The Chase

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⚙️🐉Chapter 86: The Chase🐉🔺

Mayhem War - Lord Agen Chase

It was the final face off, the group vs Agen.

"Aw man, How are we going to injure him this time?!" Cas exclaimed.

"The treeangle's energy won't last long on him now that he's weakening," Sese explained. "We just have to outlast him, and he'll tire out."

"Got it," Ami nodded.

Racu flew over the numerous corrupted buildings as the group prepared for another fight. Surprisingly, no field encased the space as they this would definitely be interesting. The group of shapes aboard him looked down at their surroundings to see if there was anything they could use to their advantage. There were many buildings that had technology on their rooftops, but the group was still resting from running. Even if they could get out and interact with the technology, they wouldn't be able to catch up with Racu and Agen flying away...but maybe there was still a way they could use the structures to attack.

Agen had seen the group catching up and decided to boost himself with the treeangle's power, diving further and deeper into the city than Racu could go. Racu attempted to follow, but Agen blew back with strong, energized gusts to prevent him from following. Racu kept flying as if he was following Agen, but awaited the commands from his master before doing anything.

"Head around on the side! We'll meet back up with him when he resurfaces!" Sese commanded.

Racu flew towards a valley on the outskirts of the city, and the group could see just how large it was. While the corrupted mountains and trees decorated a beautiful yet dangerous scenery behind them, the corrupted city laid off to the side. It was larger than they realized now that they could see it in full, but Racu was making no stops for sightseeing as he flew on. Agen resurfaced when the city opened up to a more spacious area, and Racu flew back full speed without a command. This time, all groups were prepared to fight.

Agen reared back before blasting a corrupted laser at Racu. Racu dodged down with a sudden drop, nearly causing everyone to lose balance. But they figured out quickly enough that this was going to be a bumpy ride since they weren't the ones in control, and clung on as hard as they could to Racu. Before the group could recover, Agen another laser along with smaller energy blasts, causing Racu to shoot back up. Seemed like Agen was desperate, and if he was going to be attacking THIS frequently, then the group was in for a bumpy ride.

Agen kept firing lasers though, because he wasn't going to give up until the group was dead or corrupted. As Racu dodged to the sides, Agen shot out energy bullets from his palms to keep Racu in front of him and prevent him from getting too far away. Agen didn't care if Racu and the group weren't fighting back, it made it easier on him. He was starting to tire from simply tossing out energy without thought though, so he needed another plan. Agen then dove under Racu, and Sese watched as he flew around. 

"What da lizard doin?" Ari asked.

"I think he's gonna try and attack from behind us. Racu, follow my commands and the rest of you hold on tight!" Sese commanded.

"Got it."

Agen started to fire corrupted laser beams from behind the group, and the group of shapes clung on for dear life as Racu swerved around them. They couldn't risk sticking their heads over the side of Racu as they could potentially get damaged from it. They couldn't tell if this was a "boss fight" or not, because in boss fights they had 6 health points while in normal levels they had 3. Sese considered having Racu attempt to fight backwards, but that wasn't one of the things he excelled at. Not to mention, the last thing the group wanted to do was crash into something so Agen could catch up and destroy them.

Luckily though, Agen got tired of missing his laser beams and flew back into the city, leaving the group flying alone for a while. Ahead, he seemed to fly into a dense mountain area that was at the very end of the corrupted town. 

"Are we following him?" El asked. "I don't know about those mountains..."

"Yeah, he could be waiting to ambush us," Ami muttered.

"Well, we have more energy than he does, so we should be able to doge fast enough," Sese replied.

"And if we can't?" Coco asked.

"You'll probably fight him like you did last time. Easy enough," Sese shrugged. "Now, ONWARDS!"

Racu sped forwards some before anyone else could say anything. The group peeked over and saw the open land below them, with still corrupted with no signs of being cured...but at least no signs of being unstable. 

The group's thoughts were interrupted as a corrupted bullet whizzed by, barely grazing Racu's side. They quickly flocked to the side to see what was going on and noticed that, down below, Corrupted minions were attacking them using some of the tech on the city buildings. A cannonball whizzed by as well, and Sese turned around to see a larger corrupted ship flying after the group. Looking back at the mountain area Agen had flown through, he figured that he could lose the enemy ship in there. The group had no way to fight back against the minions this time, but Racu knew the group was in danger.

He rose and dipped, throwing off the aim of the minions and making them miss and shoot buildings instead. As for the larger ship, Sese updated Racu on where to go so that he wouldn't get shot. The group once again did their best not to get nauseated by the rocking, while Racu made his way towards the mountains as Sese commanded. The end of the city and start of the mountains were starting to get closer and closer, and Sese told the group to prepare for a straightening out. The group was ready for that anytime as more corrupted bullets and bombs were shot through the air and over their heads.

The corrupted mountains were approaching, but it seemed as if there was a hole already blasted through one of them, like Agen had gone through it many times before. Racu flew through it no problem (the other ship couldn't follow and had to stop), but he had to make sure not to hit the walls with the speed he was flying at. It became dark in the passage, though corrupted crystals and mushrooms dimly lit the place. Sese and the group were on watch for an ambush attack by Agen as Racu kept flying, at least hoping to make it through so as not to get stuck inside. Racu kept speeding forward though, and the crew aboard him could see the light at the end of the tunnel approaching faster than they'd expected.

As they flew out the other side of the mountain, the group got the view of another large, corrupted city, as well as Agen again. Racu naturally went after the dragon, but Sese told him to slow down somewhat so that he wouldn't exhaust before Agen did. Racu obeyed but still managed to catch up with Agen, who appeared to be slightly relieved as he flew. However, he heard something in the air nearby and turned around to spot the group still following him. Agen picked up the pace and growled as he shot through the air faster than he was going, and everyone prepared for more attacks by holding on.

Agen seemed to hesitated a bit before firing more corrupted energy, as if trying to recover some stamina. Racu found it easier to dodge now, as the lasers had slowed down in comparison to before. Sese readied his blade as Agen shot some energy bursts out, slicing through them to disable and weaken them. The giant corrupted dragon roared in annoyance and tried to fire more, but those were cut too. The group looked up at the battle as Racu flew, adrenaline increasing as they prepared for the finish to the fight.

Agen was tiring, but still not backing up now. He fired a laser from the top and shot energy from the bottom to try and get Racu squished in the middle, but because of so much energy usage at once, he couldn't quite make them close all the way. Racu took this chance to speed ahead to get out of the way of any further attacks, though he prepared to rise up or sink down if Agen pulled out anything last second. Agen opened his mouth to fire another laser, but all that came out were simple sparks as he coughed up what he could. The group saw this, and grew smiles on their faces as they witnessed what was going on.

As Sese predicted, it seemed like the energy from the treeangle couldn't support Agen much longer. The group could visibly see him tiring and struggling to keep his body weight in the air. Sese waved his tail, and Racu aimed a cannon straight at Agen, firing a shot without hesitation. Agen couldn't dodge the hit in time, and the cannonball's blast knocked his body back full force. Agen let out one final roar as he fell out of the sky, and it was by then that the group knew...

They'd won.

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