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Cami and Finn are at the Preservation Hall, listening to a jazz band play. Finn passes Cami a drink and she takes it with a smile.

"Thank you!" She looks around at the huge crowd. "This is amazing!"

"I developed an appreciation for the music after I moved here. I never had a taste for it before." Finn tells her, before taking a sip of his beer and pulling a face.

"I see you're still developing your taste for beer!" She observes and he laughs, shrugging. "My mom said beer wasn't lady-like, so I learned to love it as an act of rebellion. What about you? Snobby mom? Distant dad? Spill!" She prompts.

"Well, my mother and I are quite close. She made so many sacrifices for us. Now, anything she asks seems negligible in comparison." Finn responds.

Cami smiles, before their conversation is interrupted by the sound of her phone ringing. "I'm so sorry, can you hold this?" She hands Finn her beer and digs her phone out of her bag. "Oh, I have to take this! My friend is covering my shift. I'll be right back, I'm so sorry!" She lies, before hurrying off.

Finn watches her protectively, before suddenly his view is obscured by a man who is leading a crowd of people into the bar. Once the view of the doorway is clear again, Cami is gone.

Concerned, Finn instantly heads outside into the French Quarter to look for her. But, no sooner has he stepped outside, can he hear the sounds of the blonde screaming. He follows the noise to an alley way, where he finds Cami flat on her back, being attacked by a dark figure who is bent over her.

"Hey!" Finn shouts.

The attacker lifts their head, their hood up, and whilst their face is almost totally concealed by the darkness, their eyes are glowing clearly indicating that the person is a werewolf.

Finn runs towards them but the wolf jumps up onto a nearby building, so Finn just bends down besides Cami instead to check her over. Her neck is bleeding where she's been bitten and she's hyperventilating.

The hooded attacker whistles at Finn now, and he stands to get a better look, but he still cannot clearly identify who it is. Suddenly, the attacker leaves quickly, and when Finn goes to attend to Cami once more, he finds that she is gone.

- The Bayou -

Ansel and Klaus are sat across from each other whilst the bonfire burns between them, sending sparks into the black night sky. Ansel is using his knife to cut the merlock orchids.

"I've always seen a blade to have a very different use." Klaus remarks.

"Mikael taught you to kill, Klaus. But, you were born to create. Power lies in embracing your true nature." Ansel tells him.

"You think I should accept my mother's offer? Sacrifice my vampirism? And then what? Become a florist?" Klaus retorts, sarcastically.

Ansel smiles. "You wouldn't be sacrificing anything. As a wolf, you'll be king to an entire species." Klaus looks at him, a little tempted despite his best efforts not to be swayed. "You would feel at true peace. And you'll be a better father." He continues.

"I am no longer a father." Klaus snaps, growing angry he begins to walk away from the fire.

"In our animal form, we feel everything more acutely." Ansel says, and Klaus stops to listen, though he refuses to turn to face his father. "When you were a boy, after each full moon, I would wake closer to your village, having been drawn to you in the night. Since I've been back, each month when I turn, I wake further from New Orleans. I know the call of my own blood, Klaus."

𝑰𝑵𝑻𝑶𝑿𝑰𝑪𝑨𝑻𝑬𝑫 - 𝘯𝘪𝘬𝘭𝘢𝘶𝘴 𝘮𝘪𝘬𝘢𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘰𝘯Where stories live. Discover now