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Genevieve has dug Papa Tunde's blade from Klaus' chest and he is now sat upright on the old bed, no longer topless. The Original is still weak, sweat beads on his brow. He glares at Genevieve.

"My wound isn't healing." He hisses.

"The amount of dark magic contained in that blade? It's gonna take a little while." Genevieve simply responds.

"You're one of them aren't you? The witches back from the dead; seeking vengeance." Klaus realises. He narrows his eyes as he looks at the red head. "Why show me kindness?"

Genevieve saunters forwards, reaching out a hand to stroke Klaus' face. "You never did anything to me. And truth is, seeing you like this, I can't help but pity you." She says, her voice oddly both kind and patronising.

"Then betray the others and stand with me." He lowers his voice, reaching up to grasp her hand. "I'd be careful about being so hands on though, I know a certain brunette werewolf who'd chop you're fingers off for less." Klaus smiles.

Genevieve narrows her eyes and steps away. "Ah yes, Lunar, isn't it? I look forward to meeting her." She sneers. "But first we need to have a talk about your sister."

The smile fades from Klaus' face as he watches Genevieve turn, walking away from him. "Rebekah is of no concern to you. If you mean to harm her-" He growls, voice rising with each word.

"Ah, the protective brother. A shame that loyalty isn't reciprocated. But then, I'm no stranger to Rebekah's treachery. Something you and I have in common." Genevieve says, before picking up a bowl in which she's been preparing a concoction. "Here." She hands it to Klaus.

"Drink. I'm just trying to help you. Heal you. Get you to see the truth that's been right in front of you for almost a century." She continues.

Klaus takes the bowl, beginning to drink. He stops, sensing, tasting, the poison in its contents and is about to spit the disgusting mixture up when Genevieve shoves her hand over his mouth. She tips his head back, forcing him to swallow.

"Your sister had an unfortunate run in with some wolves last night. I imagine you're tasting the venom in her blood. It's the only way I can show you what you need to see. In her weakened state, I'll be able to guide her down memory lane. That's how I'm going to have my revenge. By showing you her betrayal." Genevieve explains, as she reaches out to touch Klaus' forehead; connecting both their minds.

Rebekah continues to run around the hospital, desperately trying to escape. She stops in one of the endless corridors spotting Klaus at the other end, starring back at her.

"Niklaus!" She runs towards him as quickly as she physically can. She passes rooms, each one filled with something more horrifying than the last. In one; a young boy is sat on a table, his eyes are dark and purple bruises rim them. He coughs into a cloth, pulling it away from his mouth to reveal blood.

Continuing to race past the horrors Rebekah eventually passes a sign reading Crematorium. She pushes the door into the room, stepping back in time.


Rebekah walks into the Crematorium, smiling as she greets Marcel. He pulls Rebekah closer to him, kissing her passionately. Marcel pushes the blonde against one of the walls, his hand grasping her leg.

She laughs, pushing him away before they can go too far. "Marcel, have some respect." Rebekah teases.

"Yeah, I don't think they mind." Marcel grins, eyeing the dead bodies in the morgue. "Did you ask Genevieve about doing the spell?" He asks.

𝑰𝑵𝑻𝑶𝑿𝑰𝑪𝑨𝑻𝑬𝑫 - 𝘯𝘪𝘬𝘭𝘢𝘶𝘴 𝘮𝘪𝘬𝘢𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘰𝘯Where stories live. Discover now