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Lunar sighs, they have returned to the compound in much less happy spirits. She pours herself a shot and necks it down, relishing in the way it burns her throat as she swallows.

Soft footsteps approach her from behind, but she doesn't need to turn around to know it's Nik. His arm wraps around her waist and she breathes out, relaxing into his body.

"I'm sorry, about your brother." Lunar whispers after a moment, pouring a shot and sliding it across the e bar for Klaus.

He looks at her and smiles softly, taking the drink and downing it. "Do you think it's a bad omen?" Lunar's question startles him.

"Bad omen for what?" He wants to know, setting the glass back down on the table, he takes the bottle of Bourbon now and fills it himself, watching Lunar intently as he does so.

She looks away from his intense gaze, starring up at the black night sky. "For us, our marriage." Lunar replies, her voice quiet as her eyes fixate on the moon.

Klaus laughs gently. "Death and tragedy have always followed this family, and it will continue to do so. Married or not, Lunar, that's just how it is."

Lunar looks at him now, her dark eyes are sad, glazed over with tears she doesn't dare let fall. "I'm glad I get to face it with you, though."

"Me too, Lunar, me too." Suddenly, there's the sound of a baby crying somewhere in the compound, breaking into the conversation.

Lunar half laughs. "And, reality hits." She teases, setting down her drink, she begins to climb the stairs up to the second story balcony. "Coming?" She stops, turning to look at Klaus.

He smiles, following behind her as they make their way to Hope's nursery. "Hey, baby girl." Lunar soothed softly, reaching the baby out of the crib, she holds her close to her chest and rocks her gently.

"Are you hungry?" She asks Hope, who continues to cry. Gesturing, she points to a bag in the corner of the room. "Can you get her bottles from there and make up a feed?"

Klaus looks at her utterly clueless. He picks up the bag and stares in confusion at the bottles. Lunar bites back a laugh at the Original Hybrid's confused expression.

"W-with milk?" He frowns, looking back at the giggling brunette.

"No, Nik, with blood from your blood bag stash. Of course with milk." Lunar practically face palms. "Look, I'll do it. You stay with her." She shakes her head in amusement, passing Hope to Klaus.

Grabbing the bottles, Lunar exits the room smiling to herself, heading down to the compound's kitchen.

Although, Klaus doesn't realise she lingers in the doorway for a second longer, watching on as he gazes at their daughter, seemingly almost mesmerised by the little thing in his arms.

She smiles, her heart feeling full as she watches her husband dote on their baby girl.

"Hey." A voice behind Lunar startles her, and she turns to see her daughter stood there. Hayley has now changed from her bridesmaid dress, she looks even more like her mother stood there in a baggy t-shirt and black skinny jeans.

"Do you want me to help you with those?" Hayley asks, gesturing to the bottles Lunar has in her arms.

"That'd be amazing, thank you!" Lunar smiles, stepping away from the doorway now and beginning to head to the compound's kitchen with Hayley.

"You know, I am sorry, that we never got to have that." Lunar speaks up after a moment, nodding her head in a backwards direction.

Hayley looks at her mother intently. "Me too." She simply says, an air of sadness envelopes the brunettes features.

Lunar stops walking for a moment, looking at her daughter. "I did want you, you know." She tells Hayley, searching her hazel eyes.

"Why here though? Why leave me with the vampires?" Hayley questions.

"Because I knew Marcel would make sure you were safe, he never hurt kids." Lunar shrugs, unable to give her daughter a better reason.

Hayley watches her for a long time.

𝑰𝑵𝑻𝑶𝑿𝑰𝑪𝑨𝑻𝑬𝑫 - 𝘯𝘪𝘬𝘭𝘢𝘶𝘴 𝘮𝘪𝘬𝘢𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘰𝘯Where stories live. Discover now