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A long time ago.

There were several Treeangles. All of different colors. They each produced their own life, and everything was in harmony. But a threat arose in secret, and the world needed a hero. The light blue tree produced a shape, a square, to fight against this evil, and along with their three friends, Kat, Patch, and Heli, they defeated the villain that was Blixer. Since then, the life has prospered once more. To prevent something like that from happening again, the guardians of the world hid all of the trees so that they wouldn't be close together.

Nobody knew the location of them from there on. Shapes prospered, and no disturbances came to the world. Everyone assumed the corruption was gone, so the heroes retired. Over time, the heroes disappeared, as there was no need for them. They set off to explore more and vacation some.

But little did they know...

It wasn't over.

Deep underground, a shape slithered on. Actually, it wasn't a shape, it was a monster composed of several triangles. And not only that, but it was pink as well. It was a snake monster, the kind that once served the evil ruler of Barracuda. This one however, was not a servant of him, in fact it wasn't associated with him at all. It silently crept down the hall of the lair.

Eventually, it reached a door. It knocked on it with its tail in a rhythmic fashion. It opened up, and the snake slithered in. In front of them were several guards, all guarding a single throne. On the throne sat a giant lizard monster, composed of many different shapes.

"Ah. Sese. Here to report?"

"Yes sir. I'd like to say that the corruption has begun. The soldiers have planted the seeds, and soon, we will have control once again."

"Excellent. I knew I could count on you. You are dismissed."

"Yes Ag-I mean, your majesty."

The snake, Sese, bowed low, then exited the room as the guards watched. The lizard smiled to themselves.

"Wonderful...everything is going according to plan...and soon...a new era will begin. My reign of TERROR."


The trees weren't about to let this dude get away with that.

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