Chapter 53: Windy Meadows

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🌬Chapter 53: Windy Meadows

The group was on their way to the center of the island, as they had no time to waste. Elis and Wave had hung back for a while to chat, and Wave told the others he'd catch up soon. He told them to just start following a trail of pebbles, and the path would be clear from there. The group found the trail in no time and began following it as told, careful to watch out for any traps. It indeed made a very clear path, and the grass around it had marked the trail, as if many had walked this path before.

For a while, the path of pebbles just led the group through grass, with small hills on either side of them. The sky was a nice blue color, and there were only a few clouds scattered around within it. The group had a feeling it was getting closer to evening though, and as the time passed it indeed did. Just up ahead, the pebbles stopped, but the path kept going, as it was still flattened out by numerous treks that past things had made. The group stopped to look at their location.

The area they were currently in was beautiful, and it had changed from a shore and grass scattered around to a full on meadow. It was filled with many colored flowers, and there wasn't a drop of corruption in sight. There was a rather strong breeze at the moment, but that didn't ruin the beautiful appearance of the place. In fact, it was getting closer to sunset, and the sun shining on the field magnified its beauty well. At the end of the field, there were weird hills, but beyond that, Ari said he could see a tower.

The group began walking through the field, not sure if there was a trap here or not. It was rather quiet, with only the grass in the breeze making noise. So far so good, and they began wondering about what Wave had said from earlier. If this place was attacked, shouldn't the whole place be corrupted? Was that giant lizard they saw on the other island responsible for this?

Maybe they just hadn't reached the corrupted area yet, or maybe the lizard was the one who didn't reach this meadow area yet. Or maybe the lizard had corrupted a few things in hopes that it would slowly spread out. That way it could be more sneaky, and people would suspect less. Also that meant the lizard could leave and let the infection take place, and then come back later. Perhaps Sese could've done it too, though? These were all just guesses, and the group was ready to fight whatever needed saving.

They began to see trees as they entered a different part of the field. It wasn't a forest exactly, as the trees were more spread out within the area. However, it was still a reason to be more cautious, as there could be an ambush from them. The colors were so nice though, the plants being a soft, dull green, and the small pastel colored flowers provided small sprinkles of bright color to it. All in all, it was a nice walk.


A figure watched them from the trees. Their glowing body was hidden by leaves as they saw the group from afar. This would be the perfect chance to strike...but something else interrupted them. Another shape crashed from a tree nearby, falling onto the ground clumsily. The figure knew who this kid was.

They sighed as they remained unmoving where they were. They couldn't attack now, because if a strong wind came by, the kid could probably zoom to the nearest village and warn everyone. Oh how the coincidences and luck clashed. They could only watch quietly from where they were as the kid scrambled to get back up the tree. Soon they would be able to attack. Soon.


The group was busy trying to point out fun shapes in the clouds as they walked by. The walk was very long, and honestly? They were just following the path. They had no sense of direction, and didn't really know where to go. If the path ended here, they'd be doomed and lost.

They neared a cluster of trees after Cas guessed Digo's cloud to be a phone. As they got closer, they heard something and froze. It sounded like rustling within the leaves, but nobody could see anything from where they were. Everyone was done with games now, and was alert. They slowed down their walking pace drastically, and began to slowly creep through.

All eyes were on the trees now, with laser focus. Everyone was ready to fight, but it would be better if they weren't ambushed. They didn't risk making a sound in case the other figure couldn't see them either. They saw a more open area with less trees as they neared the exit, so they hoped they could get out before something happened.

Suddenly, something orange leapt out from a tree. The group had no time to react as they crashed into them. As they sorted themselves out, they looked down. It was a kite, and they seemed like they were a teenager. Slowly, they sat up.

"Oof...sorry about that. I should watch where I'm"

"Who...are you? Ami asked."

"Oh, my name is Cea!"

Cea - Kite - Orange

A very adventurous diamond-like shape, he loves to try out new things! He can get a little risky at times, in which case someone may need to hold him back. He wants to fly someday, but kite shapes can only glide in the wind.

"Do you live here?" Ina asked.

"Yeah, we could use some help!" Digo said.

"I can take you to my village if you want! You guys must be tired after all your travels!" Cea replied happily!

"Well, it's better than nothing..." El said.

"I guess we're going then," Coco shrugged.

"Yay!" Ari cheered.

And so, with Cea now in the group, everyone proceeded to follow him.

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