Chapter 64: Spy In Base

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🔍Chapter 64: Spy In Base

"Ugh, seriously?" a shape in a storage closet grumbled.

She was supposed to be a spy on a mission in this mechanical place, but was instead trapped in a strange, cramped room. She got locked in after running around a lot, and had no way out. She couldn't bang on the door, because that would've created noise. Unfortunately the only thing she could do now was sit, hoping for backup to arrive.

"Mission control, this is Agent Orange. I could really use some backup right now to get me outta this place. Hello? Ugh..." she groaned into a walkie talkie.

Orange - Circle - Orange

A secret agent working on a way to stop the corrupted. She is sneaky and good at hacking into things.

She put it down and sighed after receiving no response whatsoever. All of the agents were on other missions now that the corruption was around, so she was on her own. She didn't even know where to start on the place, this room was so dark! She only had a small flashlight with her too, like that was gonna help find a bigger light source. It was just hopeless, all of it was.

At least, she thought so, until a green crescent was thrown in with her. He'd scrambled around the place, but didn't collide with her. He made his way over to the door, and flicked on the light. He scanned the room, but found nothing.

"And stay there until we find a free cell!" someone cried as they walked away.

Orange just stared at the crescent as she saw the shape scan the room. It took a second, but soon his eyes landed on Orange's. They both proceeded to scream quietly, because soldiers were right outside.  After getting over their..."initial meeting", and realizing that neither of them was a threat, they decided to introduce themselves. Cas also explained how his allies were locked up and that he needed help.

"Well hey, at least I have SOME help with me. Now I can get back to investigating. I'm planning to head to the power area for cells. You should probably come with me to save your friends." Orange said.

Cas agreed, so the two began looking for a way out of the storage room. They had to move around a lot of objects, but they soon found a back door within the walls. They made sure it was unlocked before carefully peeping out to see if anyone was around. Nobody was, so they started following the map that Orange had.

"Hey, I think the power is over there!" Cas said, pointing to a door labeled "control".

Orange looked and said, "Bingo. Follow me. I've done this type of thing for years."

They started making their way to the control room, but Orange stopped Cas suddenly. When he asked why, she pointed to a square in a wheel chair.

"Wait. They're the main reason me and my friends were put in cells!" Cas said, feeling angry. 

Orange turned and replied, "Yeah, they have already busted a few agents. We barely have any info on that shape as well. They just showed up in day and ruined most of our operations. Just keep moving."

They kept on sneaking, until the square said, "I smell another spy around here."

"Shoot. How good is that shape?" Orange muttered.

"Everyone, activate emergency protocols. We have another spy sneaking around."

Immediately, loud alarms started blaring and all kinds of traps began activating. Guards poured out, standing everywhere they could to block any way. They looked very angry, and Orange was NOT about to start a fight with one.

"Shoot, we need to do something!" Orange said.

Unfortunately, Cas was playing with a few buttons in the room. Orange looked at him in fear, since those buttons could do anything. So far, they were harmless, but who knew when he might hit a self-destruct button. Cas hit a blue button, and the speakers around the place blasted music.

"Whoops." he said.

But the guards were now dancing to the music, not doing their jobs.

"......seriously, how?" Orange said.

They made their way to the cell power control while the guards were partying. They eventually made it there, but Orange didn't go any further for a good reason. She took out some type of spray and started spraying it all around the room. Yep, there were red lasers. Touch them and you're done for. Orange inspected them closely.

"Ok, we need to dodge the lazers by-"

"Dancing?" Cas asked.

"Fine. Dancing."

So they started dancing. They actually looked very cool, but you can't see it because this is in text. Well anyway, they eventually managed to make it to the end and to the control panel. Orange looked at the control board to find what button would release the ones wrongfully taken in. Meanwhile, Cas was just looking and pressing random buttons, which luckily did nothing.

Orange looked at combinations, and eventually opened the cell doors, including the ones with Cas' friends. After that, they did the previous steps but backwards and into the cell room. They split up so Cas could save his friends, while Orange saved everyone else. As Cas ran though, he couldn't help but realize something. He didn't see Digo when the cells opened up and everyone got out. So...

Where was Digo?


A trio of villains threw stuff out of anger. It was H.O.W. who wanted those heroes dead. Now they have a new friend?! This is insane. Bone was also watching and was now scolding his wolves. But they did have a plan. A plan to work together.

A plan to end the heroes for good.




"The treeangle, it's...I don't know how sir, but-"

"Spit it out!"

"It's been corrupted!"

" that pesky little square was right..."

"And all the contained people in our cells have just been busted out by a spy in our base! This is a code double red, sir!!"

"Alright. Commence procedures for corruption, and make sure nobody else becomes corrupted. I'll go talk to that cyan square..."

"R-roger that!"

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