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After they'd disposed of Dwayne's body Lunar had found herself unwilling to leave the Bayou. Despite her sane mind, she wanted to remain just a little longer, so she did.

Returning to the wooden shack she had once called home she'd found herself transported back in time with each touch of the dusty wood. As her fingers traced books on the shelf, she could almost hear the distant sounds of laughter.

She was happy here, once.

But that was a very long time, and Lunar was no longer the same girl she had once been.

"Tell me about your family." Elijah's words startled her. The book in Lunar's hands tumbled to the floor, sending up a cloud of dust.

She turned, looking at the Original who was beginning to look worse for ware thanks for Klaus' bite.

"There's nothing to tell." Lunar said, building the brick wall surrounding her high.

"That's a hefty family bible full of nothing."

Lunar looked down at the book she'd dropped, bending down now to pick it up.

"What do you want to know?" She shrugged. "My parents were happy, they were in love. They had me. I ruined it all."

"I doubt that very much." Elijah commented.

Lunar laughed. "I killed them, of course I ruined it. I am the monster of their fairytale, Elijah."

He didn't say anything, but he stepped forwards as though he were perhaps going to comfort her, except he stumbled; the werewolf toxin beginning to take hold.

"You need to lie down." Lunar told him firmly, setting the family bible aside, she ushered Elijah over to an old bed.

He watched her in somewhat surprise, as she settled him onto one of the bed's.

"Stop looking at me like that." Lunar scolds, leaving to get Elijah a drink.

"You never struck me as the helping kind." Elijah remarks with a small grin.

Lunar shrugs. "I'm a women of many wonders." She tells Elijah, recalling it's also what she told Rebekah.

Was she really a women of many wonders? Or was she just a women pretending to be something else so often that her true nature was as surprising to her as those around her?

Pushing her thoughts aside, Lunar thrust the cup at Elijah. "Drink this."

Elijah takes it, drinking it before immediately starting to cough.

"Forgive me. Please." He croaks out.

"It's fine." Lunar shrugs. "Your handling fighting deadly werewolf toxin with great dignity." She teases. Elijah smiles back weekly.

"Please.. just return to your reading." Elijah insists.

Lunar looks at him for a moment, before shrugging. There isn't anything else she can do, after all. She walks over to where she's placed the family bible, picking it up and finding a chair to sit on.

There's a thick layer of dust on the cover, that Lunar wipes away to reveal the Crescent symbol; the one which she bore on her shoulder blade.

Turning a page, Lunar stares at the list of her ancestors names. She flips the pages quicker now, hastily; until she finds her own. She's not sure why she needs to see it, but she does.

There's a desperation deep inside her to know that she does belong. That this is still her home.

The penmanship is beautiful; her mother's, she thinks. Running a finger along the ink, her deep brown eyes fill with tears that do not fall.

𝑰𝑵𝑻𝑶𝑿𝑰𝑪𝑨𝑻𝑬𝑫 - 𝘯𝘪𝘬𝘭𝘢𝘶𝘴 𝘮𝘪𝘬𝘢𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘰𝘯Where stories live. Discover now