Against The God

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🔺🐉Chapter 83: Against The God🐉🔺

Against The God - Corrupted Lord Agen Fight

The battlefield was different as it opened up, and it wasn't hard to see how. It was larger and longer, but the group found the field filled with more of a background area instead of immediate enemies. It had numerous corrupted pillars, and they immediately started moving towards the left side of the field as the song started up. The group started to navigate their way through the pillars as best they could, trying not to block each other or shove each other into the corruption. They hardly noticed the sudden changes made to the field as they went, though it wasn't like it mattered at the moment.

Pillars with spikes on the ends started closing in on them, and the group found they had to dash towards the right side of the field to stay out of them. Unfortunately, that didn't stop Cas from accidentally going too far and getting injured by one of the pillars, though he at least helped warn the rest of the group to be careful. They tried to maintain the middle field as best as possible, because if they went too far forward they wouldn't be able to see where the next pillars would show up. As they got closer to the "end" they could see some of the spike pillars remained unmoving where they were, because they were becoming encased in crystals. The group was then caught off guard by a bright light briefly covering the field before fading away.

The field had changed to resemble an icy cave. Some parts of it were blue and safe to touch, but there were still pink ice shards laced amongst them. It seemed like a relatively easy thing to dodge until Ina was nearly pierced by a falling corrupted icicle. The group made sure not to get hit by those or the ice spikes on the lower part of the field, and found that they were doing pretty well so far...but they wondered why Agen had set all this up instead of facing the group directly. Maybe it was part of the challenge or something, that they'd have to survive these scenarios before facing Agen himself. It seemed like a bit of a cowardly move on his part, though...

The scenery then transformed into a cave with numerous waterfalls in the background, some corrupted and some still pure. The group had to be careful again to not touch the corrupt lava while also darting around the rocky pillars within the field, but they'd experienced plenty of cave battles before so it was fine. There were no corrupted enemies to be found for quite a while, so where were the guards in Agen's room? Were they hiding somewhere or were they going to come in later? The group didn't know, but didn't focus on it as the field flashed again.

This time the group was transported to some sort of zone with corrupted constellations slowly floating by them, but they couldn't let the design distract them. El practically ran into one and took damage, while the rest of the group knew not to mess around. It was a little harder since the constellations spun around a little as they floated, but it wasn't the worst thing the group had dealt with. Then out of nowhere, an eye opened up on the field, causing all the constellations to face away. It blinked and disappeared before the next obstacle arrived onto the field.

A strange red creature with one eye appeared and started firing lasers at the group. Since they were thin, they were easily dash-through able, but they were still fast. El noticed there was a strange blue button on the creature's back, and figured that it could be a weakness. As it made a move to ram the group via a dash attack, El quickly got around behind it and waited for it to come back so she could press the button. However, it stopped a little too short of where she wanted it to stop as pink glowing spikes dropped down from the top of the field.

Luckily, the group was able to dodge this, and the creature simply fired more lasers again. They weaved in and out of those too, with ease now that they had an idea of its attacks. The creature dashed once more, and El made no move to follow after it as it made its way back around to her. The group was safe from that attack too, and were somewhat surprised there weren't really any plot twists happening yet with this creature. Once it flew back where El wanted it, she was ready to execute her plan.

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