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And that was that. 

After the massive wave of energy shook the world, everything had become purified. Elis, who'd been swimming away from the corruption island, watched as the wave flew over the sky. The water underneath him purified into its regular blue self, and Elis figured that his group of shapes must've won the match against corruption. He happily turned around and sped towards the island, ready to pick up the heroes from their fight. He just hoped there weren't any casualties...

Meanwhile, the group was walking down towards the shores after their massive victory. The now purified creatures were all wandering around, trying to make sense of what to do now that Agen's reign was over. As Elis approached the island, he could see the group waving, and swam over. Everyone was happy to see each other, and after they boarded onto Elis, he took off. It was time to go back home.

On their way back, they all shared stories of their adventure. They shared parts that Elis had not seen or witnessed, and other such complications. Some were about the friends they'd met or the foes they'd made...though they were still triumphant in the end. The trip through the vast ocean almost seemed like it took an hour with the fun they had, and soon they'd arrived back on their home island.

Everyone was dropped off back to their respective homes, and they all lived happily ever after.


"Well....I guess we're back to square one."

Two figures stood in the forest, alone and by themselves. They'd been uncorrupted thanks to the wave, but decided not to partake in any festivities or celebrations. They needed to recollect their thoughts after everything that had happened recently.

"Where shall we start?" the larger one asked.

"I don't know yet....but I'm sure we'll find something," the smaller one replied.

"You never DID check back up on your home after all those years, did you?"

There was a brief period of silence between the two as the sound of trees swaying in the wind filled the space.

"....well, I suppose you're right. Seems we have a thing to do after all."

The smaller figure hopped onto the larger figure, briefly balancing themselves before pointing their sword forwards.

"Ready to go on another adventure, Racu?"

"Whenever you're willing to start, Sese."

"Then onwards we shall go!"

And with that, Sese and Racu sailed off into the sunset.

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