Chapter 62: Cave Confinement

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🌋Chapter 62: Cave Confinement

"How much farther are we?" Coco groaned. He sat at the front of the ship, hiding from the harsh sun in the shadow casted by the barrier.

Looking at the digital map, Ami narrowed his eyes. "We're almost there. Shouldn't be much longer." He replied.

Elis' boat body creaked and stirred among the waves, which were crashing harder than usual, even threatening Ari as he wobbled along the rocky movement of the boat.

"This is crazy...I've never seen the ocean like this before..." El sighed, crouched down next to Ina. "M-Maybe the tectonic plates of the Earth are just shifting, happens from time to time, we never expected it to be smooth sailing anyways..."

"Speaking of which.." Digo looked down Elis' side, hoping to check on their friend. "You doing alright?"

"Oh no, I'm fine, luckily I don't get sea sick- at least not like your friend back there.." Digo looked back to see Cas hanging off the side as well, as if bowled over from the ships movements. "I-I'm fine just.." The shape turned away, as well as Digo so he wouldn't see whatever Cas could've yacked up.

"We are nearing your destination however, just to warn you- I don't think those people are always kind to least in the past. They were always found as...crazy to others."

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked. "Well, they were outcasted for using machines. Everyone thought that if you rely on heavy duty machines all the time...they might grow aware and become sentient. Kinda like me!"

Digo stared in thought. "Sounds like a movie or whatever.." He sighed, slightly annoyed at the fact. "Look!" He heard Ina call out, everyone began gathering at the front of the boat.

"That island is...huge!" El exclaimed, gaping in awe at the spiraling cliffs and volcanos spewing smoke in the distance. "Those volcanos...don't they erupt?" Coco asked, remembering the one time that they went to a volcanic island and ended up getting attacked and beaten to a pulp...

"Yes, but they haven't for thousands of years. So the mechanics here use those lairs for smelting and creating machines. Real handy you know?" Elis said as they pulled over to the shoreline.

They all entered the shore, trudging through the shallow water into the beach. "Be careful!" Elis called before speeding away.

"Bye Elis! Thank you for your help!" Ina waved goodbye to the boat before she turned to the island. "This place is amazing.." She said, Ami walking up beside her. "Yeah...where should we start first?"

"Hmm, maybe we should find a village? We need to get more information so that someone probably doesn't fall headfirst into lava or anything stupid. Cas." Coco muttered, looking at the shape. "Huh? What does that mean?" He protested. "Calm yourself.." Ari quieted the two before an argument erupted.

"Coco is right though..." El nodded. "We need to head over to some sort of a civilization..but where to start?"

"Maybe the volcanos?" Ina offered. "Didn't we just say we didn't need to start getting involved with being burned or boiled alive?" Coco retorted, getting a small glare from Ami. "I-I mean that...Elis said that people use the volcano's magma to cook and form metals for building maybe we can find someone there that can help?" Coco stared at her before sighing. "I...guess you're right.." he admitted quietly, ashamed he snapped in the first place.

"It's fine...let's just go." She said, leading the group.

The island, instead of being covered with lush jungles and greenery, was made with hard stone and gravel. Towering cliffs were visible as precious metals glimmered in the harsh sun, waiting to be collected by the people that live here.

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