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Lunar scans the tombs of the Lafayette Cemetery, reading the names on the large gravestones.

Despite the fact she knew how dangerous it was for her to leave the mansion, she couldn't handle being locked away. So, with Klaus and Rebekah otherwise engaged, Lunar had snuck away.

Entering the Mausoleum where the witches had held her Lunar quietly watched as Sophie prepares a backpack. Turning around the witch is startled by the werewolf leaning against the wall.

"Hey! What the hell?" Sophie snaps.

"You're going out there anyway, aren't you?" Lunar eyes the witch, folding her arms. "I wanna go with you."

"No, thanks. Already got assaulted by Klaus this morning. Don't need a repeat." Sophie says.

Lunar rolls her eyes. "What if whatever is responsible for all those dead witches is still out there?" She steps forwards now, moving closer to Sophie. "We've already established that it likes me and hates witches. It would be such a shame if you went out there alone and..." Lunar trails off, not finishing her sentence as she studies the witch before her.

"Sorry if I'm not buying your sudden concern for my safety." Sophie's voice is dripping with sarcasm.

The witch tries to push past Lunar but the brunette moved quickly, placing an arm across the exit and blocking it.

"Listen." Lunar says, her voice low and threatening. "The whole reason I came back to this stupid town in the first place was to help my family, but in order to do that I'll need a witch." She tilts her head and studies Sophie.

"Now, you wasn't my first choice admittedly, but I'm running low on witches and frankly, you'll do."

"I don't know how to break the curse." Sophie tells Lunar.

"Bullshit!" Lunar snaps, shoving Sophie hard. The witch stumbles, but doesn't fall.

The witch glares at her. "Your need to break the Crescent curse still doesn't explain why you want to go to the Bayou; with me."

Lunar doesn't answer, not wanting to admit that she knew who the wolf was, the one that watched her; that saved her life. That he was someone from her past that could change everything.

The sound of footsteps echoing in the tomb break Lunar from her thoughts. She turns around, seeing Rebekah.

"Could you two be more idiotic?" She remarks.

Lunar glares at the blonde vampire. "You followed me." She snaps.

"Two can play that game, you know." Rebekah's annoyance is evident. "You heard Klaus, he and Marcel are headed right where your going."

"So distract them." Lunar shrugs, not understanding the big deal. "Because unless you wanna lock a pregnant, hormonal, werewolf in a tomb? I'm coming with you." Lunar steps forwards, eyeing Rebekah.

"And wouldn't Elijah be mad if he hears the baby and I died of asphyxiation? Didn't you promise you'd keep me alive?" She smirks.

Rebekah stares back, annoyed, not answering the werewolf because she knows Lunar is right. Sophie sighs, causing Lunar to look at her.

"Lighten up, witch. We're going on a girls trip." Lunar grins, heading out of the Mausoleum.


"What's the matter Rebekah? You cross that I'm out with your ex?" Klaus says into his phone with a grin, standing outside a bar in the Bayou.

"What is all that dreadful hillbilly ruckus in the background?" Rebekah quips.

𝑰𝑵𝑻𝑶𝑿𝑰𝑪𝑨𝑻𝑬𝑫 - 𝘯𝘪𝘬𝘭𝘢𝘶𝘴 𝘮𝘪𝘬𝘢𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘰𝘯Where stories live. Discover now