Chapter 77: Drift Along

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🚗Chapter 77: Drift Along

In a town a bit farther away, trains with faces, and cars with feelings move all around. Of course there were regulars too, but they used the sentiment machines to move everywhere and get to what they need to do. There was many places for them to rest, including a helicopter hanger, where a helicopter named Clie was resting after a hard day. Or he would be, if he didn't hear blaring horns from the car parking lot.

"Can the cars please quiet down?! I'm trying to sleep!" he complained, but of course to no avail.

His boss appeared, kinda surprised that Clie was resting so early. He was usually always chipper.

"What's wrong?" the boss asked.

Clie turned and replied, "Well it's been boring."

"We live in a dream! You can think of anything!"

"Yeah, well it's gets boring after a while. And since I can't leave city limits, what else can I do?"

The boss suddenly became cross.

"You know the rules. The outside is a untamed area. Nothing can thought of and be controlled. You're safer here."

Soon, the other helicopters arrived back, as it's nearly time to go to bed. They all fell asleep and closed their eyes, except for one. Clie was bored, so decided to take one adventure to the outside, to at least get his interests back up. So, he activated his engines, and flew out. Flying in the middle of night, he was forced to use his emergency lights, but it was amazing.

The outside was wild, and dangerous, and deadly, and.....but it shot Clie's interests back up. All of the weird creatures, all of the colorful rivers, all of the interesting creatures, and everything else!

"Why wasn't I allowed to see this?" he said in amazement, but also knew of the real dangers.

There have been scouting crews to see how the outside works, and they never came back. They were likely killed or corrupted, but they haven't sent a scouting group after that. But something caught his eye. Are those........shapes? Those shapes were different than the ones who lived in the town, but they looked sad as well. He did help people in town some times, so it hurts him when he saw frowns.

So he flew down, ready to help. Clie flew up pretty high with his new friends in tow, looking for this "Sese". Even though the rest had their eyes out, they were also looking at the area. It looked pretty up this high, they were also out of danger, so it had some perks. But looks like the corrupted are also making a base, as they saw pink on many of the trees and creatures.

There was terror in the innocent eyes, so they needed to find Sese immediately. But something did catch their eyes. It looked like to be a portal. The rest didn't know, but El remembered reading something. She explained about a legend that portals could open in chaotic realms like these, letting creatures from other worlds escape into worlds not meant for them.

It was passed around as a legend, but since they were actually here, they were true. But Clie added that those portals can only be opened by someone. Sese. They all told Clie to land near the portal, and he made sure to. If some of those wild creatures went through, chaos. The rest got out of Clie immediately, and saw creatures approaching. They managed to shoo them off, but they knew more were coming.

"I'm going farther out so I can blow them away with my propellers. Deal with the ones that get through!" Clie said, before flying off.

Everyone else got ready. The creatures big and small, simple and complex, soft and wild, arrived. They all were interested and wanted to go through. Ari, placed at the center, helped takes care of the ones that got through the rest. While the others either distracted them, fought them off, gave them treats, made them fight each other, leave on their own, etc. There were all kinds, from flies with elephant ears, to things that look like plain monsters, and others. But luckily, they managed to get rid of them.

"S-so, how do we close it?" Ina asked after all the chaos.

"I think I read something about it. I just need a bit to remember." El replied, then went into a thinking stance.

The others wanted to rest, but then a hiss was heard. It was the same crocodile/alligator, turtle, cheetah, and rabbit creature from before, but it was now corrupted. Looking, they saw Cile in some rocks, struggling to break free.

Looked like they needed to battle.

Rude Buster - Corrupted Wild Creature Fight

The battle arena formed, but had aspects of what the creature was made of. One part had alligator/crocodile, another part turtle, another part cheetah, and the last part bunny. It looked as well that each part had different attacks for each. The alligator/crocodile had bear traps that gave a nasty bite, the turtles had an area with shells that could crush when dropped on someone, the cheetah had lasers that were so fast the were hard to dodge, while the bunny area didn't really have anything, it was just like a resting place, luckily that's where the heros were placed when the battle started. They split up, depending on which side they can handle the best.

Seems like each part gets tired at different times. The group who went to the turtle area didn't have to stay on their toes for long, as it stopped fairly quickly. So they split up to help the other two teams. The crocodile/alligator part slowed after the turtle, but did take a lot longer. However, the cheetah looked like it wasn't going to stop, until it got damaged by the bear traps in the crocodile/alligator area.

It did take a while, but the monster did go down, because they didn't really have to care about the bunny section. When the battle ended, the monster screamed and started disappearing before vanishing completely. Well they got rid of the monsters trying to get through.

But how to close the portal...

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