Chapter 5: Island Monsters

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🌴Chapter 5: Island

Coco gazed out at the corrupted water, the pink pixels swarming all around Elis. The group and the boat were on their way to an island that was far out at sea. Ina stated that the island used to be completely vacant. If there was any sort of civilization there, it would have long been abandoned.

The others stayed back, looking up at the mountains that the island held, the pink sky and corruption even reached here...

"Hold on! It's gonna get a little rough!" Elis yelled out as they began to reach the island's waters.

Coco underestimated them until he felt a massive lurch form beneath his footing. The others noticed too.

"W-Why is it s-so..B-Bumpy?!" Ina yelped, holding onto Ami as he supported her.

"The corruption is really bad here! There's no other explanation!" Elis yelled, trying to guide them through the water as quickly as possible.

Coco was thankful they couldn't get corrupted by water transport. The outcome would've been disastrous. Cas and El were also thankful.

"We're almost there..!"

Elis was straining with effort, Coco could see it as they moved further into the island's territory. Digo looked up, noticing a large explosion at the top of the largest least, he thought it was a mountain...

"What is going on up there..?" He muttered, Coco looking to him.

"What's wrong?"

"I swear I just saw something up there...It looked like corruption..."

Coco turned back to see if he could see it for himself, but it was possibly long gone.

"Where is it?!" Cas shouted, also not being able to see it and ignoring the fact it was probably gone.

"Looks like we'll have to go find out for ourselves then..." Coco muttered.

Finally, after at least 30 more minutes of rough waters, they finally made it to land. Coco didn't know how much more he could have withstood. The others felt the same way, of course.

"Sorry I couldn't do much.." Elis felt bad looking at the shapes, but Ina shook her head.

"No no, you're fine!" She went over to Elis, smiling. "Thank you for all your help! Is there anyway we can repay you?"

"No, don't worry about that. For now just be careful. This island is creepy...but I'll make sure to wait for you guys to return so I can bring you back to the harbor." Digo beamed.

"Really? Thank you! You stay safe too!" Elis shifted through the waves, finding a place to stay and wait for them once they were done exploring.

He turned back to the others, looking at the island's property. Tall trees and underbrush was woven around the island. Surely, there wasn't any signs of civilization here...this habitat does seem somewhat difficult to live in.

"Where to?" Coco asked, turning to Ina and Ami.

"I don't know...this place is obviously huge, I don't even know where we can start..." Ina sighed.

El had a look around, to see if there were any obvious paths.

Ami looked up at the towering mountains. "Why don't we start there?"

Coco stared at him.

"That thing is huge, there's no way we'll make it up there, let alone us surviving!"

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