Chapter 44: Up To No Good...

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🍈Chapter 44: Up To No Good...

Coco had headed back to the group, but noticed Red and Blue walking towards him. He quickly got their attention and told them about what he saw. The trio agreed that Red and Blue could do further investigation while Coco went to compete. Red and Blue made their way down the hole, and sure enough, saw the machine and Champion.

"What the heck is Champion doing?!" Red said, hiding with Blue.

Blue covered his mouth, then said, "Quiet. He might have information we need."

They continued watching while Champion was talking to himself.

"Ha. They are always so foolish," Champion said to himself, "They think they will have a chance. But I lied about where the piece actually is. Using its power will make me invincible. The boss will be very proud of me, maybe even promoting me."

Then he was laughing to himself, while Red and Blue where shook. They thought something was up, but they never thought Champion worked with the corruped! They saw him take off some of his brown skin, which was actually paint, and revealed his true pink skin.

"Come on, Red. We need to warn the others." Blue said to Red.

They tried running off, but got caught of by crabs. Corruped crabs.

"Sorry, i think we need to meet these guests properly first." Champion said behind their backs.

The pink crabs covered the duo's eyes, and dragged them away. No one they knew well saw them, but that doesn't mean no one saw the kidnapping.

Clattering through the outskirts of Crab City, Yellow was walking slowly, with a scary thought taking over his head. A few days ago, he got corrupted, and had no control. He attacked with no thought in his mind, and he regretted ever serving the pink army. He didn't stop walking for nothing, because his mind was filled with sadness. But cries for help, did get his attention.

"What?" he said, running to where the screams were being yelled.

All he saw was the same red and blue crabs he fought when he was pink, being taken away by other pink crabs. He stood there. He couldn't do anything, he didn't want to get corrupted yet. But he did remember the grey crab and the cresent who was also with them, trying to lift up a giant ship.

"Do you hear leaves crunching?" one of the crabs said.

Scared, he ran as far as he could. He ran, and ran, until he went back to Crab City. He started asking around for a green cresent, because there were a few gray crabs. He managed to learn he was part of team "Shape Giants" and rested in a room. He now needed to get into the room, and tell what he saw.

Getting in the room where Cap, which was the name of the cresent, wasn't as hard because he saw Gray sneak in the same room before. Waiting a bit, he snuck in the same way Gray usually did, and when he saw the group talking, he knew what they were talking about.

"Hopefully Red and Blue are ok...." Ina said, looking worried.

"None of us saw them when they went to sneak around." El replied.

"They were captured!" Yellow announced.

The rest were clearly startled, but kept listening to what Yellow saw. They were shocked to hear what he said, but Yellow didn't see Champion. He only saw pink crabs, which already made him terrified.

"Go save crabs!" Ari said after Yellow's story.

"We don't have time. The next challenge will start soon." Coco replied.

They tried to think of a plan, until Digo quickly pulled together something.

"Split up! How about half of us go after the crabs, and they other half do the challenge?" He announced.

The rest liked the idea. Yellow would take Ari, Ina, Ami, and Digo to find Red and Blue. Gray would follow Cas, Coco, and El to do the challenge. The bell rung, and the group split up. Gray was sitting in the stands while Coco, El, and Cas were preparing for the next challenge.

"Ok, teams. This challenge will be a cooking competition!" the announcer crab yelled, "You need to cook a pastry with a main feature being coconuts. You will be judged on everything, so make sure to be top quality! You will have 1 hour to make the best food item you can make! Teams of three are required, so get ready!"

After this announcement, the three started talking of what to make. They decided to not do a pie, but to make a cake. The bell rung, and they started making. Coco was doing the design of the cake, El was making the batter, and Cas was making the frosting.

"Ok. Three layers, coconut cake with buttercream frosting. Got it?" Coco said to his teammates.

The other two got it. El made batter and put it in three tins and Coco helped with baking it. After the cake finished, all three started stacking and frosting the cake in the last minute they had. They added a edible picture of a coconut on the top, and stood looking at their creation, and the timer went out. It was now judging time.

They slowly carried their cake to the judging area, making sure not to drop it. Putting it in the judging area, they looked at the other two teams they were facing off against. One team make a classic coconut pie, while the other make coconut cupcakes. The judges were crabs who Gray said were famous in the food industry. The coconut pie team was first.

The judges tasted the pie, and loved it. They said no flaws, only praise. This was bad, because that team was definitely safe. Their cake was next. It was tasted. They complained of the dry cake, but everything else was good.

If the cupcake team got a perfect score, it was over for them. But the cupcake team did horrible. Their frosting was horrendous, cake was inedible, and everything was bad. The trio sighed, while Gray clapped from the stands. They went back to the room, and hoped the others would save Red and Blue.

Yellow, Ari, Ina, Ami, and Digo were going through the parts where Yellow said he saw Red and Blue. They definitely saw spots of where the attack was, but there was also a trail. Following the trail of pink, making sure not to touch it, they came across a building. Entering, to Yellow's horror, they saw a machine made to corrupt crabs for the pink army. Ari tried to destroy the machine, but it proved to be strong against regular attacks.

He cried out in pain, which caught attention of two crabs. They went to confront them, but they saw red and blue spots. It was Red and Blue, but they lost to the already corrupted crabs. Now they had no choice to fight them to save them.

They went into battle positions, ready to fight to save friends.

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