I Must Be Dreaming...

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👻Chapter 37: I Must Be Dreaming...❄️

Ghosts - Corrupted Rey Bossfight

The field opened up without another word from Rey or the group, and almost immediately small particles began popping up from the ground. It matched the snapping of the song, and Digo looked around. Oddly enough, only him, Coco, Ami, and Ina were on the field at the moment. Looking around, Digo noticed that Cho, Pepe, El, and Cas were all off to the side. Why Ari wasn't there was a mystery.

Perhaps it was because 8 people was the maximum? In the meantime, the particles were easy to dodge. The group just had to make sure they didn't get too reckless. They needed to watch out for one another.

Do you remember the day in October?
The leaves were falling just like me when it was over

Corrupted leaves began to fall down the  sides of the field. They had no targeting abilities, so they were easy to avoid. The four simply moved to the center of the field. They had to be careful though, since the leaves swayed from side to side and sometimes got close to them. Nobody took damage so far.

One more day of sorrow and I'll struggle to stay sober
Hope to see you later when I get older

The group looked up, only to see the leaves gone and pink bottles tilting down in their place. All of them got out of the way as drops of corruption poured from them. As the drops hit the bottom of the field, corruption began piling up like water, coating the bottom of the field with a thin line of corruption. This too, was fairly easy to dodge. The group of four began wondering if this was a trick to catch them off guard.

I still remember the smell of your perfume
It hasn't left me since the day you made me blue

Digo and the others were about to regroup when suddenly each felt a tug on their waist. Before they could react, they felt themselves being tugged off to the side of the field. They then realized that Cho, Pepe, El, and Cas had taken their place in the fight. They hadn't taken damage yet, because there wasn't any leftover corruption on the field. Perfume bottles then appeared and began spraying corruption onto the field. This came in the form of small corrupted bullets, and they were harder to dodge. Luckily, the new group of four managed. This fight sure had an interesting way of playing out...

I think I saw you but I know I'm not supposed to

The group watched as the perfume bottles disappeared from the battle. Suddenly, stripes began to appear, zipping up from the bottom of the battlefield. They seemed to consist of smaller squares growing and shrinking. Cho and the rest saw Rey slowly rise up from the bottom, but he was a blue color. The stripes seemed to line up with the building tension in the song, so the group began preparing for any sudden movements.

I must be dreaming 'cause I DON'T BELIEVE IN GHOSTS, yeah

Rey opened his eyes and snapped his head to the side, an X mark appearing where his neck would be. After the "yeah", Rey dropped down to the bottom of the field, and ice spikes shot out from where he landed. El wasn't looking where she was going, and got stabbed by a spike. She quickly moved out of the way as more spikes appeared on the field. All of the spikes shot out in a rhythmic fashion, so it was easy to predict where they would appear.

I must be dreaming 'cause I don't believe in ghosts, yeah

Rey slowly spiraled to the middle of the field and summoned 6 diamonds, shooting them out with the beat of the song. Pepe got hit by one, and Cho narrowly dodged one. Zigzags and projectiles filled the screen as Rey dropped back down, and now it was a matter of watching where you moved. The song was surprisingly fast paced, and the group made sure to keep with the beat of the song. The others awaited their release, watching the others do their best.

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