Chapter 29: Flee The Forest

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🌳Chapter 29: Flee The Forest

The gang ran as fast as they could go without even a second thought. Sese was in forest, and he could be spying on them! So of course they needed to run. The gang kept running and running, hoping to not get caught!

"Just keep going! He can't catch us now!" El told the rest to hopefully calm them down, but it seemed to get the others, besides Cho and Pepe, more afraid.

The two didn't fight him before, so they didn't understand why the others were afraid, but they ran as well. They kept going and going, but they didn't realise something. They were running so fast, that they went in different directions! So, they were very deep in the forest, so deep that they couldn't even see any pink around any of them.

Coco sighed, and said, "Well, that's over. We better-" he looked around and he couldn't see anyone else.

The rest, who were scattered in the deep forest, couldn't see anyone else too. They had gotten separated while they were running! The only option now was to try to get back to the town, like they were planning. The separated team knew they weren't far, because they had seen the town a while ago before they had seen Sese. It was very dangerous for them to go alone, but right now, that was their only option. They started walking in the direction of the town, hoping to see everyone else make it out too.


Ina was walking through the forest, scared since she isn't the best fighter. She really isn't good when she is on her own. That's when she heard whimpering. Being kind, she went over to the voice, which seemed to come of a bird. It wasn't corrupted, so it looked like it was very scared.

"What's wrong?" Ina said to little bird.

The bird used her wing to point at a cage made of sticks. A nest with three baby birds were locked in it, and Ina realised that the free bird was the mother. Ina promised to get the little birdies out, but she needed to find out how. The cage looked like it was very locked up tight, with only a small room for what it looks like to give food and water, so they couldn't starve to death of die of thirst. At least the people who locked up the baby birds wasn't cruel.

Ina tried to think of ideas, but kept getting stuck. It wasn't until the babys needed food that the idea stuck. The mother went out and brought back some leaves and the babies ate it very fast.

"Is it their favorite food?" Ina asked the mother.

The mother nodded, and Ina knew what to do. She found some of the same leaves that the mother gave, and put it out of the reach of the baby birds. The babies really wanted the leaves, so they started pecking at the sticks, and soon the cage was destroyed. The mother was happy to see her child again, and gestured to ask why Ina was out here. Ina told her, and the mother pointed the way back to the town. Ina thanked her and continued.


Digo was skipping through the forest, trying to keep a smile. He has high hopes that he and the rest of the team will make it back safely. The place he was walking through looked a little gloomy. The flowers were wilting, and the trees looked like they were about to fall on their own. He kept on skipping, but found himself slowing down when things got worse and worse.

"What even happened to this place? Most of the forest isn't even this dark." he said.

He wanted to know why. He started checking it each and every plant, and couldn't find anything. The plants were producing food, getting lots of sun, but wait. Don't plants also need water to survive? He started to look around for a water source, but noticed that there was a hole.

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