Chapter 57: The Museum Mess

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🎟Chapter 57: The Museum Mess

Well. That was rather traumatizing for the whole group. They waited for the smaller treeangle piece to come out and do something, but nothing happened. If Fang was dead, then he was dead. The group felt a little uncomfortable leaving it at this, but...did they have any other choice? Probably not.

They slowly walked away from the pile of rocks that had crushed Fang's body, and resumed their search for the footprints. Unfortunately, they'd been covered up by the T-Rex, but the T-Rex's footprints still led to a place anyway. Realizing that the T-Rex was made of bones and bones usually came from a museum, the group followed them without question. If Fang had corrupted this dinosaur, he must've taken it from the museum! The group ran as fast as they could.

As they ran, they noticed several passerby shapes. They were still murmuring about something, and the group could make out words of corruption as they ran. Great. Just how many places had this lizard gone to? How did they know about where the treeangles were? Or, were they just corrupting every area they could find? If that was the case, the group needed to hurry!

Nobody said anything as they ran. As much as they would have liked to stop at the moment, they could not. They couldn't go back to Wave or Cea, or anyone now because of the urgency of this mission. Backup would be nice, but they had no time for that. They kept an eye on the tracks, making sure not to lose sight od them.

The tracks went into a forest and through a lot of plants, so the dinosaur must've taken a shortcut to get to the group. The tracks went up and over tree roots, crushed plants, but surprisingly avoided water. There were traces of corruption around the tracks as well, and everyone was super careful around it. They could see the town as they ran through the greenery, but surprisingly could not make out the museum yet. They kept their eyes peeled anyway.

As they left the forest though, they couldn't help but get the feeling they were being watched.


They watched through the trees.

They'd followed the group from when they saw them in the plains. Now that that troublemaker wasn't here, they could carry on with their mission. They'd been sent by a force to kill this group, and to stop them form interfering with the master's plans. It shouldn't be too hard, and they figured that when the group stopped running to take a break and catch their breath, they'd strike. Unfortunately, they were surprised to find that this group would not stop despite their ragged breathing.

Oh well. Their only hope was to follow the group and hope something would happen.


It had taken about 5 minutes after they'd gotten out of the forest, but they'd reached the museum. They could tell because there were golden letters and signs that clearly read "museum".

"What are we waiting for? Let's go!"  El exclaimed excitedly.

Ami opened the doors and let everyone in, then followed after them. As they got in, theysaw the reception desk to their left. Everyone realized they didn't bring money, so they tried to make their way past it without being noticed. Unfortunately, a desk attendant noticed them anyway.

"Hey you newcomers! Over here! Now!"

They seemed strict, so the group made their way over. It was a red rectangle, and she seemed a little annoyed.


"You got your tickets?" she barked.

The group flinched a little at this, but they needed to find a way out of it.

"Uh. Who had the tickets again?" Eli ask.

"We look pockets!" Ari replied.

The group fake-searched their pockets for anything they could use. Unfortunately, they wound up with nothing. Coco only had a few cents in his pocket anyway, and it wasn't enough for all of them.

"Dangit, did we drop them?" Digo asked.

"I think so..." El muttered.

"Ugh, but I could've sworn we paid for them! Did someone steal them?!" Digo whined.

The red rectangle coughed to get the group's attention

"I'm sorry, but no exceptions. You either need Ye physical ticket, or you'll need to pay to examine the-"

Suddenly, the alarm went off.

"Wah! What's going on?!" Cas yelped.

"Something was stolen!" the dark manager exclaimed.

The group figured it was the treeangle piece. They made haste and ran towards the signs pointing to the more valuable things.

"Hey wait, STOP!"

But the group didn't listen. They kept going, running around people who were in panic. They could hear the staff trying to calm everyone down as they soon found a sign leading to the valuable jewelry and prized artifacts. As they weaved in and out of the rooms, all of them kept their eyes peeled for the treeangle. They darted past precious gemstones of all shapes and sizes and kept looking.

Cas nearly ran by it, but skidded to a halt as he saw a bunch of triangles on the floor. They were all leading to the treeangle piece, and he could tell because a sign nearby said to follow them to get there. Cas got everyone else's attention and sped after the path. The others also stopped running and changed directions. However, they all soon found themselves stopping abruptly as Cas stood in the entrance to the exhibit, frozen from shock.

The treeangle piece was gone!

The group could see a feathered tail leave through a hole in the ceiling and roof. The culprit must've gone outside! Everyone ran back out to look for an escape door. From where they were, they could only see the entrance doors, but that was fine because people were fleeing out of that door too. They struggled to make it out with the crowds, but soon enough they got outside.

The group looked up into the sky to see who their culprit was.

It was a giant corrupted winged serpent.

An amphithere.

And it was flying away towards the mountains with the treeangle piece in its mouth.

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