Chapter 84: Agen And Agen

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🐲Chapter 85: Agen And Agen

Agen for him was luckily already far ahead, but he knew those pesky heroes were chasing him. Why did they have to save Sese?! They were always annoying pests, but they were so close this time! He couldn't let them save the world, like he heard of those annoying shapes of legend did so many years ago. That thought made him very mad. But he didn't have time to slow down. 

He needed a way to slow THEM down. Then he looked around, remembering this path from somewhere.....wait. This was perfect! He called out to one of his minions, who was hiding using one of the items there. The minion signaled to other minions, who then activated the machines. The machines were traps, but needed to be activated with someone using it. 

Hopefully the heroes were ready for a fun death run. With people running them, they would have a fun time. Meanwhile, the heroes were running as fast as they could to catch Agen. Why wouldn't they? Agen had the last piece they needed, so they could save the world. 

However, Cas, being a bit reckless, didn't notice a trap. Luckily, El, with her knowledge of traps, pulled him back. Just in time as well, as a huge rock was about to crush him, but they managed to avoid it. They heard a small "Shoot" coming from around them. That's why the timing was so good. It was being used by actual minions! 

"Well this'll get annoying....." Coco muttered. 

Nevertheless, they needed to continue the chase, it would just be harder. This was common at this point, because the world could end at any moment! Anyways, they got ready. Looks like it was time to go through a death run! But they could actually die. Unlike RoShape(Basically Roblox). Looked like the first set of traps were easy, but they were still dangerous if they got hit. 

The first trap was a lava pit, that half of them nearly fell in, but the other half helped saved them. The next one seemed to be like swinging axes, that sped up when activated. Luckily, they had no issues with that one. They had most likely dodged things like those before. Plot twist! The next one was directly in front of the next one, and was a giant bear trap that nearly crushed Sese's tail! 

But Ami managed to keep the trap from activating before Sese could get out of the way. There were a few more easy traps like this,  like random holes forming, platforms disappearing, structures crashing, etc. But these were fairly easy to dodge, because A: The traps were easy to predict, B: They had experience with these traps, and C: The enemies here seemed to have bad timing. So those factors helped them get past that set. But it would only get harder harder after that.

Onto the second set! This one was definitely harder than the last one. The first one seemed to be some kind of fan. Assuming it would blow you, Digo stepped forward. But Coco luckily dragged him back before he got sucked in. 

Looks like this trap sucks instead of pushing. They better think of other ways these second set of traps operate. Like the third in this set. This one seemed to be a guessing game. Even though El and Cas said they would sacrifice themselves, Ami instead threw sticks at both doors, to see which one was safe to go through. The door on the left did nothing to the stick. 

The door on the right, however, basically destroyed the stick with what it looked like was bullets?! Needless to say, they took the left door. The seventh trap was particularly annoying. Each member had to get though a maze of lasers on a platform. But the one operating the trap still had a button. Which he actives when Sese went though. 

But Sese could move a lot, and he was able to avoid the active traps. There were a few more traps, like a spinning floor, a bomb that could be disabled (They didn't attempt to disable it), etc. but they managed to get through, with ease. The last set would show no mercy after this. The last set looked like it was impossible. Even when they reached the last set, a boulder nearly crushed them! 

They ran, and luckily the boulder fell into a nearby hole, which they needed to jump over first of course. The first trap they were met with was the same as the third trap in the second set. Of course, Ina threw two sticks, but both got destroyed, meaning there was no safe door. Cas managed to climb over it and help the rest over, but they had to be careful. After a few traps, they went to trap four, which had five swinging axes, but the one controlling it could change the speed at any moment. 

They went easy on slower targets, but very hard on fast targets. Since the speed was set to what each shape could get past through, they were all able to get through. Soon, they reached trap eight, which seemed to be a guessing game. But the one controlling it basically gave a speech that it would only let half of them survive. However, his speech went on for so long that the heroes were able to pass by. 

There were a few more traps, like entire parkour maps, and ones where they could barely see, etc. But as protagonists of a story, they managed to get through, with a few scratches, but still were going strong. They were approaching the end of the lair now, and could see the exit door where Agen had gone through in their sights! Hopefully they could make it out in time, which they did. All of the monsters controlling the traps got scared and ran as far as they could, with some accidentally getting hurt by the traps. 

As the group exited the lair, they looked out across the open for any signs of Agen. The heroes were tired, but they had to catch up to Agen, who was flying further and further away...over a strange looking city. They looked and saw a path underneath him maybe there was a way to keep going after all.

They could only wonder what would happen now.

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