Chapter 30: Rumors

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💧Chapter 30: Rumors

The group got back to the town in no time. They headed back to Cho's house and they all sat down in the living room. They needed time to think, as the book they'd gotten from Daisy's place didn't much. It really only talked about the history, and not the location, though Pepe and El were flipping through it to see if the group had missed anything. Cho had re-recited the hint, and Ami had re-read the paper slip from before.

"I am where the high tears fall, I am the prettiest thing people saw, look for me far and wide, but I am right where home resides..."

"One of ice stood here so, to mourn the loss of a death blow..."

"So, that's all we have, huh?" Digo asked.

"Seems like it..." Ina said.

"Well, the "home resides" thing sounds interesting..." Cas mumbled.

"Indeed. We've searched a lot of places, and the riddle seemingly tells us not to do that. The treeangle piece has to be in this town, I don't know where else it could be" Coco said.

"Ice one...who is ice one?" Ari asked, scratching his head.

"Ah yeah, them too. The book says nothing about that" Pepe grumbled.

"Well, I was thinking the "one of ice" was irrelevant for now since we don't have enough information" Cho said.

"Darn, but what if ice is very important?" Ari whined.

"We can get to that later. Now then, high tears. That's a hard one" Cho responded.

"Yeah, they don't even specify what kind of tears!" Coco exclaimed. "Salty? Sweet? Watery? Not? And what do they mean high??"

"Indeed, that one's almost just as vague as the one of ice..." Ami sighed.

"A place in this town with a lot of liquid...well, there's the ocean nearby. Rain falls in the ocean, so that makes sense" El said.

"True, true. Someone could also stand by the ocean if they'd lost someone, like if the two had been to the beach together a lot" Coco added.

"Or if there was a fight and perhaps a corrupted water being tugged them into the ocean?" Cas asked.

"And the ocean's pretty beautiful if you ask me. I think it qualifies!" Digo exclaimed, with Ina nodding in agreement.

"Hold on now. It might be where home resides, but people looking far and wide for the ocean? That doesn't line up in my opinion" Ami asked.

"But some people could be looking for the ocean! Especially if they need water, or maybe there's a spell, or maybe they just need to return something! El said.

"I guess...but...well, eh..." Ami muttered.

"Should we just go to the ocean then?" Coco asked.

"Ooh! Maybe we get ship to look for piece!" Ari exclaimed.

"Yeah, that's a great idea!" Cas cheered.

"But what if we don't find it? What if it's not there and we have to re-guess all over again?" Cho asked.

"Then back to the drawing board? I don't really know any other place in this town though...the sewage system would be a second choice, though..." Digo replied.

"AAAAAGH! I CAN'T TAKE THIS! WE'VE SPENT TOO LONG ON THIS STUPID RIDDLE!" Ami shouted, standing up out of his seat.

"Calm down, calm down! Ina said loudly.

The others backed away a little in case something happened. Ari seemed ready to bearhug Ami to constrain him if absolutely necessary. Ami growled before taking in deep breaths, attempting to calm himself down. He simply shook his head as he slowly sat back down, rubbing his forehead.

"I'm sorry, all this thinking is making my mind hurt..." Ami groaned

"Ah, I see. Let's all just...go for a walk downtown. Not to the ocean quite yet. It seems that we need fresh air" Cho said.

The others couldn't have agreed more, and all of them got up out of their seats. As they walked out the door, they were met with the sun's light being covered by light gray clouds. Perhaps it was going to rain soon? Oh, wait, what if it was CORRUPTED rain? Cho eased their concerns by explaining that if it was corrupted rain, the clouds would be pink. The group calmed down a little  from that as they began their walk downtown.

Rey was not at the fountain at the moment, but that was okay, since the group didn't really have much to ask him. They passed the fountain like there was nothing to it, and continued down one of the paths that was connected to the center area. There were noticeably more people on the streets today, though it still wasn't a whole lot. The shops and such were still open today, though.

They walked by other shapes, but the townsfolk seemed to be afraid of them for some reason. The group didn't bother to ask any of the shapes anything though, and left them alone since they didn't really have much business with them. They kept a lookout for any other area with water, and also repeated the hints they had over and over in their heads. All they'd really seen was lampposts, buildings, and rocks, which made them wonder if the thing that held the treeangle was a leaking statue, or something similar. As they were about to turn the corner though, all of them heard two female shapes talking quietly to one another.

"You know that kid by the fountain?" one asked.

"Who, Rey?" the other responded in a rather surprised tone.

"Yeah, him."

"What about him?"

"You know why he stands there all day?"

"No, do you?"

"I heard Rey stands there every day because his old friend Erl used to like that place" the shape said, lowering her voice a little.

"Ah, a dedicated friend. What happened to Erl, then?"

"Well...some say he died trying to protect Rey..."

"Oh no...I sure hope Rey is alright..."

"Me too. I hope..."

And the female shapes' voices faded away as they left the area.

The group froze in their tracks.

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