Chapter 61: Bone There, Done That

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🦴Chapter 61: Bone There, Done That

"DANG IT!" a voice yelled near the end.

A lot of wolves start howling, some whimpering in fear. Bone looked at the broken boat that they were using. They were trying to find treeangle pieces on other islands, to bring back to their masters and the higher ups. However, he knew this island was already done for after Fang was found dead. He'd gone to another, colder island in hopes that there was still a chance.

"It's still hard to believe one of our members are dead. But that makes me want to turn those stupid heros into wolf meat even more. My little puppies are hungry." he said, looking at all the wolves. "In fact, I'm practically starving myself..."

Some of them were hunting, others taking care of wolf pups. Bone looked at the boat wreckage, knowing that he will need supplies to fix it. But with the heroes on the island it might be too dangerous to go and find items on his own. So he whistled, and all of the wolves got into order. He ordered all of the wolves to find stuff to fix the boat, and get back on sea.

The wolves all immediately responded, and started hunting for everything they could. While they mostly stayed together, one wolf went off on his own, and discovered something shocking. The wolf on his own started stepping though the forest, looking for wood and other things. But this wolf thought himself as an alpha male, so he wanted to get something very special to impress Bone. He started sniffing for a special smell, and he found one.

So he followed it, and ended up at some type of paper. When the wolf opened it, he saw a map to another island. Another island with a rainbow treeangle piece. Perfect, this was just what he needed. But soon, noises from a bush were heard, and Wave popped out.

He looked at the paper, then said, "Hey, I need that. So please step away from it."

The wolf, knowing what happened with fighting the heroes before, immediately grabbed the paper with his mouth, and started running. Wave got a bit mad, and went back so he could tell the others. While the wolf went back to Bone, ready to give him his spoils. Bone was commanding the other wolves, who were bring wood, food, and other supplies. Bone was building a raft with wood and a leaf sail.

Of course, it was taking a while because there was only one person with hands. Of course this was annoying Bone, but was forced to build everything because wolves are good at playing fetch. Not so good at building boats. Eventually, the boat was ready to set sail.

"Perfect! But we don't know where we are going to go next..." he said.

He looked across the sea, seeing all kinds of islands. But they had already been looked though high and low, or been touched by the heroes. He didn't know where to go, so he sat down while the wolves rested. Suddenly, one last wolf appeared, holding a piece of paper. He dropped it in front of Bone. It was a map, to another island. Bone immediately pet the wolf, and was about to leave until the heroes showed up. They needed the map, and Bone knew that well.

"Ok, my pets. Get ready. Looks like we are going to have to fight. Make sure when you kill them, save them so everyone in here can eat." he said.

No Song Selected - Wolf Fight

Bone stayed out of the area, while lots of his wolves entered to attack. They all started tackling and trying to bite all of the heros. But the heros were very used to fighting, so they started dodging. Cas helped El and Cea avoid bites, and Wave helped Ami avoid tackles. Of course, the wolves started howling and protecting their young ones.

Bone helped them dodge attacks by leading every one of them. Only some wolves refused to fight, but that's because they were the more weaker ones that couldn't really stand a chance. However, the wolves started getting weaker and weaker. The ones fighting started falling asleep, and losing their pink. Bone knew he couldn't save them.

He could only save the ones he had left. So he started running with the wolves that weren't fighting. Soon, the wolves in the battle field were now nearly safe, so the treeangle appeared. It was grabbed, and the battle was finished.

The wolves who were fighting were now back to normal, and cuddling the heros. But Bone and the rest of the pink wolves were already at sea. Bone was angry, and wanted revenge, but he needed all the wolves he could get. The heros managed to grab the paper Wave had seen, and opened to show the map. They were ready to adventure on.

Wait.....what is my arm doing? Why are you copying the map? I can't control it. I don't know how. It's now all pink. I don't know what to do. Huh? Oh. The writer is telling me to go home because I'm sick.......I I I'll stiill ist still naarrrarateeeeee fr rfommo ttheeerereree.




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"Oh jeez. It's nearly my time."

Ink, one of the writers, is about to write her first chapter. She doesn't know what to do. She has an idea, but feels too scared to narrate the story herself. She makes a poster, saying that a narrator is wanted. She puts it up everywhere she could, before heading back. Sitting down, she sighs.

"Hopefully I find a narrator soon. It's nearly time for me to write. Hm. I think I have an idea," she said to herself.

"I'll introduce Cas and El and make them fight a ship who another narrator will name. I heard of a possible name being Elis, but I don't know if it will stick."

[Memory Finished.]

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