Part 56

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(Y/n), Steven and Connie were hanging out with the Lars, Sadie, cool kids, and some of their new gem friends. Everyone was dancing around as Sadie was singing and the cool kids playing their instruments. Steven grabs Connie hand and they both spin around with excitement. (Y/n) dances with the new gems, but they all stopped when they saw Steven and Connie fusing. Stevonnie continues to spin around as she laughs.
"Nice to have you back, Stevonnie." (Y/n) smirks at the fusion. Stevonnie stops dancing. And looks at themself. "Looks like I got carried away again." Stevonnie chuckles nervously.
"Stevonnie, how to you do it?" (Y/n) asked.
"How do I do what?" Stevonnie said confusedly.
"How do you two fuse? I mean Connie is full human, while Steven is half-gem."
Stevonnie thought for a moment. "I think it's because about the half human and half gem thing."
"I wonder if Sour Cream and I could do that."
"Well, why don't we try it?"
They both turned and saw Sour Cream stand behind (Y/n). She grabs his hands. "Do you really mean it Sour Cream?" Sour Cream nods as he held her hands closer to his chest. "Let do it."

Stevonnie started to instructed them on how to fuse. "Okay, just think about being one and just have fun with it!"
Sour Cream pulls (Y/n) into a dance with them hold one hand, his hand on her waist and her hand on his shoulder. Sadie and the rest cool kids were playing a song as they watch Sour Cream and (Y/n) dance. Sour Cream twirls (Y/n) around as she giggles. He would dip her a few times and spins with her. They placed their forehead together as they stare lovingly into each other's eyes.
"I love you." Sour Cream whispers. "I love you too." (Y/n) replies. Their lips were connected and all of a sudden a bright light forms around them. They were fusing. They were growing taller than Stevonnie. Then the light faded as everyone stares at them with awe. The new fusion had Sour Cream's skin and wearing his sweater. The fusion had a bit of (Y/n) facial features along with her blue hair that's in a reached below the chin, had her (e/c) eyes, and wearing her white shorts.
The fusion looks at their hands and examines themself. "Wow" the fusion said in their new voice. Her voice sounds like a cool mature female. "I'm a fusion!"
"Wow! A new fusion friend!" Stevonnie cheers. "What's your name?"
The fusion thought for a moment and smiles when they got an idea. "I'm Sour Diamond!"
Stevonnie smiles and grabs Sour Diamond's hand. "Come on we have to show the others!"

The Crystal Gems stared in awe at the new fusion.
"What do you guys think?" Sour Diamond asked.
"My, my. A Diamond child fusing with a's...its...extraordinary!" Pearl exclaimed. "This is awesome!" Amethyst shouts. "Amazing!" Garnet smiles. She then turns to Stevonnie. "Stevonnnie, I want you to show Sour Diamond everything about being a fusion." Garnet instructed. Stevonnie gives Garnet a thumbs up and leaves with Sour Diamond.

For the rest of the day, Stevonnie and Sour Diamond we're having fun as they were learning more about fusion. They both laugh, sing, and danced around the beach. They decided to take a break and head to Beach city for some snack and drinks. As they were Sour Diamond stopped and looked at themself in the reflection of a window. They had to admit that they looked good, but more they looked the more they thought they were missing something.
"I got Cotten candy and juice!" Stevonnie yells as they handed the snack to Sour Diamond. They both ate in silence. Stevonnie saw that Sour Diamond was gloomy.
"Is something wrong, Sour Diamond?" Stevonnie asked. "Everything's fine, but I think Sour Cream and (Y/n) miss each other." Sour Diamond replies. They next explain more. "Sour Cream misses being able to hold (Y/n), while (Y/n) misses to hear Sour Cream's heart as she rest her head against his chest."
Stevonnie smiles at them. "There's nothing wrong about that. If you being with each other..." Stevonnie unfuses. "Then you can fuse and unfuse whenever you want." Steven finishes. "You can unfuse now if you want." Connie adds.
Sour Diamond smiles at the children. They hugged themself and slow unfused. Sour Cream and (Y/n) are seen hugging each other. "As much fun as that was I miss being able to hug you." (Y/n) said. "Same here." Sour Cream kisses her forehead. She smiles at him and kisses him on the lips. Steven and Connie awe at them. Sour Cream and (Y/n) open their arms out to them. Steven and Connie ran up to them and joins them in their group up.

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