Chapter 33: Dress Up

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👗Chapter 33: Dress Up

"Seriously, how come neither of you saw any signs of that Rey person?" H yelled at the other two.

Watching from his position, Cas was stunned. He and the others had encountered H.O.W. in the past, but that was back on the mountain, and it seems like they were after Rey as well.

"Well, if you weren't such a bad leader, we would have found him by now!" O yelled back.

W separated the two, then said, "You two, quit it! At this rate, we'll get spotted!"

'You already have been,' Cas thought. But now he needed to get back to the others to warn them. He needed to sneak past them, so he started doing that. He used the playground to his advantage, and went through each area. H.O.W. felt something was there, but couldn't track it because of all the branching pathways all across the play area. To ladders, structures you could go through, and many more.

"Whoever is out there, show yourself!" the three boomed.

Cas laughed to himself, as he managed to get to the end of the play area.

"Ok, the store should be just around here. I will get back to the group, explain what's going on, and we will crush H.O.W., and save Rey!" he whispered to himself.

However, while saying this, he accidentally hit a barrel by a store nearby, which crashed down and rolled all the way to H.O.W. They immediately turned, and saw Cas as he was about to leave.


While Cas was separated, the rest of the team were still looking for what they wanted to find. They hadn't noticed that Cas was missing as they were so focused. However, soon Ami noticed that there was no complaining about nothing dangerous was happening, and that triggered him.

"WHERE IS CAS?!" he screamed out loud, trying to get the others attention.

He got their attention, and now they started panicking. Cas could have snuck away, or have been captured while they weren't looking. So they all started searching for him in the entire store. They did their best, but couldn't find anything.

"Argh. Where is he?! A green cresent should be easy to find!" Coco complained.

"A green cresent? We saw one on the way." a voice told them.

The group turned, and saw a group of three female shapes, who were covered in makeup.

"Sorry for being rude. I'm Ruby, that's Emerald, and that's Diamond." Ruby said has the other two waved.

They were a circle, a square, and a diamond (the pentagon kind not the square kind) respectively, colors matching as well.

Diamond quickly said, "You need to find your friend? We saw him go in a direction, but you need to help us before we tell you. After the attack, all of our dresses got destroyed. So we need your help in finding us a perfect dress to replace them. Will you help us?"

The group had no choice, they needed to find Cas. So they agreed, and followed the girls to a clothing store. The store was said to have an infinite amount of dresses, so they knew they would be there a while.


Cas was now tied up with ropes. After the barrel fell, H.O.W. tackled Cas and used a rope to tie him.

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