Chapter 2: The Soil Here

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🌸Chapter 2: The Soil Here

Ina leaned over, looking at the map that Coco held

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Ina leaned over, looking at the map that Coco held. "May I see?" She asked.

Coco kind of leaned back, not letting her get to close. He now just realized her features, which consisted of a color palette consisting of a cyan color with small white diamonds at certain parts of her body. Ami was of course, yellow and did not have any other features, unlike Ina.

Ina stayed quiet, observing the map. She looked over a small collection of shapes on the paper.

"This is a forest village here, and they have a harbor up North....And from what I see as of right now, the corruption shouldn't have reached this area yet. So if we get least by nightfall, we should be fine until the corruption reaches us." Ina spoke, backing up.

"You know a lot about this forest huh?" Digo asked.

He smiled, watching as she stood back up. People with knowledge of the place was just what the duo needed. Sure, they had explored a little before, but they didn't exactly go EVERYWHERE, nor did they usually remember most of it.

"O-Oh..Well, Ami and I travel a lot so..." She was obviously flattered, hiding back behind Ami.

Coco stood up too.

"Well, if you are right then we need to head in that direction right away."

The group agreed and began to trek through the forest, using Ina's guidance. Digo noticed the new shapes were quiet, staying closer to each other. While it was cute, he felt kinda upset...They must've been shocked from the sudden outburst of contamination.

"Hey, sooo...You two seem able to fight...Why didn't you back there?" He asked, shrugging.

Ina looked up, kind of surprised at the question. Digo felt a little bad for asking the question. Was that a sensitive topic? Should he not have asked? He could always just apologize. Before he could say anything however, Ami answered.

"Normally, we work with coordination and dual movement. However..." He sighed, the square looking up. "Ina and I got separated during our escape and while we can fight on our own, there wasn't any music to help match our movements to..."

Coco looked at him. He was certainly surprised. He thought something might've been wrong with him and Digo, but...apparently not. But, since he now knew that it didn't work for them, the only other question remaining was why.

"There wasn't any music for you either?"

Ami shook his head.
"No. Granted it's probably not that bad but it's difficult at times."

Ina smiled.

"I'm just glad you came to save us!"

Digo nodded.

"It was really no problem! We were at the right place at the right time."

Ami sighed. "Really, thank you for saving her from being corrupted..."

Coco nodded, not exactly saying anything.

Ina looked around, then back at the map.

"Let's see...It's the afternoon right now, and we're this far..." She stopped and looked up at the sky. "We should be almost there..." Coco followed her gaze and stared at the sky. The orange hues cascading into a dark blue.

"Aah, It's really pretty!~" Digo said, looking up with them. It really was.

They were fortunate that the pink corruption has not reached this part yet...At least, not yet.

"I do hope you all understand that I can't promise that we will be completely safe there...While the village is- relatively secluded, it's close to the harbor." Ina spoke, moving on.

"What does that mean?" Ami looked at Digo.

"It means that if the water is already corrupted, we might possibly have to fight."

"Oh." Coco looked down, still moving behind them.

This felt like some cliche moment in a comic book where they all have to become heroes and fight evil...yeah. Right. Leave that stuff for the veterans. His attention was brought back to Ina as she stopped.

"And we should be....Here!"

The group looked up, noticing among the trees and underbrush, there was a large village before them. Wooden log cabins ran along side trails of grass and gravel, leading to crops and other parts of the forest.

"Man this place is really undeveloped..." Coco muttered, looking around.

"Aw it's not that bad...some people like this kind of life style!" Digo laughed.

Ina looked around, Ami floating beside her.

"This's so quiet...."

Ami nodded.

"Yeah...They might have heard about the corruption and fled as soon as possible..."

Coco rolled his eyes.

"Maybe because of I dunno a bunch of Cacti invaded and turned everyone into magenta colored zombie?"

Ami glared at him.


Coco looked around. There wasn't much here at all. Ina went off to see if there was anything they could grab for future use...Ami went with her. Digo went off towards the crops, leaving Coco with the trails that scattered all through the village. It was quite pretty, somewhat peaceful among the horrific carnage of the corruption.

He stood a little taller, being able to see the harbor in the distance. He couldn't make out the color of the water, but among the sunset, it was beautiful.

"Hey guys...look at this.." Digo's voice called the three over to him, he was crouched down, looking at the plots of land in the wheat fields.

"What is it?" Ami asked, coming up beside him. Digo pointed to the ground, and then they saw them.

Strange pink particles dotted the soil, the same color as the corruption.

"What the..." Coco muttered.

Ina stared at them.

"What are those..? They're like seeds..."

Digo stood back up.

"Whatever it is...isn't good news..."

Ina nodded.

"This might be why everyone left...however it's...not as damaged as the town...I don't know why.."

"Yeah...Maybe we should look around?"

Ami nodded then looked to Digo and Coco.

"If you don't want to we can probably start heading off towards another part on the map...I just don't know where."

Digo looked at Coco.

"What do you wanna do?"

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