Chapter 18: Fish Fight

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🐟Chapter 18: Fish Fight

"Corrupted...Fish? And the Cacti too.." Cho muttered as he observed the beings that chased after Elis.

"Yeah...they don't seem that nice." Pepe muttered, holding the Treeangle closer to  him.

"Hold onto that, Alright?" Cho muttered, seeing the boat come close to their area.

"I'll help you guys out." The boat came closer, inspecting the two. "Wait- You can talk?" Pepe asked. The Boat tipped its bow in greeting. "My name is Elis."

"I'm Cho," they pointed to Pepe. "This is Pepe." The shape replies.

"You there." They looked to Pepe. "I see you have a Treeangle. That means you are with the other group I suppose?"

Cho raises an eyebrow. "The others— Oh- you mean Digo and the other shapes? They're still on their way up the Mountain..we are keeping this Treeangle to keep it safe while they're up there..."

Before Elis was about to respond, Pepe interrupted them.

"Uh- Hello?! Corrupted fish and Cacti coming?!" He yelled.

Elis nodded.
"Right- Right- sorry..." he murmured, allowing Pepe to hop onto the deck, allowing him to stay safely on board to protect the Treeangle.

"Alright Cho- You gotta get that Triangle and send em away from us. And fast." Pepe called, before Elis pulled him away slightly to create some distance.

Cho looked at them, then back at the waters. Their eyes narrowed.

Let's go.

No song selected - Corrupted Cacti and Fish fight

Cho was surprised as the field flickered into existence around them

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Cho was surprised as the field flickered into existence around them. No music? Not like it mattered...but still. It was indeed strange, but it was better than some impossible fight that couldn't be done alone.

The Cacti hopped onto land, starting to do jump attacks, hopping towards Cho in a unique pattern that he could easily identify, dodging them carefully. They had to keep all of these corruptions away from Pepe and the Treeangle. If they got a hold on it...
The outcome was obvious.

After the dodging, they started to fire small bullets that would ricochet off of the borders and fire back at them, this was slightly more difficult, but Cho managed to dodge them as well. It soon became a combination of the two. Jumping patterns, bullet patterns...they were all mixing together in a large amalgamation of pink. Cho could easily figure out the spaces between them though. He slipped through each of the spaces, being careful at the same time.

Then the fish came.

The fish stayed in the sea, but began firing bullets of corruption at the shape, all while dodging the current Cacti. Cho grit their teeth, trying to evade all of the bullets and the jumping Cacti. It was definitely difficult...more than they expected. Few fish actually jumped on to land to fire more bullets with their tail, so it felt like Cho had to avoid an entire section of a field.

Pepe watched from afar, Elis keeping him hidden. He wanted so desperately to join in, but he knew he couldn't. He could only watch Cho and PRAY he didn't make too many-if any-mistakes while fighting. The duo had seen defeat before, and it wasn't pretty. Pepe shook his head.

"I should've stayed.." he muttered, holding the Treeangle close to his chest, the colors shining brightly.

"They clearly want you to stay safe...Plus that Treeangle is important." Elis replied.

"Yeah.." the green triangle muttered, looking back out at the water.

Cho panted softly. These guys were not messing around. He could see the finish line though, it was almost in reach...

Cho jumped and dashed through another barrage of bullets, closing the distance between him and the Triangle. He couldn't risk getting hit, after all, these were corruption bullets they were dealing with.

Almost there...Just a little more...

They strained, reaching out for it. And they crossed the line. Grabbing the triangle and soon collapsing among the ground from tiredness. The Pink corruption dissolved, leaving the Cacti to wander onto parts of the uncorrupted land, and the Fish to be carried to some uncorrupted waters for a temporary home by said Cacti as they hopped away. Elis came over with Pepe, who wanted to know how they were doing.

"You alright?" Elis asked as Pepe jumped down from the deck to inspect them.

"Yeah...Just overwhelmed." The shape muttered out a response.

"You did well." Elis said, allowing Pepe to help Cho onto the deck.

"Thanks..." Cho murmured, sitting on the deck, clearly drained from the fight.

It took a lot for some shapes and with the current events, the Treeangle...It was a lot. Cho and Pepe never would have guessed that one day these random shapes would show up-young ones too-and not only free them, but try and save the whole place too. But it had happened, and now Cho and Pepe were strung into the mix of saving the world from corruption. It wasn't that they didn't want to, it was was more work than they were used to. Cho wondered if they would ever get back home again...

"Were there any troubles?" Pepe shook his head.

"Nope. Little to none..." he replied.

"You did a great job defending the Treeangle though. It takes guts to face a large group of Corrupt Cacti and Fish." Elis added as they slunk away from the shore, back behind a large rock where they originally were waiting for the other group to return.

Cho looked out at the island, the pink waters surrounding the area around them. The corruption had spread so fast that almost half the island was pink. And to think that that group of shapes might be their only hope. Well, nonetheless, it was definitely a sight to see. Cho sighed.

"You think they'll be okay?" Pepe shrugged.

"Yeah...They're strong but they need to be careful. One wrong move with that one Sese guy and they can get messed up again. And we won't be there to heal them this time..." Cho muttered. 

"Yeah..." Elis sighed. "They'll be fine. They managed to save me from corruption. I know they can do it."

They have to.

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