Chapter 28: Sorrowful Serpent

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🐍Chapter 28: Sorrowful Serpent

The group had opened up the book and read all about it, now having ready information. The Sun had split the Rainbow Treeangle up after many beings had fought for its power, then wiped the minds of everyone it could so that nobody would believe it existed. All the pieces had been scattered everywhere, but there was no map ever made of where they were. The group had left the house and walked back to the flower field. Daisy wanted to tag along with them, but the group wasn't so sure.

They made a compromise after a bit of talking. Daisy could be their spy and help them find more pieces with her friends while the group found the next piece. She could spread news and travel around due to her burrowing capabilities. Daisy agreed and all of the flowers waved goodbye as the group left. They had to walk through a forest to get back to the town, though.

The walk was actually very quiet. Sure, the rustle of leaves underneath filled this air, as well as the usual birds chirping and insects buzzing, but other than that, not much was to be heard. The group still thought about those clues, though. High tears...that surely meant water, or at least some sort of liquid. Was it perhaps the tears of something that flew high in the air, like a bird or winged creature?

The "death blow" thing was also very, very strange. Had someone actually died, or was that clue hinting at the fact that someone might die? And the "one of ice" was weird too. If anything, the closest thing to ice the group had was Ina, but...even then they could still be wrong. It kind of felt like Ima would stand some place if Ami took a hit, but the thought of that gave the group shivers, and nobody dared speak up about it.

They should probably talk to Rey when they got back. Maybe he'd have a good guess as to what these weird clues meant. The group said nothing about it though, and kept walking. Man their adventures had been crazy. They only thought they needed to restore one treeangle with three parts to save this place, but...they had to save a whole RAINBOW? No pressure!

Heck, they hadn't even been told about that thing for their whole lives! Even their parents didn't seem to know about it, otherwise they would have surely put it into their bedtime stories. And now that the heroes of legends that WERE mentioned in said bedtime stories had now retired, it was up to THEM, because it seemed like nobody else was willing to do it. So much to take in, so much to worry about. Heck, they still didn't know much about that weird lizard.

All of them were busy thinking to themselves...

But then...

They heard it.

"AAAAAAAGH! Pull yourself together! You're supposed to be the leader of the army! Not some...STUPID monster who can't-AGH!"

The group paused entirely, stopping in their tracks. Who was that? It sounded familiar, and wasn't? Slowly and quietly, they backed up to the area they thought they heard the voice. Gently, Ina pried open the bushes, and the group carefully gathered around her to see what had made the noise. Everyone was shocked at what they saw.

In front of them was a Black and Yellow snake made of triangles, with colors alternating between said shapes. Multicolor shapes and monsters weren't as rare as glowing ones, but they certainly weren't too common either. At the moment, they were sitting on an old tree stump...sort of. More like coiled around it with their head resting on it, and rather peacefully at that. They seemed worried about something, probably the whole "army" thing they were yelling about earlier.

The group watched them for a moment., wondering if something was supposed to happen, and waiting for anything to come out of this situation. Suddenly, the snake glitched out, becoming pink and corrupted while weird static noises came from it. This caused the group to flinch a little, but they remained quiet. The snake had an expression that pleaded something like "not now" and "stop it", but it didn't look like they were in pain. More like distress or anger, which was still weird to the group. The group wondered if they should help the snake out or not, as it seemed to be in pain.

The snake took in a deep breath, and began quietly singing a song to themselves. They flickered from corruption to non-corruption a lot, but it didn't seem to affect their voice that much. The group could still hear the song well, and they listened very closely in case this song was important for some reason.

Do you remember the day in October?
The leaves were falling just like me when it was over,
One more day of sorrow and I'll struggle to stay sober...
Hope to see you later when I get older...

The tune sounded familiar, but nobody could put their finger on it. They were also a little confused by what it was. Was it a secret code, or possibly a past song the snake had listened to? Meanwhile, Cas tried to lean in to get a better look after only being able to see small portions through spaces in the leaves. Unfortunately, he stepped on a hollow twig, which snapped pretty loudly. The snake jolted up, and became fully corrupted again, all in one go. It glared at the team, who immediately backed out of the bushes began to run as fast as they could down the rest of the path. They were surprised when they only heard yelling and not the sounds of the snake chasing them.

"YOU'LL PAY FOR SPYING ON ME!" they heard, and then a crunch of leaves as if he slithered away.

It was then that it clicked to them.

They had met this snake before.

In fact...

That was Sese.

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