Part 42

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Everyone was running away from the ships, while Steven approaches Nanefua. "Nanefua, get on your Nane-phone! We've got a Code Blue and a Code Yellow!"
The ships moves towards the Earth and fly passed the Crystal Gems. They were aiming for the Cluster.
"We're over here, you clods!" Peridot screams. "Wha-Where are they going?" Pearl said to no one. "They're not here for us. They must be here for the Cluster." (Y/n) said.
Once Yellow's ship slams the ground, causing a shockwave and vibration. "What's the Cluster?!" Bismuth questioned. "It's a huge Earth-destroying geo-weapon that the Diamonds made out of a bajillion gem shards." Steven answered. Yellow's ship slams onto the ground again trying to wake the Cluster. "I gotta keep it calm and in its bubble. I can use my mind to connect with it but only when I'm asleep." Steven informed. "Asleep?!" Bismuth questioned again.
Everyone was back inside the house as Steven tries to fall asleep, but the vibration from Yellow is causing to stay awake. Steven groans. "It's no use! How am I supposed to sleep through this?!"
"Maybe a lullaby will help." Greg plays softly on his guitar. Connie wasn't so sure, but she was wrong. Steven fell asleep. Everyone was waiting for him, until he gasped. "It Popped!"
Everyone runs outside and saw that they Cluster was beginning to form. The Cluster took the form of a hand, the size of Yellow and Blue's ship. The Clsuter gains enough strength and punches Yellow's ship away from everyone. The Cluster goes near everyone and gives them a thumbs up.
"Alright, looks like it's in control of itself, and it's on our side." Steven gives Cluster a thumbs up.
Yellow's ship returns and tries to punch the Cluster, They end up in a arm wrestling match.
Steven, (Y/n), and Connie cheered for the Cluster. "Go Cluster, go!"
Blue's ship flew above them. The ship slams into the ground and caused some of the water to rain down, as Blue Diamond shows up.
"Mother." (Y/n) whispers. "I guess... it's time to work the old... Universe charm..." Greg pushed his hair back. Steven, Pearl, Amethyst, Garnet, and (Y/n) yelled at Greg. "No!"
"Alright, I'll just... be in here." Greg goes inside.
"Rose Quartz. So you escaped Homeworld and crawled back here. This is Pink's world! How dare you use it as your hiding place! And what's worse is that you manipulated my daughter and turning her against her own family! Come! Answer for what you've done!" Blue yells.
"This is bad! This is bad! This is bad! This is bad!!!" Peridot repeats nervously. "Come on, you rocks! Let's put her in a bubble!" Bismuth shape-shifts her hand into a hammer, as the others summon their weapons. "Wait, there's no reason to fight. Let me talk to her." Steven said. "Let me come too, Steven. She's my mother. She'll be able to listen to me." (Y/n) said.
"Blue Diamond, please listen to me. I didn't shatter Pink Diamond. Pink Diamond's right here. It's pretty interesting when you think about it..." Blue Diamond interrupts Steven by firing and energy ball at him. "Enough!"
"Steven, watch out!" (Y/n) jumped in front of him. The energy ball struck her and cause both of them to be caught by Alexandrite. Alexandrite roars at Blue Diamond. "Wait!" Steven and (Y/n) screamed.
"You cannot fathom how much I've mourned, what thousands of years of grief has done to me!" Blue Diamond uses her negative pathokinetic energy to make Alexandrite defuse and everyone except Connie fall down and cry.
"What's going on? Guys?" Connie saw that her friends were in trouble. She whistles to Wolf and Lion. She jumps onto Lion's back. "Hold on, guys!"
"Connie!" Steven cried.
"Connie, don't!" (Y/n) cries out.
Connie unsheathes her sword as Lion then leaps towards Blue Diamond. Connie jumps towards Blue Diamond, trying to attack her, but then her sword was caught by Blue. "I know this sword. This... is the sword... THAT SHATTERED HER!" Blue shatters the sword and Connie falls back. Before she could reach the ground, Wolf caught her in the air with her air-walking power. Still standing on the air, Wolf growls at Blue Diamond before she runs back to the ground with Lion.
"You deserve this! All of you!" Blue walks towards them.
"Mother! Please, stop!" (Y/n) yells.
"(Y/n)! What do we do?!" Peale tried to fight back the tears. "I don't know. She won't listen. She just wants to fight." (Y/n) tried to wipe her tears away.
"Blue Diamond!" Garnet marches towards Blue.
"Who are you supposed to be?!" Blue questioned angrily.
"I am the will of two Gems that care for each other. To protect each other from any threat. No matter how vast or how cruel. You couldn't stop me 5,750 years ago and you can't stop me now."
"It's you! That Ruby and Sapphire that disrupted my court."
Garnet clings to and punches Blue Diamond's cloak. "This is supposed to be my day!"
"You hoped to defeat me by clinging to my feet?!"
"I just needed to keep you from taking three steps to the right."
Water droplets drop on Blue Diamond's head. Up in the sky was Lapis holding the barn up. With the swift of her hands, she drops the barn on Blue. Blue's power fades away.
"Lapis?!" Peridot runs towards Lapis. "You're really here."
Lapis smiles. "Hey."
Steven and (Y/n) run up to hug Lapis. "Lapis!"
"You came back! Again!" Steven said joyfully.
"I couldn't stay away. If they're gonna punish me like a Crystal Gem, I might as well be one, right?" Lapis spoke. "You got room for... one more?" (Y/n) hugs Lapis one more time. "Of course!"
Bismuth separates the three of them. "Save the hugs for after the fight! Look alive!"
Blue emerges from the destroyed barn even more enraged. "A Lapis Lazuli? Does every Gem that comes in contact with this planet turn traitor?!" She attacks once more using her pathokinesis, but it didn't caused Lapis to kneel in tears. "What?"
Lapis wipes the single tear from her eye. "I've... felt... worse." Lapis uses her hydrokinesis powers to chain Blue's hands. "Knock her off this beach!"
"Now's our chance!" Garnet yelled.
The Crystal Gems summon their weapons, preparing to attack Blue.
"With all our strength together, we can take her down." Garnet said.
"That's right! This is our home, our planet, our friends and family! We... are the Crystal Gems!" Steven announces.
Blue unchains herself. "Pathetic! You are... nothing!" She summoned energy balls that fires a massive laser barrage onto the Crystal Gems. Steven summons a large version of his shield to protect them from the blasts. Everyone helps Steven by keep hold of his shield. Once the shield was gone, Connie and Lion first attack with Lion using his concussive roar, then with Amethyst using her whip on Blue. Blue was going to attack, but is caught by Lapis. Pearl fires a laser at her face, Lion warps onto her head and Garnet and Bismuth hit Blue Diamond's right arm at the same time. Peridot fires tin cans on her back.
"Hey Blue Diamond, fight me!" Peridot taunted. "You got guts, tiny. Let me give you a hand." Bismuth grabs Peridot and throws her into Blue's face. 
"Everyone, group up!" Steven calls out.
Lapis uses her hydrokinesis to put them all in a water bubble, which is thrown to Blue Diamond. As they approach near, the bubble is removed but Peridot is thrown off Blue Diamond's face. The Crystal Gems then summon their weapons and ready to attack Blue. Blue was able to block the attack. Wolf was able to move her by an inch with her moon energy ball. (Y/n) took another inch by slashing her katana. Blue was finally knocked down by Steven's spiked bubble. Everyone turns and saw Yellow's ship was being destroyed. The Cluster uses the ship to destroy Blue's ship, which crashes into her. Blue let's out a scream as her ship collapse onto her and sending debris of the ship flying. One big debris hits the house.
"The house!" Pearl yells. "Don't worry, I can fix it." Bismuth smiles.
"My dad!" Steven screams. "Uncle Greg!" (Y/n) sweated. Greg kicks open the door as he's carrying Cat Steven. "Alright, I'm sticking with you guys!"
"Did we do it?" Connie asked to no one in particularly. The Cluster approaches Steven.
"Cluster, you were amazing! Are you okay? Do you wanna go back in your bubble?" Steven asked.
The Cluster gives a thumbs up, then unfused to rest back to Earth's core.
"Okay, take it easy. You're the best!" Steven commented.
Garnet walks up to Steven and (Y/n). So that is a wedding reception. Nice job, wedding planners."
(Y/n) looks back at the destroyed ships. She turns her head away as she lets out a depressed sigh. Steven saw this and grabs her hand in comfort. "Are you okay, (Y/n)." (Y/n) nods as she wipes away her tears. "I just wished that our meeting again was different." Steven hugs (Y/n). "Yeah, me too." (Y/n) smiles at her cousin and returns the embrace.
"Did you see that?! She couldn't lay a finger on me!" Amethyst said pridefully. "Hmm, but did you notice how I perfectly managed my trajectory... right into her eyes! I'll demonstrate. Launch me again!" Peridot jumps into Bismuth arms. Bismuth snickers at her. "I like you, Peridot. You don't quit."
Suddenly a heavy metal thumping is heard on Yellow's ship. Yellow emerges from the ship as electricity crackles surrounds her. She jumps down from her ship and helps Blue out of her own ship crushing her.
"Ha, I told her off once I can do it again." Peridot jumps from Bismuth's arms and runs towards the Diamonds. "Peridot! No! Don't provoke her!" (Y/n) warns. Peridot ignore (Y/n). "Hey! Yellow Clod! Remember me?!"
Yellow looks at Peridot blankly. "No." She uses her power to zap Peridot and poofs her back into her gem.
"Peridot!" (Y/n) yells.
"Stop! Don't do this! Listen to me! I'm the one you're missing! I'm Pink Diamond!" Steven screams.
Yellow looked at Steven in shock, but was soon replaced with rage. "You!" She rushes to Steven.
"Steven!" (Y/n) pushes Steven out of the way. (Y/n)'s eyes widen as she saw that her aunt Yellow's boot smashes onto her.
"(Y/N)!!!" Steven cries out. "NO!!!" Blue screams. Everyone gasped. Yellow slow raises her boot. She gasped when she saw that (Y/n) was laying on her left side unconsciously. Yellow clutches her fist and grinds hr teeth. She turns her attention back to Steven. "You...YOU MADE ME!" Yellow raises her boot again. Steven summons his shield.
"Steven!" Garnet yells.
Yellow Diamond steps on Steven which causes him to black out.

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