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Lunar is sat on the sofa, absentmindedly flicking through a magazine when the door bell rings.

Rebekah left a few hours ago; not saying where she was going. And despite her desire to sneak out, to find Klaus and Elijah, she remained. One dance with death was enough for tonight, she figured.

Standing up, she made her way to the door and answered it. "Where is he?" Josh says as soon as the door swings open.

"I've been trying to find him all day. Marcel knows that Klaus lied to him about where he lives." There's a panic to the young vampires voice.

"I'm not his keeper, Josh." Lunar rolls her eyes.

"Fine.. Just tell him to call me, please." Josh says.

"Okay, I will." Lunar promises, shutting the door and beginning to head back to the living room, when the bell rings again.

"What the hell, Josh?" She groans, retracing her steps to the door and answering it. She swings the door open, but this time she's met by none other than the vampire king of New Orleans.

Marcel smiles at her, bouncing an apple back and forth in his hand.

"You've been very hard to track down, you know." Lunar goes to slam the door, but Marcel stops her.

"Now, that's not any way to greet an old friend, is it? How about we have a little catchup?"'

Lunar stares at Marcel, a nervous feeling settling in her stomach as she looks the man who had single-handedly ruined her life in the eye. Nodding, she forces a smile. "We have lots to discuss, but I'm not talking here."


Marcel finds Klaus outside Rousseau's. "Hey,  where you been?" He says, drawing the Hybrid's attention.

Klaus stops walking, rolling his eyes in annoyance before turning to face Marcel; not answering his question.

"Not still mad about our tiff the other night, are you?" Marcel questions.

"Water under the bridge." Klaus smiles, but it's fake.

"I swung by your place earlier to commiserate over a drink, but I must've missed you."

"Oh, the Palace Royale didn't suit me, I moved on weeks ago." Klaus lied smoothly.

Marcel smiles, shaking his head. "Nooo, I mean your other place."

Klaus stares at Marcel.

"Interesting location to put down your roots, the same plantation where I was a slave. I guess that's why you never invited me over." Marcel continues.

"Well, how rude of me. I'll speak to Elijah. I'm sure he'll be pleased to host you and Davina for the evening. Especially after you were so hospitable to him." He smiles.

"Good!" Marcel chuckles. "I look forward to it."

Klaus and Marcel shake hands, smiling at each other, before Marcel leaves. Klaus watches him go, his smile fading into a worried expression.


"Goodbye means goodbye, Elijah." Rebekah says into her phone; as she drives down the highway in her red convertible.

"Is she with you?" Elijah asks, a worried tone to his voice as he stands alone in the Mikaelson mansion.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Rebekah questions.

𝑰𝑵𝑻𝑶𝑿𝑰𝑪𝑨𝑻𝑬𝑫 - 𝘯𝘪𝘬𝘭𝘢𝘶𝘴 𝘮𝘪𝘬𝘢𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘰𝘯Where stories live. Discover now