Chapter 12: Risky Dome

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💎Chapter 12: Risky Dome

"What do we do? All these guys just got beaten to a pulp and that snake guy just took off with the triangle!" Pepe said, looking at the shapes.

Cho stares at the group, checking on them each. They all were in horrible shape...Ina and Digo seemed to be unconscious while the others remained somewhat aware.

"Even if they could move, it'd hurt like no other...We'll have to find a way to heal them..." they muttered.

"Heal them? And how do you suppose we do that?" Pepe asked.

Cho shook their head. "I don't know...the only other way to help them is we can wait for their recovery...naturally. Or- find a triangle..."

Pepe rolled his eyes. "Those are both horrible options. We'd be stuck here for days in end waiting for them to heal- and not only that- if we try to find a triangle- we might have to fight again- or worse we get killed trying to find it!"

Cho stares at him. "So, what else do you suspect us to do?"

Pepe froze.

Then thought.

Then stayed quiet.

"Let's just go find that stupid triangle.." the shape muttered, turning to looks at any other openings that might lead to a different area.

"Glad you've agreed." Cho said.


It took a while of scanning the area, but  after finding nothing, Pepe and Cho just went down the one path they had been trapped in.

"This might lead somewhere..." They turned to look back at the other shapes.

"We'll be back soon. Just stay quiet and if you really have to, stay hidden or run."

No response.

"They really got beaten..." Pepe sighed.

"Yeah. This is the best we can do for them now though. Let's go." Cho spoke, soon leaving through the tunnel with Pepe following after.

The tunnel was dark, only a few glowing crystals and mushrooms illuminated their path. They trekked through, keeping out for any signs of a possible triangle that could have been left within the area.

"Are you sure we can even find any here? What if we run into those snakes again..." Pepe mumbled, looking at the walls of the tunnel.

"...I'll admit I'm not sure, but it's the best shot we have, considering we can't get out from underground. We could ourselves but we can't just leave them there." Cho replied.

"Yeah yeah I get it..."

Pepe noticed a path off to the side from the one they were walking on and signaled to Cho, who noticed the room before them.

"Let's look around there," He said, getting a nod from the other.

They entered the new area and saw it was a dome like appearance, with some crystals to light up the atmosphere. It was...pretty empty. But there was a strange dripping sound coming from somewhere inside the cave.

"Wow...did all tunnels have a section like this or..." Pepe whispered, looking around.

Cho was quickly looking around at every area of the dome, wary and on guard of the place.

"No...Something must've came here and burrowed a place to hide...but what?" they mumbled.

That dripping sound became louder.

What was it?

Where was it coming from?

The two became more aware of the sound. It was as if it was aware of their existence.

" hear it?" Pepe asked, looking around.

"Yeah...but where..."

They looked up as they felt a touch of water drip from the ceiling. It was contaminated...not yet at least. If that pink snake guy did any more damage...the outcome would be more different.

The water was dripping off the sides of the triangle as it hid within the shadows of the cave's ceiling.

"There's actually a triangle here...It looks a lot larger than the one from earlier too..."

Cho nodded.

"It looks like it may have sensed the corruption and hid within this chamber...."

Pepe looked at them.

"Cho- Could this.."

They nodded again. "Yes. Looking at its size, it could do much more than heal the others, it could most likely purify the waters or this mountain system."

"'s HUGE! a treeangle part...but...I thought all of the treeangles were intact...this makes no sense!" Pepe exclaimed

"Well, I guess we'll just have to find out later" Cho said.

"Alright...Lets just grab it and go then." Pepe replied, raising his hand up to the triangle. "It is weird though...there's no challenge or anything either-"

Cho turned to see Pepe already holding it, not paying much attention.

"Well, if there's no challenge I'm not complaining-"

Cracking. More cracking. However it shook the ground with more force than they expected.

The ground split apart, and it looks like the taking of the triangle started to disrupt the little balance it contained within the room. Cho looked down and notice the splitting of the ground.

"Pepe- Go-" He said as they went back towards the entrance of the tunnel.

"Don't look back! This room is about to collapse- we have to hurry back to try others."

The two shapes went into the tunnel, and they could hear the falling debris of the cave walls that caved in from behind.

"Almost there..." Pepe muttered in concentration, keeping a tight grip on the triangle.


They made it through, skidding to a halt on the mountain floor. They looked back, seeing the very tunnel they went through crumble before their eyes. If they had stayed any longer, they would've been buried...

"Huh..? Cho...Pepe...What are you doing..?" They turned to see El staring at the two of them.

She must've been able to prop herself up against the wall of the cave, supporting Digo's limp body. Ami, while weak had gone to comfort Ina who was now awake but still in a daze. Coco was still resting on the floor, his breathing slow, but he looked to be more stable. Cas seemed to be relatively proud but still in pain.

"Sorry if we took too long...We found a triangle, and it may be able to help you guys."

"Trust me...Anything works right now...we all feel like crap..." Coco grumbled, his voice hoarse.


"Let's see what it can do."

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