Chapter 35: Wolf Chase

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🐺Chapter 35: Wolf Chase

The group was now outside of the mall and heading through the forest, as they remembered that this was a way back to the town. However, they also kept their eyes out, in case there was a foe nearby. Rey was still hiding his sadness from the others as they walked, knowing that he was they key to their success. However, all of them felt as something was watching them from the trees, and they couldn't see them.

"I've been in situations like this. If you see a corrupted animal, back away and I should be able to tell what to do." El quickly said, as the presence felt a lot stronger.

The others agreed, and made sure to stay on their toes. Even though they so far couldn't find anything, something was watching them. A wolf, with pink fur, kept moving and moving to keep on eye on the rest. It kept moving so it wouldn't get spotted by them. It needed to keep an eye on the others, because that's what it's master told them.

Eventually, Cas got sick of waiting and shouted, "Animal, if you are just watching us in the shadows, then come on out and fight us face to face!"

The others got annoyed, but it nearly worked on the wolf. Angered by what Cas had said, it nearly jumped out, but it was caught by the leash it was wearing.

"Hush hush, my pet. Don't attack them yet." a voice said.

The wolf immediately fell down into a begging position, because it's master had grabbed his leash. The master of this wolf was a corrupted shape, looking like a dog bone. That must be why he got the wolf to follow his commands, so it wouldn't attack him.

"Let's get you back to the your friends. Your master Bone is not happy for you running away..." Bone said, tugging the wolf with him.

The two went farther away into the forest, before coming out the other side. Hills were the only things they could see, but they continued on. The house must be on one of the hills, but it must have been built very far. It seemed like they went for a long time, going up hills and going down hills. They took rest stops at rivers to catch fish and drink water, mini forests to catch wild animals, and grasslands to get vegetables and fruits.

They had drunk and eaten some of the food, but they saved a lot of it, likely for others thing living in Bone's house, but what? Nevertheless, they continued, until a building came into view. A house, no, a mansion, was on top of the biggest hill they had seen on their walk.

Bone smiled, and said, "We're home, my pet. You better get settled, because we need to make a plan soon."

The wolf nodded, and went to a doggy door. And on the other side, a giant pack of wolves greeted the one who had just returned.

"Go ahead and play for now. I need to get some things ready to make our move." Bone said.

He left the room into a different room. The wolves decided to take a quick house tour, because they forgot how it looked like. They found a pool, kitchen, play area, park, bedroom, and many things. Except a bathroom................Just kidding! There was a bathroom for Bone, but the wolves usually relieve themselves wherever they want in the house. And yes, that was very annoying to Bone, because there are about 50 wolves in his house.

There were many areas for the wolves, and most of them were playing outside in the giant yard, filled with all kinds of things the wolves use as play things. Dolls, slides, swings, chew toys, and many more things so the wolves keep calm. There was also a training area, where the newer wolves become more and more loyal to Bone. Soon, a wolf whistle was blown by Bone, and the wolves came over to him.

"Come in everyone. The room is filled with stuff to attack this group threatening the other corrupted. But with our army, they don't stand a chance." He said, as the wolves entered the room.

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