Chapter 13: Purple

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💜Chapter 13: Purple

Cho and Pepe took out the piece of the treeangle they had gotten from the now destroyed dome.

"Is that...part of a treeangle?" asked Ina.

Cho nodded and said, "We found it down the path that we went while you were fighting."

"Well, we nearly didn't make it out alive. The place we got it from collapsed. Heh." Pepe responded.

"Well, at least we're able to heal up." Ami said.

"Well, let's get close to the treeangle piece." Digo said.

The rest of the group formed a circle, while Cho and Pepe out the treeangle piece in the center. The two stepped back, as the piece worked its magic. Purple fog surrounded the wounded shapes, and they suddenly felt calm. The piece was giving off calming vibes to them, and Cho and Pepe could see the white-blue piece turn purple. Everyone felt as their wounds getting healed, losing any pain they were feeling. And as soon as the purple fog faded away, they were all healed.

Cas jumped up, feeling all of his energy back, while the rest got up at their own pace.

"Well, I feel a lot better now." El said, looking at her fixed body.

"Yeah. But where did this piece of a treeangle come from?" Coco asked, looking at the piece.

"I don't know, but it helped us!" Cas replied, filled with energy.

Cho then said, "Well we would have gotten information, but the dome we found it in fell apart."

"So, should we continue? There could more parts down the other pathway." Ina asked.

The rest nodded, and headed down the path Cho and Pepe already went. The hallway had all kinds of stalagmites and stalactites, with lava on the sides on the rocks they are walking on. Cas decided to touch one of the rocks, but he screamed in pain.

"Careful. Stalagmites and stalactites have pointy ends." Cho said, after Cas poked the rocks.

"Eh. He deserves it for being dangerous." Ami replied.

Soon, they came across a tunnel, leading to a place only covered in rocks.

"That's were we found the piece." Pepe said, pointing to the ruins. They continued, until they made it to the end, and came across a big door.

"That's a huge door!" Digo said, looking at it. The door looked like it was made of rocks, with cracks everywhere.

"Looks like we need to solve another puzzle." Coco said.

However, while they were trying to open the door, another figure was in the background. It was in the room filled with rubble, looking for something.

"Where is the piece!" it cried, looking desperate and angry. Its right legs crawled on the sides, and even went upside down. He soon realised that someone had already been there. It went out, looking for someone with the piece. And then, it spotted the group. Grinning an evil smile, it rushed to the gang, still on the ceiling. As soon it was over them, it spit out a web, and caught the piece, taking it.

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