Chapter 7: Down Under

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🍄Chapter 7: Down Under

Ami had a look around while everyone else discussed plans with Digo. Man had the corruption messed this place up. Hopefully they could find the answers to the problems here. In the meantime, the only thing they could do was stick together and continue to survive. If they had a lead, they'd follow it.

"Wait, wasn't there a clear path up the mountain or something just back over there?" Ina asked.

El perked up.
"Oh yeah! Do you guys remember where it was?"

"I do" Ami replied, though he was so far away from the group he wasn't sure if the others heard him.

Luckily, Digo did.
"Perfect! Lead the way, then!"

Ami turned and lead the others back to the part of the mountain where he remembered seeing the path. He had kind of forgotten during the cloud fight though, so he took an estimated guess at the direction it was in. He didn't want to get everyone else lost with him though, so finding this path was a little bit more stressful than it should have been. The plants here were mixed between corruption and non-corruption, so the group had to be careful. Thankfully on Ami's part, he found part of the path from a distance, and was able to lead the group in a run/sprint over to it.

Once they arrived at it, they decided to pause at the base to catch their breath. From here, the mountain looked MUCH bigger than it had seemed from a distance. They had to admit, it did look a little bit intimidating from down below. But they were determined to stop the corruption now, and they didn't plan on backing out. Once everyone was ready, they began the trail up the mountain.

It was mostly just pebbles in different shapes, and occasionally a loose rock or two would fall from the upper paths or the sides of the mountain. The group wasn't worried as of now, but they were starting to feel their heartbeats increase in speed. If this was where they could find the source of corruption, they were nearing it. They had to be prepared for a final battle...if there was one. It was getting a little windy up here...

"Uh...guys?" Digo said.

Coco turned to him.

"Don't you think this area of the mountain is a bit...I dunno, unstable?"

"Whatever do you mean?" Cas asked.

"It's just...every time I take a step, it seems like the ground underneath is getting weaker and weaker. I don't know what it is, but it's giving me a sinking feeling..." Digo replied.

"Oh...that doesn't sound too good" El mumbled.

"Wait, I know! Let's throw a heavy rock onto the ground ahead of us, and that way we can see if there's anything underneath or not!" Cas said.

Ami had already found a medium-large sized rock on the trail. He walked over to the front of the group, and threw it ahead with all his might. At first he was scared he had overshot it, but watched it and made sure it would hit. It landed on the ground hard, and sure enough the earth beneath it crumbled. Coco stepped back.

"Ooookay, let's head back down and find another way arou-"

But he was interrupted as the ground beneath them began to shake. Before anyone could make a move, the ground underneath them caved in, and all of them fell down, down down. The light of the day quickly faded out of sight as they fell, and they all braced for a hard landing, closing their eyes. Luckily, they all landed on some giant soft mushrooms at the bottom, and were bounced to safety. They couldn't see much from here, but they saw no signs of corruption from down here.

They saw more glowing mushrooms around the place, but they couldn't see a path from here.

" what?" Ina asked worriedly.

"I suppose the only way to go is to search this place for something to help us out of here..." Digo replied, also concerned.

"Should we split?" Coco asked.

"Definitely not," Ami said. "We can't risk losing people in the dark, we don't know if that lizard thing lives down here or not. It would be very dangerous."


"Wait! I hear voices!" Cas exclaimed.

Everyone shut up to listen. Sure enough, they heard voices.

"We've been walking for days, Cho. I don't think we'll find anything to help us out."

"Quiet Pepe. We'll find something, I know it."

"You've been saying that for the past WEEK!"

"I know. Hopefully we can get back to Cea and..."

Digo cautiously tiptoed over to the source of the noise, despite the fact the ahead path was dark. As he got closer, he noticed two figures walking closer and closer. They looked like...shapes? It was a green triangle and a dark blue arrow (with 4 sides). The arrow looked up and saw him, and the two shapes stopped as Digo froze.


Cho - Dark Blue - Arrow

A wise shape coming from a regular family. They love new information, and are motivated by concepts and ideas. They sometimes do not seem to get modern humor or jokes, however.

"Um...hi?" Digo mumbled with a nervous smile.

"More shapes?! Oh boy..." Pepe grumbled.

Pepe - Green - Scalene Triangle

A bit of a street kid, will not hesitate to attack. Also rather grumpy, but that's just how they are. They have the special ability of glowing and firing projectiles, for some strange reason.

"Hello. How did you get here?" Cho asked calmly.

"We...fell in through unstable ground?" Digo replied. He was doing all the talking, as everyone else remained quiet.

"I see. Are you trying to get out?"


"Wonderful. We are too."

Cho didn't seem to have too much emotion in their voice.

"So...alliance? Truce? Friends?" Digo asked.

"Sure, why not. The more the merrier."

"Whatever. As long as you don't mess anything up" Pepe grumbled.

"We can do that just fine" Coco whispered to everyone else.

"Alrighty, let's uh. Let's get going, then!" Digo said, as everyone else gathered around the two shapes.

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