Chapter 15: Hike up

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⛰Chapter 15: Hike up

The group made their way up from the ground after discovering the road that they'd be able to take to the top.

"Well here we are..." Ina looked up the mountain's height and hesitated. "It'll take a while though..."

Digo nodded. "We'll just have to keep going! Cho and Pepe went out of their way to heal us and so we can't give up now!"

Coco nodded in agreement. While he didn't t like the idea of this whole situation  they were in, he had to agree that they might as well finish what they started here.

"Hopefully Pepe and Cho find another way out..." El murmured as they begin to walk up the pathway.

This time, they were being more careful to not fall back underground. Ami was seen mostly watching over Ina so she wouldn't trip or fall...El and Digo were trying to stop Cas from doing some ridiculous stunt off the side of the cliff. Coco just kept walking, occasionally looking back at the others. He didn't know how Cho and Pepe were doing...but they should be strong. He let a small smile on his face as he looked at the shapes behind him. Despite the situation, could he really have fun with everyone?

"Oh hey....look over there!" Ina said, pointing in front of her.

Coco hid his smile when everyone looked to see what she was pointing at. In the distance, there were large pink colored clouds, like the ones on the top of the mountain. They didn't seem too sentient but still were showering down corruption.

"That doesn't look too good over there..." Ami muttered.

"Yeah...lets hope we don't have to go in that direction anytime soon." Coco said.

"Well- maybe if we purify the island- we can stop that rain from spreading?" Ina suggested.

"Then We'd need to meet up with Cho and Pepe. Who knows where their at by now." El murmured.

"I know they'll be fine! They're strong shapes after all!" Digo smiles, looking at the others. "We can do this!"


They continued for now, still being wary of cracks in the earth. Another fall like that could really end up getting them stuck.

"Jeez this mountain is tall..." El sighed, looking up at the peak.

"It seems like we've hardly made any progress..." Ina said looking down from how high they went up.

Coco also looked down, but opted out quickly. They couldn't even see the path they took to get here anymore...everything was covered by trees.

"Look at how high we are! Are we going to try-"

"No jumping, running or diving off of cliffs. We're not here to watch you try to kill yourself." Ami retorted.

"Ah...well.." El looked past the group again. "We might have to start running soon..."

They turned to see Corrupted Cacti appear from behind them and the path before them was crumbling, leaving spaces of rock for them to jump across with.

"Let's go!" Digo yelled, "we can't fight them when we're do high up! We'll just have to run for now!"

The shapes began running, trying to be careful with their footing so they wouldn't get caught by the cacti, or fall to their ultimate doom.

"G-Guys look!" Ina yelled, having the group become aware of the spaces of rock they have to jump across.

"These don't look stable!" Coco said, breathing heavily.

"Only one way to find out..!" Ami spat, jumping onto one.

The rock crackled a little, but over all was safe.

"Okay- one at a time! And be fast too!" Ami said as he made it across.

Ina was next, jumping swiftly from rock to rock as Ami helped her to the next platform. Soon El went, and then Cas. Coco went next and finished carefully, turning back to see Digo.

"Hurry up! They're coming!" He yelled to the square.

Digo looked around and jumped to the first rock. He turned to see the Cacti about to each doubt in his mind they could jump across this.

"Hurry!" El cried out. Digo went to the next block, the others backing up to give him some room.

The Cacti also began to jump across, about to reach him. He then jumped- but fell short, missing his footing and falling backwards. "Digo!" Coco screamed.

Somehow, Ina had raced forward, grabbing him tightly and pulling him back up with Ami helping her.

"Hold..On..!" She strained as he reached the other side.

"T-Thanks Ina..." the diamond nodded but turned back to the Cacti.

"Come on! Let's go!" She yelled, the others racing after her.

Coco was grateful that Ina was fast enough to grab Digo...he couldn't lose one of his closest friends. Not now. The group managed to evade the falling debris and jump to each platform, out running the cacti. Soon, once Digo reached another platform safely, the entire path to where the Cacti could no longer chase after.

"Whew..." El sighed, looking at the Cacti. "We should be safe for now.."

"Let's find a place to rest..away from these Cacti." Ami muttered, leading Ina away. The others followed.

"Aw, but I wanted to play with them more!" Cas whined.

"And get corrupted? Good luck with that." El hushed him and turned to the others. "Everyone alright..?"

Ina nodded.
"Yeah...just a little dizzy..." she murmured.

Coco couldn't blame her, after getting chased and almost risking the life of his friend all while up at least 10 meters or more up in the air it was really dizzying...

"At least we made it this far up..." Ami sighed.

"Hopefully nothing happened to Cho and Pepe...Those falling rocks could've ended up underground for all we know..." Coco muttered.


"This has been a great adventure though! I want to do it again!" Cas cheered getting a strange look from the others.

Ina smiled a little. "It has been...somewhat fun..." she looked off to the side, looking out upon the jungle. "However..."

"Something tells me we're only just beginning.."

Coco stared at her then nodded. "Yeah." He stood up. "We should get going again...let's go."

They all got their rest, and now we're on the move once again. They would make it up. They have to.

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