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Klaus enters the room in which Genevieve as laid out the ingredients for the moonlight ring spell.

"I trust you're ready?" He asks her.

The witch sighs. "The last ingredient is personal. As the spell is designed to control transformation, I need the blood of a werewolf who doesn't turn on a full moon. My first thought was Lunar, because of the pregnancy-" Klaus cuts her off.

"Out of the question. I'd just as soon limit the mother of my unborn child to the side effects of your witchery. I am half wolf, I control my form - use my blood." He tells her firmly, holding out his arm.

Genevieve looks at him for a moment, before picking up a knife to slice his palm, but before she can do so he roughly grabs ahold of her arm.

"If you fail to hold up your end of the deal, the consequences for you will be apocalyptic." Klaus warns, voice low.

"You say the most romantic things." She replies, a little nervous.

Klaus half laughs, it's menacing; sending a shiver down her spine. He leans in closer to her ear, his breathe tickling her neck. "Oh, that's not what I'll do to you."

Lunar leans against the doorframe, arms folded, looking on. She walks towards them now, standing across the table opposite Genevieve. She leans against the wood, so she's closer to the red head. An evil smile spreads across the brunettes pretty face, and Genevieve is reminded of how difficult this task is going to be.

"It's what I'll do to you." Lunar smirks. "And, we all know Nik will be far harsher. So, chop chop." She slaps her hands together, glancing at Klaus, a tiny laugh dares to escape her lips but she pushes it down.

Genevieve looks at her, before snatching Klaus' hand. She uses her knife to cut his palm, dripping his blood over the black kyanite stones; which start to hiss as she begins her spell.

- The Pit -

Marcel stands in front of his vampire army, addressing them about the strategy for their plan against the Mikaelson's.

"I appreciate y'all coming. It's been a while. By now, you've heard what's going on. Klaus found a way to make werewolves lethal to us twenty four seven. The fireworks at the docks? That was me, trying to spoil his plan. He's moving forward anyway. He's got a witch, he's got a spell, and if he pulls this off? In one night, we go from hunter to prey. Now, I know what some of y'all are thinking. We stood against Klaus before, and we failed. Uh-uh. That's on me. I failed. I called off the attack because I thought it was the only way to save lives. But make no mistake - if we don't stand against him now, our lives aren't worth a damn anyway!" The crowd murmurs in agreement, before Marcel continues.

"A wise man said, if you know yourself, and you know your enemy, then you don't need to fear the outcome of battle! I know myself! I know my friends. And, I know my enemy! I know his strengths, I know his pride, and I know his house. Every nook and cranny. We're gonna go there tonight, hard and fast, all at once, from every angle. We kill their witch, destroy her spellbook, and get the hell out!" The crowd starts to cheer loudly. "And as for Klaus? He'll be coming for me, and that's exactly what I want. I'll lead him away. I just need the rest of you to get past Elijah and do what needs to be done. As for the werewolf, her bark has always been far bigger than her bite, but she's pregnant. We leave her out of this. So, that's the plan. I need to know, right now - who's with me?"

The crowd of vampires cheers, lifting their drinks to Marcel in a show of their solidarity to him.

- The Abattoir -

𝑰𝑵𝑻𝑶𝑿𝑰𝑪𝑨𝑻𝑬𝑫 - 𝘯𝘪𝘬𝘭𝘢𝘶𝘴 𝘮𝘪𝘬𝘢𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘰𝘯Where stories live. Discover now