Chapter 6: Clouds in Sight

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🌧Chapter 6: Clouds in Sight

The island looked very huge, with all kinds of weird plants. Huge vines were growing everywhere, covering the few buildings that stood up. Past all of that, a large mountain looked over the island of green. They stood there, wondering how to get up there. But the falling pink corrupted also got their attention.

"What should we do?" Ina asked, looking around.

Coco said in response, "We need a way to get up to the mountain, but also find out what to do about the pink rain."

They all thought of a plan, before Cas said out loud, "How about we split up?! Half of us look for a way up, while the other half track the pink corrupted?"

The rest sat there, before Ami said, "That could really work."

The rest nodded in agreement.

"I'll look for a way up the mountain. There might be treasure." El said.

"I'll also go with El," Digo said in response.

"I'll go ahead and follow them too," Ina said.

Coco then said, "So me, Cas and Ami are hunting the corrupted?"

"Yeah, this will be awesome!" Cas yelled.

So, they got into their groups, and split off.

Ina, El, and Digo headed off to where the drops of pink were not falling. They jumped through the vines and dangerous plants, making their way to the edge of the mountain.

"It's really big," Ina said, looking at the mountain.

The mountain was all kinds of blue, with white snow covering the pointed top. It was very big, taking up most of the little island they were on.

"All kinds of treasures could be hidden on there!" El said, feeling excited.

However, they were so distracted by the sight, they barely noticed the drops of pink corruption, falling close to where they were. Digo quickly noticed, and pushed everyone out of the way of the falling drops. The trio fell back, into a pile of wild flowers. The drops started corrupting some of the plants, turning then from Green to pink.

"But I thought it was safe this way!" Ina screamed, with terror taking over her face.

"Well, we better look for cover!" Digo said in response, hiding in a cave.

El and Ina soon followed him, hugging each other. They thought they were safe, but then, a shadow loomed over the cave. Looking up, El saw a cloud. A pink corrupted cloud, dropping drips of pink.

Meanwhile, Ami, Coco, and Cas were exploring the other side, looking for whatever is making the pink drops. They looked at all kinds of pink plants, that were glitching in place.

"This place is a bit creepy," Cas decided to say.

"Yeah. This place must have been very pretty, before it got corrupted," Coco said in response.

Using a stick, they use it to get plants out of the way, to look keep on the corrupted trail. But, they soon found themselves near the mountain, and Ami noticed a path up the mountain.

"Hey, guys! Look over here!" Ami said, trying to get their attention.

Cas and Coco turned, to see what looked like a clear pathway up the mountain.

"A pathway? But we aren't looking for that." Coco said, looking confused.

Cas nodded and said, "Weren't we looking for the pink thing that is making the rain?"

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