Chapter 63: Escapism

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⛓Chapter 63: Escapism

Digo woke up in a dark room. He immediately noticed that he was sitting in a chair of sorts, and that he was bound to it by regular chains. Well, at least there was no signs of corruption anywhere. Suddenly, a light above him flickered on, and Digo could see that the room was small and square. There was only one way in, and that was through a rectangular door. There was also a metal desk in front of him.

Digo could hear something coming from down the hall, and braced himself. He could hear the noise stop as it reached the room, and then the door opened. It was the square in the wheelchair, but it was just them alone. The door closed behind them, and made their way over. Digo wasn't sure if he was supposed to say anything, but the square just glared at him, so...

"Who are you?" Digo asked cautiously.

He was still a little mad, but he tried to keep it all within himself. Maybe it was just a simple misunderstanding, and he could get out of it easily.

"No, I should be asking YOU that, you tresspasser," the square growled.

Okay, so chances were, Digo wasn't going to get any answers about that. Switch the topic, then.

"Why did you take me?" Digo asked again.

"You looked like the leader of the group, so I figured I'd converse with you first."

"Where are my friends?"

He felt the tone of anger rise in his voice, but again, he suppressed this as best he could.

"They've been taken to the prison cells while we decide on what to do with them," the square said.

"Are you going to kill them?"

"Well, we don't plan on doing so until we have this whole thing figured out, but for now they just might as well rot in their containment spaces. Nobody's ever broken out of those."

Digo's eyes widened. He had to bust them out to get the treeangle before it was too late!

"Please! I'll do anything! Just let my friends go!" he cried, trying to shake off the chains.

"You don't understand. That treeangle is VERY important to us! It provides us with energy, and it's been doing so since our ancestors lived here!" the square shouted back.

"Look, we can give it back when we're done with it, but we need it!"

"How do we know you ain't lyin'? We've had several greedy thieves come here before to try and take it, so you could just as well be one of them!"

"Do you even know what kind of situation it's in right now?!"

"What do you mean by that? Have you sent someone here before and made a mistake?"

"No, have you seen a giant lizard looking thing around here?"Digo asked.

"Yes, why? It looked like a dragon to me though, because it flew over the island. It left this trail of weird pink stuff that I assume made shapes into those mongerels we've been fighting off, but that's it," the square replied.

"Then the giant treeangle piece you all own probably corrupted!"

"I never saw it fly in to the location of the treeangle, though. How can you be so sure of that?"

"The dragon itself might not have flown in, but when it created the "mongrels" that me and my team call "the corrupted", those shapes obeyed ITS will. Meaning, it could have sent one of them to infiltrate this place and corrupt it for them!" Digo explained.

The square gave Digo a good, solid glare for a few seconds. He then pulled out a walkie talkie and whispered something into it. Digo couldn't hear what it was, though. A few minutes later, another shape walked into the room. It was an isosceles triangle, and it was pointed down instead of up. They were a tall, skinny figure, with no noteable things on them except they wore a worksuit of sorts.

"Ah, T-1505735. You came," the square said.

"Yes sir. You called?"

"Go inspect the treeangle for me. Tell me what condition it's in via walkie talkie when you get there. Don't have anybody go with you, and if there's a problem then call me as soon as possible."


And the shape left. The square turned back to Digo.

"If you're lying,'re not going to like the results."

Digo gulped. As much he technically wished it hadn't been touched, he now found himself wishing the corrupted foes HAD found it so his life would be spared. He also needed a way to get to everyone else, too...

"Well, what do you plan on doing with me?" Digo asked.

"If you're telling the truth, then maybe we can let you and your friends out...if you know how to stop this situation," the square replied.

"We do!" Digo cried, almost as if pleading for the square to believe him.

"But, if you are won't like what happens to you or your friends. Chances are, you yourself will be killed, while your friends will stay here forever."

Digo sighed, knowing full well that this was going to be a whole lot harder than it seemed.

Man, why was everything so hard to do nowadays?


Cas woke up in a very, very dark room. He didn't know what had happened, but he had a feeling it wasn't good.

"Guys...?" he slowly asked.

No response.

Cas got up and tried to see in the dark room. There was a small window that was probably attached to the door, but thanks to its light, Cas could see something that looked like a light switch to the right of it. He carefully made his way around the dark room, feeling himself bump into crates and boxes as he walked. Once he got to the switch, he found he couldn't reach it by just standing, since he was too small. He jumped up to flick it on, and successfully managed to so.

He was in a storage room...but why?

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