Chapter 55: Fossil Fight

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🦴Chapter: 55 Fossil Fight

As the group ran down the long tunnel, they could hear the efforts of the others to fight the snake. They soon reached a round door that was glowing a light blue color. Without hesitation, they opened it, surprised to find that it was unlocked already. As they entered, they stared straight ahead at the pedestal that was supposedly holding up...


The room was pretty well lit, too. It was covered in light blue bioluminescent runic designs. The group could see clearly there was nothing there other than the pedestal, as it was a pretty small room.

"It's...gone?" Digo mumbled.

The group walked around the area the treeangle was supposed to be. No hidden switches or buttons anywhere. 

"Wait, didn't Wave say something about a museum in the middle of the island?" Coco asked.

"I forgot about that!" Cas exclaimed.

"Well luckily for us, there's a ladder over here!" Ina pointed. "We can get back to the group that way!"

Without further argument, everyone began climbing up. Once they got out, they saw they were only a few feet from their friends, who had sucessfully defeated the serpent. They ran over and got the group's attention.

"Did you find it?" Ami asked.

"No, it must have been moved," Digo replied.

"We can rest for now and look for the museum tomorrow!" El said, and Coco nodded.

"Okay, good plan. Let's go."


It was the next day.

Cackling, a familiar spider was ready for an attack. It did take him a while to finally track where the group was, but it was going to be worth it to him. It was his goal to capture them and take their rainbow treeangle pieces. But of course, he couldn't fight them himself, because he would get destroyed. So he stood in front of a T-Rex skeleton in the museum that supposedly contained a small treeangle piece.

Those dinosaurs were the kings, eating any type of dinosaur with their ferocious teeth. Unfortunately, they went extinct. But with a little corruption..........The dino was covered in pink, then soon let out a roar. It was ready. 

"Perfect." Fang said, with an evil slime. 

His masters said to cause a distraction, and this were definitely work. He pointed the way, and the dinosaur went. The dino wanted meat. And some little shapes would feed his huge appetite.

Meanwhile, the main group was thinking of a way to the museum while sitting in Cea's house. They knew the location, but didn't know a safe way to get there. But then, Ari spotted footprints from out the window. The group figured it could be a possible way to the museum. So it was time for adventure! 

They started walking down the pathway, watching the footprints. But making sure to stick with the ones that matches. There were random prints from birds and other creatures that didn't match the prints. They almost looked like dinosaur prints. But that was silly, dinosaurs didn't exist anymore. They went extinct. 

While they were tracking, the rattling bones saw them going the right way. The wrong way to it. It needed to corner them so it could strike. A lightbulb then popped up. It started covering the right tracks, and used it's feet to make it's own tracks. The new path now led to a corner. Perfect.

"Hey, did the tracks change?" Digo asked, pointing to the trail. 

"It's probably the way, tracks don't usually lie." Ami replied. 

El wanted to say something, but because of the situation, she stayed silent. They just followed the trail they assumed had always been there. Fang was watching from cameras, laughing with evil pride because the group would soon be captured, and sent away to be corrupted. 

"I think I would get a raise, or even better, a promotion! Yeah! Defeating the main problem might even let me see the main bosses face!" he said, daydreaming. 

This was his last shot to catch them. If all three shots were gone, the higher ups would end his life for sure. But that didn't matter to him. He was going to get them captured, or he will die destroying all he could. He did have some sanity, but his patience was wearing thin, anger starting to boil. 

Anyway, the bones were waiting for their time to strike. Footsteps were coming, and were getting louder and louder. Time to start. The main group arrived, and that's when it roared. The main group were shocked, for one, dinosaur bones were alive, and two, they were tricked!!! Looks like they needed to fight before they tried to figure out where they were. The battle arena formed, and the battle begun.

This wasn't planned by Fang, but hoped for the best. His life was at stake. The dinosaur opened it's large mouth, and tried to bite everyone. Luckily, they all managed to dodge it. Bones were fragile, so the dino had to move slowly. 

Of course, this enraged Fang, but he couldn't do much about it. He couldn't risking giving away his position. Cas started throwing rocks at the bones, making some fall down. The main group then started throwing everything they could, so more and more bones started falling down and down. The legs were soon gone, and Fang felt his anger rise as the group kept attacking. 

Then the tail disappeared. Then the body. Then, the head was taken care of. The triangle was grabbed, the bones became lifeless, and the battle was over. That was Fang's last straw. 

He'd finally snapped, and his patience had been completely destroyed. His eyes shut immediately, then opened. But the eyes were now all black with white pupils. The pink became all over, and seemed now permanent. He scratched one of the skeletons, making it immediately crash down and break. 

That's what now he wanted. To destroy the main group. He began to laugh to himself, and it escalated from a small snicker to full blown maniacal laughter in seconds. Using his string, he fired his way to the group, destroying any wild life in his way as well. If he was dying...

They were going to die with him.

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