Chapter 74: The Sea Of The Skies

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🐍Chapter 74: The Sea Of The Skies

Okay, everyone was in. Now to join back up. Cizi and co left now that their mission was done, so everyone was on their own now. The place was massive, though it was very well kept. The floors and the walls of the place seemed like they were made of polished marble or some other stone. Speckles of glitter embedded in them also reflected the lights from above, which were actually more of a white/yellow color in comparison to a red for the corruption.

The group had no time to look at interior design however, they had a mission they were on! All of them started taking random pathways, anything to get them away from the entrances and areas they'd come in from. They just hoped none of the corrupted would follow them in, especially Ina and El, who'd opened a door but didn't check to see if it closed. Just up ahead, Ina spotted a large room. Maybe her and El could wait there for everyone else. As they ran into the room however, they heard voices.



"Found you!"

Looking around, everyone saw that they'd all run into the large room at the same time! They all ran in further to rejoin with their teammates again. They also had a look around the room to see if there were any traps or alternate entrances. There was one pathway none of them used, and it led away to some more halls. In the center of the room was a large glass pipe of sorts with a door in and several wires within it.

"What do you think that does?" Digo asked.

Coco shrugged.

"I don't know, but we probably shouldn't check it out just ye-"

And that's when it whirred to life. The wires began going up, which meant...

"Hold on," Ami said. "Is this an ELEVATOR?!"

"Crap, if it's moving, we need to get out of here!" El exclaimed.

"There isn't much of a place to hide, but you're right!" Ina said worriedly.

Everyone quickly backed away from it as a corrupted serpent rose up to the floor level and stopped. The doors opened up and they slithered out. They immediately saw the group was around them.

"Sese?!" Cas exclaimed.

"Oh bother, it's you brats!" the serpent growled. "Well no matter, I've beaten you once and I can do it again!"

"Try it. We have more power since you've last clashed with us," El said.

"Yeh!" Ari replied.

"Oh please, you'll never reach Lord Agen!" Sese exclaimed.

"Lord who?" Cas asked.

"Oh, he must be the one who started this corruption!" Ina replied.

"In that case, we're going to have to get Sese to cooperate!" Ami said, preparing for a fight.

Sese growled in frustration.

"YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME-or the treeangle piece-ALIVE!" he screeched.

With that, he shot down the other hallway like a bullet from a gun. The group sped after him, and was only barely able to keep up. Every time they entered a new hallway, his tail disappeared from the corner of the room.

"Dangit, he's so fast!" El hissed angrily.

"We don't even know our way around this place as well..." Coco muttered loud enough for the group to hear. "We can only hope he doesn't corner us somewhere."

"Is there a way to distract him? Or make him slow down?" Cas asked.

"No, but I have an idea. Let's slow down and stop following so he'll think he lost us. Then, we quietly go after where we think he went!" Ami said.

"Ohoho, nice," Digo replied.

The group slowly stopped running, though they needed a bit of time to catch their breaths before they proceeded. They could see Sese go down another hallway, and they just had to make it in time to see where he went next. As they got to the hall by lightly jogging, they could see he took a right, where there was some sort of directional thing at the end. After waiting for a minute or two for Sese to get out of earshot, they got up to the thing they saw.

Sure enough, it was a directional plaque, with directions engraved on it. It listed several things, and the group was looking for anything to Lord Agen. Storage rooms....portal room....library....wait, portal room?! That might be something. Seeing that it was an arrow pointing to the right, that's where the group went.

Meanwhile, Sese had skidded to a halt after he heard no more footsteps behind him. Ah, finally! They were gone. He needed to check on the treeangle anyway though, in case those shapes somehow got to it anyway. The group, meanwhile, was not too far behind. Sese entered a large room, and the group followed, having caught up enough to see Sese's tail go in.

They stared in awe as they entered. There were pillars on the side of the room, with an area in the ceiling that was glass. The group could see the red sky through it, though there were also bright lights on the white colored top of the room. In front of them was an elevated platform of sorts, though there were a few short steps up to it. On the platform was an golden portal that constantly changed its shape, though it remained the same size.

Sese turned around one last time and jolted at the sight of the shapes behind him. He didn't say anything though, as there really wasn't a plan in motion here. If he fought them and lost, they would get the treeangle and fight Agen and stop the corruption! He looked at the group one more time before jumping into the portal, causing them to gasp.

"Oh no! He get away!" Ari cried.

"Do we...go after him?" Digo asked, unsure

"Well, I think we should before the portal closes!" El replied.

"Right, if that portal closes on us then we stand no chance!" Ami said.

And so, without much of a choice left, the group leapt in through the portal after Sese.

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