Chapter 75: Dream a Dream

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☁️Chapter 75: Dream a Dream

They all crashed onto the ground after jumping through. Strangely, the ground felt...soft. When they looked, the ground was made of wool! They got up, but some needed lifting up. They looked, and saw all kinds of things.

The sky looked like a mess of rainbows. Plants with all kinds of shapes and colors, animals that look fake, and much more. This looked a dream, but that's likely where the portal took them. They were all amazed, but had to get back on track. In this place, Sese could be hiding in plain sight.

So they started looking for any signs of where Sese could have ran to. But in a place like this, anything could exist, and anything could happen. They had to keep on their toes, especially as they looked around. Walking, they saw a ice-breathing flying dog, racecars on normal highways, and Pokemon! Some were generating items from thin air, almost like they could get what they wanted if they wished for it. But the group figured that there might be puzzles or traps awaiting them here.

Of course, right after they thought about it, a puzzle appeared, but it wasn't as obvious. There was a huge clock on the ground, with a gate blocking the way to advance. Ari mimicked the other creatures and attempted to wish for a key to unlock the door...but instead he summoned a note that simply said he couldn't cheat his way through the puzzles. Ari told the group about it, and with the knowledge of the fact they had to pass this manually, they got to work. There was a sign on the wall that El read.

It said, "Find the right time, find the way though. But when you find it wrong, chaos."

The chaos part didn't sound good to any of them, so they got to work. Coco decided to randomly guess, BIG MISTAKE! A buzzer rang, and a lava pillar rose. Luckily, Coco got out of the way in time. It took forever to even find the first number, and they didn't even joke about the chaos. There was volcanoes, sharks, lightning storms, poison gas, but the worst was homework!


But eventually, they found the first number, being 4. Now time for the second number.  But they did need to type 4 first, as the puzzle would reset each time they attempted the second number. More chaos happened as well. Cas tried to be smart, using every number in order, but the clock didn't like that.

So Cas was nearly burned by a dragon, but Ina managed to calm it down, and even pet it. More stuff, like pandas, legos, pineapple on pizza (Subject to opinions), and much more. But the second number, 2, was eventually found. The last one actually didn't take that long, because Ami, moved the hand to 0, and the door opened.

"Don't ask. That meme is basically everywhere." he said, before going though the door.

The rest followed, a bit confused, to the next puzzle. On the way, they saw many more weird sights. Turtles and tortoises swapping roles, babies taking care of adults, and My Little Pony being real. Honestly, just think of colorful creatures and Skittles barf. Anyways, they continue on until they stumble onto another puzzle.

This one looked like to be a side scroller, but the controls were all messed up. There was no clear way which button was jump, which was left movement, right movement, basically all the controls were random. But it looks like they got unlimited lives. So they started testing things out. A button was the jump button, another made the character move in a certain direction, but others were trolls.

They killed then, spawned enemies, or restarted them back to the start, even if they hit checkpoints. So yeah, it took a while to figure out which button or switch did what. But after a while, they labeled what each did, and stationed each one of them at certain areas. Level start! They first had to jump on some bad guys, and got a power up from hitting a box, making the video game character taller and was able to get hit and not die. There were a few more challenges, like spiked plants with teeth, turtles, missiles with eyes and arms.

We totally aren't trying to avoid copyright. But eventually, they made to to the castle, and waiting for them there, was a turtle with a spiky shell! It took them a while, but eventually they defeated it, and rescued the princess. With the quest over, the gate opened, and they continued on. Luckily the princess wasn't in another castle.

They were now running to catch Sese, considering all the randomness that has already happened. They saw some corrupted, at the end of a very dangerous looking river with.....fruit punch. It looked too rough to swim through, but they did see a creature in some type of made up boat. Looks like that was the only way to travel down. So they started looking for things that could work for a boat.

Luckily, stuff like that seemed to be everywhere, so they didn't struggle with that. What they did struggle with was figuring what would they use, and each of them had different ideas. Cas wanted some items so the boat could go very fast, while Ami wanted things that could take a lot of hit and support a lot of weight. The arguing took a while, but they all decided to use things that would make everyone happy. Some parts were added for speed, some for protection, some for attacking, there was a lot of things for all kinds of aspects.

So they pushed their make shift boat into the......fruit punch river, got in, pulled out paddles, and started riding! The river didn't seem that bad, until the last minute. Then it got very fast, and a lot of rocks. So they started paddling to avoid the rocks, but each side paddled when told to, so they don't just row at the same time and hit the rocks. They did hit a few, but the protections helped a lot.

There were only rocks at the beginning, but a lot more appeared as it goes on. There were branches, rock slides, and other things, but they did get help from other creatures who also had made boats to go across the....fruit punch river. So they helped them dodge the hazards, as they knew they were first timers. It was actually kind of fun with others, but there were some hazards that the corrupted threw to probably stop then in the tracks. This threw off the other boats, but not the main heroes.

They had seen a lot of theses attacks, so they helped the other boats get though. Striking attacks with baseball bats, throwing explosive fruit to stop a while area of attacks, and much more. The other boats also started throwing attacks as well, and soon, they reached the end. They got off the boat, the other creatures left as well.

But one of them noticed something in the distance.

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