Chapter 65: Corrupted Criminals

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🚨Chapter 65: Corrupted Criminals

Sese smiled as he watched chaos ensue all over the place. These workers were sooo easy to corrupt, and he'd gotten the treeangle corrupted in no time. Who knew what chaos they would cause as a bonus, too. He was just finally glad to be back, as bad as ever, proving his worth. 


Digo sat in his chamber, resting against the cold, metal wall of the room he was in. That square had put him here while he went to go investigate other matters. He heard loud noises coming from outside but he didn't think too much of it. 

 "Guys...I miss you..." he murmured softly before hearing the door open to his area. 

 He looked out past the bars, peering out to see who it might've been. Nothing was there..Until a screaming and glitching pink object slammed against the door, causing him to fall back, crying out in shock. The corrupted shape grabbed at him, trying to get to him, but Digo crawled away gasping out of fear as the corrupted shape tried to get in. Suddenly, a loud screech emerged from it as a fizz of steam flew off of its body, a blade being stabbed through its torso. After its body began to twitch, it exploded into a million shards, Digo covering his face as to not watch the murder take place. Before him now stood that Square again (though he was in his chair)...His blade being attached to his arm, and retracted within the sheath. 

"Y-You..." Digo stared in shock before standing. "You killed someone!" he spat. 

"He would've corrupted you if I didn't," the Square responded dryly. 

"You just needed to play its game- you just needed to get the-" 

"We do not focus on that old triangle. Once you fall to corruption you fall to it. It's a sign of weakness. Anyone who does must be ended for their lack of willpower to overcome corruption." 

Digo's words left his mouth as the Square spoke, shocked into silence. 

 "When you're an adult...You will understand," he added quietly as he opened the prison door.

"What are you doing." he muttered, backing against the wall. 

"Freeing you. This corruption has spread among our troops...Eventually it'll reach the prison ward, where your friends are." 

 Hearing that, he looked up. "You're...letting us go?" 

 The Square said nothing, soon leaving the door open for him. Digo ran after him, almost frantically. 

"H-Hold on!" He yelled as they went into the halls, as chaos soon consumed the area. 


 "There are..So many.." Ina whispered, looking at the hallway they were waking into. 

Old Prisoners were being corrupted left and right after the massive jailbreak. Cas had reunited with the group after splitting off from the spy.

"To think if we stocked around much longer...We would've probably been corrupted too.." Ami muttered in response. 

 "We can't fight all of them- we'll end up just getting killed!" El said, an edge hidden in her voice out of fear. 

"El...Right." Ari said softly, out of fear of being taken over again. 

 Coco looked at the shape, unable to comfort him as they were trying not to get found out the the massive horde of Corruption. 

"I hope Digo is okay...He must be so scared.." El sighed softly. 

"No..I'm sure he'll be okay..He's Digo after all." Coco responded.

Cas was investigating the wall they were all leaning up against in hiding, soon finding a strange object on the wall. He stared at it before pressing it out of curiosity, despite the current situation they were in. Ina and El yelled out of shock as a loud blaring sound and red lights began to flash within their area. Coco looked at Cas, and as the lights flashed, the button he pressed was an emergency alarm that would alert others of an emergency...but in this case it alerted the corruption to where they were. 

"Cas I will slay you-" El started but was interrupted. 

 "No time to argue about it! Run!" Ami spat, beginning to run ahead, Ina trailing behind. 

The others hurried behind them, Coco looking back to see a horde of corrupted chase after them. There were too many to fight all at once, so this was the only option they had. They ran along the sides of the prison as not to fall down into the depths of the Earth. They ignored Guards who seemed alarmed to see them out but were soon occupied as trying to stop the corruption.

"We need that Treeangle- If we can find it soon...We should be able to stop this!" Ina cried out. 

"Yeah but that old mug hasn't said squat yet!" Coco retorted. 

 "Well try thinking- Office, secret chamber, maybe it's down within the pits of the earth?!" El added. 

"I'll go-" 

 "You're not going anywhere Cas! You've done enough!" Ami spat out of irritation. 

 Ami paused, stopping abruptly. 

"Ami- What's..." Coco saw another large group of corruption cutting them off. 

"W-We're cornered!" El stammered. 

Ina hid herself in Ami's chest as the older shape held her close, wanting to protect her. 

"W-What do we do..?!" She exclaimed, shaking her head. 

 Coco looked desperately for a way out of this mess...He wanted to save his friends but...He looked over the edge, seeing a strange glimmer down within the darkness of the abyss. He paused, trying to make out what it could be before taking a deep breath.

"Hey Ami.." 


"Remember how you told Cas not to jump off.." 

 "Yes- Wait- What?" The shape looked at Coco. 

 "Please trust me on this." 

That was his last thing before he took a running start, leaping off the edge of the cliff, and disappeared into the darkness as the girls cried out in shock. The others stared down, but soon Ari stepped forward. 

"We must...Go!" 

He went as well. The corruption was getting closer. Soon Cas, El... 

"Ami..let's go." Ina said softly. 

He looked down at her but after hesitation...He nodded. And the last two shapes jumped off together, their glow vanishing as they left the safety of ground. Coco was falling..falling farther until... He hit the bottom, only to be consumed by a large amount of water. Holding his breath, he managed to look up and see the others follow after him, Ari, Cas, El, Ina and Ami. They all made it out. He gasped for air, coughing out water as they all crawled out panting from exhaustion. 

"H-How did you know there was water..?" Ami asked quietly as he turned to look at them. 

"I...I didn't. I guess it was just...Intuition." 

 Ami stared at him before they heard steps and creaks from the darkness. Backing up with each other, they were wary of what was about to emerge from the depths..a glow of cyan, and the rusty color of a wheelchair formed. Coco's eyes widened as he looked upon the two. 


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