Chapter 1: Peace and Harmony?

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⭐️ Chapter 1: Peace and Harmony?

Coco looked out the window of his home. It was a regular day, nothing wrong with it. He watched all the other shapes as they did their daily chores and talked with others. It wasn't that he was jealous or anything of the sort. He had a friend, Digo. They just weren't here at the moment.

Coco - Circle - Pink

A shape that, while initially appearing cold and sarcastic, becomes a good friend if you get to know them well. Comes from the rare pink tree, which most shapes commonly mistake as the corruption tree. It is not the source of the corruption, and the shapes it creates are not evil unless they choose to become so later in life.

Now, he was a young shape and therefore still had a small body with no arms. Shapes like Kat and older shapes had arms and a stronger and larger body, while also staying on the ground, as younger shapes could float. Coco had heard the old stories over and over again about how the blue hero saved the place from some evil creature named Blixer. He believed it, but just...wasn't sure if he'd ever want to be a hero. It seemed like too much stress, what with constantly going after the villain and making sure they didn't progress with their plans.

He didn't think it would ever happen though. After all, the corruption had been sealed for several years. It most likely wouldn't appear for a while. He heard a knock at his door and flew over to see who it was. Indeed, it was his friend Digo, who had come back with some supplies he had set out for.

Digo - Square - Cyan

A friendly young shape coming from the cyan tree. Tries to get along with whoever he can, and wants to make more friends and allies. He is usually kind, happy, and carefree. However, he will get serious if he must.

Coco let him in, closing the door behind him.

"Ah, you got what you needed?" Coco asked, examining what he had brought back.

"Yup! Without any troubles at all!"

Digo flew further into the house. He set his stuff down on a table and sat down in a chair.

"Sure is nice, isn't it? This peace and quiet..." he said.

"I quite agree" Coco replied, indeed enjoying the easily lifestyle.

Suddenly, the two heard screaming in the town. Quickly, they flew over to the windows. There, in the town, were several corrupted cacti. Not a whole army, probably about 8 or so. But they were corrupted and magenta nonetheless. Coco pulled away from the window, and began having an anxiety attack.

Corruption, here and now.


How could possibly have...

Digo saw him stressing out.

"Coco, its okay. We need to find a way out of here. As much as I want to save my friends, we don't have time for that. We have to get out of this town."

"Do you have a plan?"

"Hm...we could go out the back door and run into the forest. Chances are, the water's been corrupted..."

Young shapes like them couldn't swim anyway. Coco calmed down by taking deep breaths.

"Okay. You're right. Let's try that."

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