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Elijah is still across the river, watching two older men playing chess on one of the streets. Marcel returns to join him, after speaking to Davina.

"Davina's on her way. By the time she gets here, you need to be gone." Marcel tells him.

"I'm not going anywhere until I know the whereabouts of the stake." Elijah replies.

"You think she's just going to cooperate with you standing here? First thing I learned living with your family - wherever you people go, threats and bloodshed are soon to follow. So, just stay out of sight, alright? Try not to kill anyone." Marvel says, before leaving to go and meet Davina.

Elijah watches him go, before his eyes fall upon the chess players ones more, launching him back into another memory of when Marcellus was a boy.

New Orleans, 1821

Klaus and Kol are playing chess in the Abattoir, whilst Elijah angrily paces back and forth.

"Forty six. An entire tenement. Forty six bodies drained!" He snaps at them, enraged at their careless actions.

"Nonsense! It was at least sixty!" Kol replies with a smirk. "Ah, they neglected to check the attic!" He concludes.

Klaus laughs. "Ah." He grins, lifting a hand and pointing in his younger brothers direction, before moving one of the figurines on the board.

"Why do people always run to the attic? I mean, it makes no sense!" Kol laughs along with his brother.

"It is difficult enough to keep our presence in the city a secret without the two of you doing absolutely everything in your power to draw attention to us." Elijah shouts at them, annoyed.

"I'm surprised you have the time to concern yourself with us, given the hours you spend doting on Marcellus." Klaus says, clearly jealous.

"Is that what all this is about? You envy my bond with Marcellus? Niklaus, you brought that child into this home! He's no longer safe here. I cannot allow him to remain." Elijah threatens.

"You would punish the boy for Kol's antics?" Klaus shouts back, furious now. "I would just as soon put him in a box!" He angrily points towards Kol.

"You'd choose that little whelp over your own family?" Kol says, offended.

"That little whelp is our family!" Klaus shoots back, before turning to Elijah. "Marcellus stays."

Present day - Marcel's apartment

"Hey! Long time, little D." Marcel greets when the young witch steps into his apartment.

She smiles. "I got your message. What's going on?"

"Come on, I don't get a hug?" Marcel teases, holding out his arms. Davina laughs, embracing the vampire into a hug.

"It's good to see you, Marcel." Davina tells him when they pull away.

"It's good to see you, too! I appreciate you coming all the way out here... How's school? Make any new friends?" Marcel asks.

"I dunno. This one guy asked me out.. but then, he stood me up." She shrugs.

"He stood you up?" Marcel repeats, in disbelief.

"Mhmm." Davina says with a laugh.

"Say the word, and he's dead." Marcel grins, and they both start to laugh. "Okay, I hate to ask for a favour, but.. I need a locator spell. Something's missing.. a white oak stake that's powerful enough to kill an Original."

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