. She turns towards the cousins. "Why are you all eating right at bedtime?" She asked. The cousins were in their pajamas as they were eating. "Oh, this chili? I read that eating spicy foods before bed makes your dreams super vivid." Steven explains. "And this chili is really good too!" Starla continues to eat more. "Huh, I appreciate your initiative." Peridot smiled. "Thanks." The cousins smiled back. As they were getting ready for bed, Peridot walked closer to them. "Just don't forget." She began to whisper to them. "Action-oriented storytelling."
Inside their dream, it takes place in Camp Pining Hearts; (C/n) and Stella were seen walking toward Jasmine as she had a bird in her hand. "Hey, Jasmine. Stella and I hear that you love birds." (C/n) smiled. "Sure!" Jasmine giggles. "Well, a little birdie told us that there is an island with rare birds just down the stream." Stella used sign language to communicate. Jasmine gasped in excitement as she turn towards her bird. "Did you hear that? Thanks, (C/n). Thanks, Stella. You guys are the best." (C/n) and Stella smiled at her as they gave her a wink.
The scene changes to Rodrigo reading as Stefan and Xander were walking toward him. "Hey, Rodrigo. This is terrible. Jasmine is in danger!" Stefan told. "W-What?" Rodrigo gasped. "It's true! She's in danger! She's heading towards an island of dangerous birds. But we can save her by going downstream!" Xander explains. "Okay! Thanks, Stefan. Thanks, Xander. You guys are the best." Rodrigo said. Stefan and Xander smiled at him.
Later, the scene changes to find all the Dream cousins joining to save Jasmine. Stefan and Xander told (C/n) and Stella their plan is working so all they had to do is "save" Jasmine. Now they were in their own canoes as they try to get to Jasmine first before she gets to the island. "Thanks, you guys. You're such great people!" Rodrigo thanked. "Oh, no need to thank us. You're a great person too, you know. After all, you're great enough for Jasmine." (C/n) smiled. "What?" Rodrigo asked nervously. "I can tell from the way she looks at you. Huh?" Stefan stopped talking when he and his cousin noticed the Diamonds, but Blue was a dolphin, Yellow was a pineapple, and White was just showing her large feet. "Stefan! (C/n)! Xander! Stella! What's happening to you guys?!" Rodrigo's eyes widen. The cousins saw that they turned back to normal in their dream as they began to glow pink, blue, yellow, and white. "OH, NO! NOT AGAIN!" The cousins cried out as they exit their dream.
The cousins gasped as they woke up from their strange dream. Peridot quickly went up to them in excitement. "Steven! (Y/n)! Xipilli! Starla! You guys did it! You four just fell asleep and you all started glowing pink, blue, yellow, and white. And then the TV went on the fritz, and then- Oh, I'll just show you!" Peridot went to the tv and turns it on. "Our script, our story! I watched the whole thing live! Not sure what you guys were going for at the end there. That was pretty bizarre, but for a first attempt... guys?"
The cousins were still in shock from the dream they had. "Oh, sorry. We're just feeling a little off. Guess maybe the chili was a bad idea." Steven spoke. "I think chili was made for having bad dreams instead of weird ones." Xipilli shook his head. Peridot walked over to them. "Eh, don't worry about it. Our budget is nothing, and our schedule is infinite." (Y/n) smiled. "Yeah, you're right. We can just do the dream over again until we get it right." Peridot handed them pillows. "Less talking, more sleeping." The cousins did what she said and quickly fell back asleep.
Back in the Camp Pining Hearts dream. Stefan, (C/n), Xipilli, and Starla were back in the river with Rodrigo. When they looked over at him, they didn't see Rodrigo, they saw Dogcopter instead and he flies away. They cried as he flies away. The Diamond cousin woke up to see that Peridot wasn't satisfied so they went back to sleep. They tried again, but this time it shows Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl as they flew away. The cousins woke up again and Peridot was still wasn't satisfied, so they fell back asleep again. In the dream, it seemed normal at first until it shows Spinel's injector in the background. Rodrigo saw that Stefan has turned into baby Steven, (C/n) had turned into (Y/n) looking very sick with her illness as she has a coughing fit, Xander turning into Xipilli who was wearing the same clothes when he invaded Earth, and Stella turned into Stella who looking dirty and wore the same clothing before her mother found her. The cousins woke up one more time to see Peridot looking disappointed at the tv.
The next morning, the Diamond cousins were in the kitchen having some cereal for breakfast. As they were eating together. Peridot slammed a stack of paper on the table. "I've come to the conclusion that we keep failing because we're relying on a script when we should've taken a more visual approach. So I've prepared this storyboard for you four." Peridot proudly said. "Did you stay up all night just to draw everything?" Xipilli raised an eyebrow. "Well, duh! I'm good at everything. Study these boards in preparation for this re-dream." Peridot smiled. "Okay, sure. Wow, this is really cool, Peridot." (Y/n) grabbed one of the pictures. "Thank you!" As they were looking through the picture Steven was confused about one where it showed Stefan kissing Jasmine. "Hey, Peridot, why is Stefan kissing Jasmine?" Xipilli pulls out another picture where Xander looked defeated. "And what's this about?"
"It's perfect, right? Just as Rodrigo is about to swoop in and save his teenage dream, he stumbles upon..." Peridot gasped loudly. "Stefan! His good friend whom he trusts so much... kissing Jasmine after he defeated Xander in a fist fight... thus stoking the fire of Rodrigo's jealousy! That is where Stella ushers (C/n) to comfort the poor soul and steal his heart."
"So that explains the picture of (C/n) hugging Rodrigo." (Y/n) sweat dropped. Starla looks over at the picture (Y/n) was holding. "I can't do Rodrigo "dirty" like that!" Steven explains. "Also, I don't want to fight anyone!" Xipilli frowned. "And I don't want to take advantage of someone in that kind of emotional state!" (Y/n) was worried about this scene. "This doesn't seem right." Starla also joined in. "Whoa, guys. Hold on. You're all talking about them like they're real people. It's just a story. And a story needs conflict." Peridot tried to reason. "No! We can't do this!" Steven exclaims as his cousins agreed with him. "Look, guys, you all seem pretty agitated. Let's just call this whole thing off." Peridot said. "What?" The cousins were confused. "There's no point if you're all gonna get all worked up over it. I should probably be getting back to Little Homeworld anyway." Peridot sighs as she begins to walk away. The cousins stopped her. "... No! Wait! We'll do it."
Back in the Camp Pining Hearts dream, Stefan and Xander show up to warn Rodrigo about Jasmine. "Hey, Rodrigo. This is terrible. Jasmine is in danger!" Stefan told. "W-What?" Rodrigo gasped. "It's true! She's in danger! She's heading towards an island of dangerous birds. But we can save her by going downstream!" Xander explains. "Okay! Thanks, Stefan. Thanks, Xander. You guys are the best." Rodrigo said. Stefan and Xander smiled at him. The scene changed to (C/n) and Stella along with Rodrigo in the river to go "save" Jasmine. "Wow, Stefan and Xander are such great. Rodrigo gasped at what he saw. It was Xander looking defeated and Stefan was close to kissing Jasmine. "What?!... Stefan! How could you?!" Rodrigo was about to go away, until (C/n) stopped him. She turned to see Stella encouraging her. "Oh, Rodrigo. My heart breaks for you, but don't worry you can be with me until your heart heals." (C/n) was close to kissing him, but paused when Rodrigo turned into Sour Cream and he turns into the Diamonds' combined spaceship. (C/n) and Stella turned back into (Y/n) and Starla as Sour Cream grew bigger. The same thing happened to Stefan and Xander, who turned back into Steven and Xipilli to see Jasmine turn into Connie as she grew into Obsidian. Both giants were about to squish them, but the cousins woke up from fright.
The cousins look around to see that they were back in the house. They saw Peridot by the tv, so they walked up to her. "...Peridot? Peridot! Come on, we gotta stop! Are you listening to us? Why won't you look at us?!" Seeing that Peridot didn't respond, Steven turns her around to find that her gem and visor were filled with SMPTE color bars. They gasped as they shut their eyes and ears from the sudden static noise. When they opened their eyes, they found themselves outside the house and their pajamas turned into their regular clothes. "Peridot, where are you!? Peridot!" (Y/n) shouts for Peridot, but no response. The four cousins quickly ran until they found the house where a party was going on like in their last dream. They saw Peridot walking towards the house. "Peridot! Wait!" Steven shouts as he and his cousins ran after her. "Stop! Don't go in there! Please! We still really want to hang out with you!" Steven explains, but suddenly the doors and windows disappeared. The cousins were confused when suddenly a trapped door appeared below them. They quickly jumped out of the way. To keep Starla from falling, (Y/n) held her close. "Peridot! Please!" Starla begged as she gripped on (Y/n) tighter. Suddenly the house turned into a glitch over SMPTE color bars. "We've always had something to fix together! The Cluster, the Diamonds, or Spinel! We don't think we know how to be friends without something to fix! But we-we just can't do it anymore! We're so tired. Now we're even doing it in our dreams!" Steven explains. Then he and his cousins began to cry. "We're sorry we can't do this for you! Please don't leave...! Don't... Leave..."
Then suddenly, everything goes black. The only thing that they can hear is Peridot calling out to them. Once they opened their eyes, they found themselves crying as Peridot looks at the with a worried face. "Steven, (Y/n), Xipilli, Starla! I saw everything! It's fine! We don't have to do this anymore. I don't care about the show, and I definitely don't care about Rodrigo! Ugh, I'm such a clod!" Peridot pulls the four of them into a much-deserved hug. She begins to cry too. "No, you're not, Peridot! The problem was us! We didn't know what to do!" (Y/n) begins to sob more. "(Y/n)'s right! We really wanted to spend time with you! We just wanted an excuse to hang out." Steven told with tears in his eyes. "We don't need an excuse to hang out." Peridot lets go of them. "Then how about we just watch CPH? Even though it sucks" Xipilli weakly smiles. Peridot lets out a laugh as she removes her visor. "Of course."
Back in Steven's room, everyone continued to watch CPH. They were eating popcorn together as they laughed at how bad the storyline is. "Jasmine, you just buried a body in the woods, and now you're mad that Rodrigo cheated at cards?" Peridot laughs. "How can she be made about that!?" Starla giggles. "Man, what were the writers thinking?" Xipilli wipes a tear from laughing too hard. As they continued to watch the show, they couldn't help but laugh some more. "Man, this show is the worst!" (Y/n) giggles. "This show is the best" Steven smiled as everyone went back to enjoy their terrible show.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2023 ⏰

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