Chapter 4: Not called the "Red Sea" for nothing...

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🌊Chapter 4: Not called the "Red Sea" for nothing...

The group was quietly sailing through the waters.

To be honest? They didn't even know where they were going. They were glad to have an adult shape though, and a ship at that. Ships and other water traversing-type shapes were immune to corrupt waters. Hopefully they could become friends so that the ship could carry them places. They'd most likely need it in the long run.

"Hey uh, I don't think we even got your name!" Digo said, loud enough for the boat to hear them.

"My name? Ah, it's Elis. I don't believe I've met you shapes either?" the ship replied.

"Ah, right. We're..."

And everyone listed their names and description, since Elis couldn't see them.

"Ah, I see. Well, you certainly do seem like an interesting bunch! What happened to everyone?"

"Well, Digo and I, Coco, fled from our village after some cacti showed up and attacked, and Ina and Ami were some travelers we saved. I dunno about the other two, though..."

"Ah, well. Same. I, El, lived in a different part of the harbor but was attacked, and Cas saved me!"

They had to say who was speaking, since Elis still couldn't connect voices with who it was.

"Ah, I see. I must say, it is...odd...that the corruption is appearing again after so long...I thought peace had returned, seems to not be the case."

"Yeah, I'm concerned too. All the heroes I remember hearing in tales have retired as far as I know..." Ami mumbled.

"Hey! Maybe WE could be the heroes!" El exclaimed.

Coco shot a worried glance at her.

"Whoah, HOLD ON. Are you SURE about that?! We know NOTHING about being heroes! We would be horrible at it, and people might laugh at us, and we'd fail for sure!" he exclaimed.

" guys DID fight the corrupted cacti...and we DID help cure Elis..." Ina said.

"Well-okay, true, but like. Being a hero is all about stopping villains and stuff! Those two are NOTHING compared to the real deal!" Coco replied, still worried.

"Ah, don't worry! We can still do our best!" Digo said.

"Eh, I guess..." Coco grumbled.

Cas was by the front of the ship, keeping watch.

"Uh, guys? Is it just me, or are those corrupted cacti?"

The others snapped out of their hero talk and rushed over. Sure enough, in the distance, were a bunch of corrupted cacti, all playing together. The weather had become a little stormy around them, but they assumed they hadn't noticed because they were distracted. Elis also saw, and tried to find a way to steer around them, but the waters had also inconveniently become rougher, and any time he tried to go around, the waters would redirect him to the place he was before, right in the line of the cacti. Cas turned around to the others as Elis came to a stop.

"So, anyone got a plan?" Cas asked.

"I say we stay out of it, we can't risk getting corrupted" Ami said sternly.

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