Chapter 54: Olden Hints

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💎Chapter 54: Olden Hints

The group, thankful for some help in the form of Cea, walked with them back to their home to hopefully get some input on where the next Treeangle piece is.

"Here we are! Make yourselves at home."

Cea introduced them to his home, a small house within the forest, but there was a village close by.

"Thank you-" Ina said, smiling at him as the group entered.

"Um you're place is very...very.." Digo stated, looking around.

There were piles of clothing littered about, sometimes half full bottles of liquid or containers.

"Um...Nice decor?" he added.

Cea laughed. "I usually clean up when expecting someone to come over, but you guys were unexpected. Sorry about that."

Ami looked around, shaking his head.

"Anyways...We needed some help." He said, reminding the group of their mission.

"Oh? Yes that's right- How can I help you?" he replied, sitting down in a chair.

"We need help finding the next Treeangle piece, but we have no idea where to find. Can you help us look?" El asked.

Cea narrowed his eyes, thinking quietly. "I'm sorry. But I have no idea where it could be."

"Oh- It's alright, you didn't have to know-" Digo started.

"But I might know someone who can give you guys a clue, the village elder."

Coco looked at him. "Can they really help us?"

"Yes, but they're known to be a bit...weird. And...Quirky. If that makes sense." Cea nodded.

"Then we should go talk to them! We can get our answers there!" Ina concluded.

The group murmuring in agreement left the house with Cea, the shape guiding them into the quaint village.

"I'm surprised the corruption hasn't gotten here yet..." El muttered.

"Yeah..Let's try to keep it that way." Ami replied.

"In here." Cea directed, leading them into a village hut, the entrance covered with a fabric they all passed through.

The inside was quiet, a few shapes standing about as they watched the group carefully. Kneeling down on the floor was an old Diamond. The village elder looked at the group with tired eyes before turning her attention to Cea.

"Cea...How can I help you." she rasped quietly.

"Um, Morgana," Cea nodded politely. "These shapes here were asking for the location of the Treeangle piece as a part of their quest to cure corruption. They need help."

The diamond looked at the group again, causing an eerie stillness to come between them. Looking at the Elder, Ina stepped forward, attracting attention of the other shapes.

"Ina-" Coco warned but she shrugged him off.

"I'd leave this to Ina." Ami whispered to him.

"Miss Morgana.." Ina did a small bow in greeting. "We'd really appreciate your help. We fear that the corruption we'll spread all through the world- even your own village. I'm sure you don't want that..So we need to find this Treeangle piece- and fast." the young diamond said softly, her voice breaking the tense atmosphere.

The elder closed her eyes, as if thinking again, before smiling at the shape. "I am sorry...But I can only give you a hint of where it is."

"That's all we'll need miss." Ina replies.

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